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ChristinaGlorylive sex stripping with hd cam


28 thoughts on “ChristinaGlorylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Umm should you tell OP or should I?

    You extremely need therapy and to get as far away from him as possible

  2. Erase him from your life. He has no respect for you. All the arguing is not good for your child. My cousins dealt with their parents arguing all the time. They wouldn’t separate due to religious reasons. My cousins prayed for one of them to die so the household wouldn’t be so verbally abusive.

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  4. You're bring reasonable tour wife is not.

    I used to be a smoking cessation counsellor and vaping is the worst. COPD is serious. She is insane for even considering vaping. No doctor would ve ok with her vaping.

    You're not bullying her you are just rightly concerned about her health.

    You can't control someone to make smart choices but uou don't have to enable them either.

    Tbh if I were you I would be so annoyed my partner was being so stupid about their health. She should be grateful you have common sense.

  5. It’s gonna be easier to change your own reaction, rather than try to change his actions. He’s explained that he’s bad at texting, that it doesn’t reflect how he cares about you. Now it’s your turn to work on changing your own anxious habits. Have you tried spending less time on your phone, or checking it less frequently? You should work on finding a way to self soothe when he doesn’t respond, rather than expect him to change immediately

  6. Like I said, I never knew much of my family and I got really excited about seeing all the results. Even my mom seemed excited and was recognizing the names of distant relatives with me at first. She was even contributing by confirming names and such.

    I thought my mom was excited. But then all of this has happened and I'm not so sure what to do. I think this whole thing has just led to a lot of hurt. Other people are pointing out that this is unearthing hurt feelings or trauma and now I regret getting the DNA test.

  7. i don't know any upper management that would protect somebody that blatantly shared nudes of a co-worker. That lawsuit would crush the company, and if it's publicly traded then they'd have to answer to shareholders.

  8. Well definitely your goals are different right now. There are 22 year olds that want to get married and have babies. But you’re more education bound which is great. It’s just different. Also, don’t let your parents pick your mate. They won’t pick some of you’re gonna love they’re gonna pick somebody they will love. And frankly six years isn’t that big of a deal. I think the life stage is more of the issue. You’ll figure it out though.

  9. Before you spend nine months hating this child you MUST first confirm it’s not yours

    The amount of trauma it would cause both of you (and the child) if it turned out to be yours after all is far worse than it is currently

  10. Leave him. He broke your trust and won’t acknowledge it. Don’t marry him he’s a manipulative person and doesn’t care nor respect you

  11. Hmm. I think that you have to get him to engage in a difficult conversation here and I'm afraid I don't know how you can start it. But you have to make him listen and understand that he's being very unfair in denying you personal satisfaction from your relationship. At least with the foreplay stuff you have a starting point as he already does that and should be willing to extend it for your benefit. Then take one very small step at a time into your new sexual world.

  12. Btw she knew from the beginning that I hated cheaters and that it was the worst thing she could do to me as I just came out of a relationship that brought me to my mental edge almost unaliving myself multiple times

  13. Get a long-term storage solution for the “collectibles” (they have vacuum bags, rubber tubs, cloth boxes, etc.) and insist anything with a hole in it needs to be thrown out.

  14. My ex is very similar in this regard. Without going to therapy and addressing this, there’s really nothing you can do. Even if you try to talk to him about it, try to convince him, he is still going to pick his mother every single time. All it will do is make you seem like you hate his mother, and like you were trying to create a wedge between them.

    You are better off walking away and finding a man who is still not attached to his mothers, umbilical cord.

  15. This hurts to hear. If she's decided she doesn't want kids, and has NEVER promised to me that we would and I have NEVER made any comments to the effect that children are vitally important to me, why wouldn't she be able to tell me that?

    I'm sure you don't have the answer, but it's part of my struggle for sure.

  16. Ok, I’m sorry. I just want you to know that I hated myself the entire time for caring about these things. It’s not like this is what I wanted. I was just brought up a certain way and I did not handle these feelings well. I would literally stay up all night praying that I could wake up and not care about these things. I know I hurt her, I’m sorry. Almost everything in that post is my side of things, and I just want to hear these those things that I think to be true from her. I want her to tell me that she felt controlled or trapped. If you think that makes me a bad person, I don’t disagree I’m sorry.

  17. She was 23 when they met and he knocked her up a few months into dating according to the timeline. Absolutely predatory vibes.

  18. Seriously? i think I agree with your brother, you aren't ready for a permanent relationship at all. This is some spoiled teenager me meme he stole my engagement gear even though I'm nit even engaged BS.

  19. It’s not about the flowers. I guess it seems that way. Lmao. It’s more than that. But I think all in all right now, he takes care of me, he treats me well. I haven’t left his side since the day we met.

  20. Please share with him how you feel, I feel like he may just misinterpret your recent relationship developments.

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