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choi_aralive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “choi_aralive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Well he is 36 fyi… but thanks. He broke up with me anyway, because I said his behaviour was disrespectful and if he wanted to hear what I had to say then he would listen instead of rolling his eyes and blinking like he's exasperated and annoyed like a moody teen.

  2. Personally I view calling someone attractive means that you yourself are also attracted to the person in a way, but calling them good looking and only good looking is saying that they are conventionally attractive. I think a lot of women are good looking but I wouldn’t say I find them attractive because I’m only truly attracted to the person that I’m dating. Just my view

  3. I'd date a virgin but I wouldn't date someone who was choosing not to have sex until they were in a committed relationship etc bc that's just not compatible with my values and my sexuality 🙂

    Light kissing and hand holding wouldn't come under sexual activity for me personally, minimum criteria for that for me would probs be a heated make out session. I want a partner where we can't keep our hands off each other.

    Nothing wrong with your stance at all, but we just wouldn't be compatible so it wouldn't be worth investing my time and energy in many dates!

  4. I feel like you guys aren't properly communicating. You saying you need a few minutes is valid, her wanting to stay in the bedroom is valid. None of the rest of that needed to happen. You can say you need space, and should have that respected, but you can't dictate where someone can be in their house.

    I would just pinpoint what bothered both of you about this scenario, together, and then brainstorm ways to better communicate what you need to eachother.

  5. So he thinks you're going to cheat on him because if he had a female trainer he'd cheat on you? Does he not have any faith or trust in you at all? Yeah, not having a trainer is not an option. You do you.

  6. Thank you for this. I did promise her and I don’t blame her or judge her because it was in the past but it’s just something I can’t seem to ignore and I just want advice on how can I move on without having the picture in my head. You get what I mean?

  7. “I’ve told her about my past and how cheating is a one strike and you’re out sort of situation for me”

    But now you have doubts, so not so much at ONE strike right? For this is clearly a strike. Just for a what? 2 dollar alcohol shot? What would she do for a bottle then? Where is the limit?

    If you have sucked a female stripper nipple would have she freaked out? Or she would thin that you disrespecting her and your relationship its coll because HEY A FREE SHOT !

  8. You won't trust him again.

    Trust is rarely fixable. Once someone shows you that you cannot trust them, your brain registers that and it's pretty hot to unregister it.

  9. First of all, I am sorry that you and your girlfriend are going through this difficult situation. It sounds like a very traumatic experience for her, and it is understandable that you are feeling confused and upset about the situation.

    It is important to remember that regardless of what happened, your girlfriend was not in a state to give consent, and that is not acceptable. It is possible that she was drugged, or that she simply drank too much and was taken advantage of. Either way, she was not able to give consent, and that is a violation of her autonomy.

    It is also important to note that victims of sexual assault often struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, and fear after the event. Your girlfriend may be feeling all of these things, which could explain why she initially lied about what happened. It is not uncommon for victims to blame themselves or feel like they did something wrong, even when they didn't.

    It is important to approach this situation with empathy and support for your girlfriend. Encourage her to seek counseling or therapy to help her process the trauma and to provide her with a safe space to talk about her feelings. You may also want to consider couples therapy to help you both work through your feelings and to improve your communication and trust.

    It is important to remember that sexual assault is never the victim's fault, and it is important to believe and support your girlfriend through this difficult time. However, it is also important to take care of yourself and your own emotions. It may be helpful to seek support from a therapist or a support group for partners of sexual assault victims.

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