CloeFerrer on-line sex chats for YOU!


deep throat and ride the dildo for 5min [500 tokens remaining]

Date: October 6, 2022

15 thoughts on “CloeFerrer on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. We've been together for 9 months and both in our 20's. He keeps promising me that he will see me in person or at least talk on the phone but he has an excuse why he did not come over or send me a message like he was doing something. We had a fight recently and he did the exact same thing, our fights would just be forgotten not unless if I bring it up and if I did he will tell me to understand him for the meantime. I send him sms but he leaves me on seen or ignores my message until he feels like he wants to respond.

  2. Honestly, there are several things I think you need to do here.

    Most important, get yourself into therapy. Threatening harm to yourself, feeling like harming yourself and or harming yourself over relationship issues shows there are much deeper rooted issues that you need to address in your life so that you can be healthier and stronger mentally

    Get yourself independent of him. Either move or get him off the lease. Separate yourself from him financially.

    Rehome the problematic dogs.

    This may be hot to hear, but he already has one foot out of the relationship, and his other one isn’t far behind. You aren’t a failure for struggling to take care of something you planned on having together, and having 4 dogs is a ton of work, let alone having one or two to take care of. That’s a huge amount of responsibility and stress. Rehome the problematic pups for your safety and your other pup’s safety. This will significantly lessen stress surrounding pups.

    You need to start looking out in your own best interests because he and his parents won’t be. In fact I wouldn’t be shocked if his parents were pushing him to end things with you. Consider having him removed from the lease if possible or getting yourself removed if he refuses to allow himself to be removed. If he is removed, look into getting a roommate or two to help share bill responsibilities.

    I know you are struggling with what they call the sunken fallacy costs. Yes, 15 years is a long time with someone, but he is running around like a single man, giving you conflicting messages (ie doesn’t want to be with you/doesn’t love you, but then tells you that he actually does/wants to come home before reverting back). But this, this is just toxic and a mess and you need to focus on you for your own mental sanity. If he really wants a relationship with you, you guys really really need to go to couples counseling.

  3. Hello /u/fuzzycane,

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  4. For some people, it's an easy discussion because there is no issues with things like retroactive jealousy or feeling like their partner is…ahem… “used”, for others it's felt to be a required topic for whatever reason and then sometimes they allow it to eat away at their relationship – be it retroactive jealousy or the aforementioned “used”, or simply to see if the other person aligns with their outlook on it all – which can also cause the relationship to fall apart due to differing morality, values, what have you.

    If you genuinely feel that the past is the past and have no desire to allow it to dictate your future, then I would suggest not talking about it. To what end would it serve in this case? You already know she has slept with more people than you have.

    I would just tell her that you would not be comfortable with the topic and thar the past is the past and you aren't going to judge her for it.

  5. If you're genuinely worried for both of your children's futures, get away from the man who's abusing them and their mother. If you stay, you're teaching them that this is what love looks like, and statistically speaking, they're almost guaranteed to be in the same kind of relationships for the rest of their lives, and your grandchildren will carry on the family trauma.

    Is that preferable to a down payment on a house?

  6. Lol this man ain’t getting better. He gets mad when other people (women) do things better. And he can’t patch a ceiling but insists on doing this shit? You don’t have a handy man you have a not so handy boy.

    Imagine behaving like this around children? Is he gonna be mad a child emasculated him when the kid can do something better than he can? Which will happen like when the kid is 5 by the sounds of it.

  7. No, she has a psychotic reaction to a mere question about opening the marriage – that is why she should seek therapy.

  8. Exactly! Manic episodes can be spotted a mile away. Not eating, not sleeping, overindulgence and impulsiveness, purported moments of clarity when the manic person is clearly pinballing between minutiae, ephemera, vaguely-related concepts, and tangents. OP's husband fucked up big time, but he doesn't sound manic.

  9. Where does one draw the line? She mentions almost every thing he does with other girls, when the conversation is not initially about that

  10. You need your own attorney. You’ve spent 20 years with this man and it sounds like he’s making moves that will absolutely leave you screwed when he dies.

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