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claraxxlove1live sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “claraxxlove1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your reaction is normal. Your mom's behavior is not. She needs therapy. She is emotionally attaching to you 'cause she is getting nothing from her husband. Perhaps showing her this post might wake her up.

  2. I'm so sorry you've gone through that. My sister I are 10 and 9 years older than our youngest sibling & we made a point of including him in activities. While we don't always get along, he's family & it's not his fault that mom had him so late.

    Well I figure family counselling is way too late & probably out of the question, Consider speaking to a therapist about your feelings and rather than complete NC. For the sake of your parents GO VERY VERY LOW major holidays (Christmas & T-Day) only CONTACT, skip birthdays and don't spend more than 25 bucks on X-mas Visa gift cards for the adults and 10 bucks for the kids. Then sit back see how long it takes them to notice.

  3. Do not buy a house with someone that you cannot even discuss marriage with.

    Frankly I wouldn’t buy a house with someone I’m not married/engaged to either.

  4. Do you think im over reacting?

    It's not small news so I'd be hesitant to say that you definitely are over-reacting. From the cheating point of view, it sounds like everyone was on the same page so I wouldn't worry so much about that. Maybe his best friend's wife reluctantly agreed but for your own sake, leave that as an issue for the friend and his wife.

    For your BF, this was his one sexual experience with a guy, one that is filled, by the sounds of it, with embarrassment and regret. We all have embarrassing things we'd hesitate to admit to but for him it's thrown in his sexuality along with a situation with his best friend. That's not a positive same sex experience.

    It does sound like he's got past any issues with it and maybe that's the key thing to take away from it. They did a thing, there's regret there, they've managed to leave it in the past and maintain a friendship. If it was more than that then the friendship would be difficult to maintain.

  5. He's a complete dumpster fire. Blaming victims for the gross actions of men? He can fuck all the way off. Dump his ass and celebrate by getting you some cute clothes.

  6. I actually am clean for the last 24 hours but the sleep deprivation and everything around me taking a transition all on a sudden , It feels like I've messed it up totally

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