Chlooee live sex chats for YOU!


13 thoughts on “Chlooee live sex chats for YOU!

  1. This needs to be a much deeper conversation. Make it clear that you see having a dog as part of your life and always will. There's a lot of wiggle room when it comes to dogs, though. Does he have an issue with shedding and slobber? There are breeds that don't do that. Is it an issue of cost? There are different ways of obtain and training a dog, and you can talk about your finances and what having this pet will look like to you. Is it an issue of responsibility? You can talk about how these responsibilities would be shared and make a plan. I'm with you that not wanting pets would be a deal breaker for me. I enjoy the companionship of a dog, and the routine of daily walks, and keeping a dog on a schedule keeps me on a healthy schedule. I've always had dogs and I always will. But there's a difference in lifestyle between a husky puppy and a bulldog and an older Labrador, etc. Does he object to them on principle, or does he object to a specific aspect of them? Does he understand how important this is to you? You need to sit down and have a conversation about this to determine that. I'm a bit shocked that this came up at the start of dating and then not again for two years, though.

  2. So you don't see how my link says that actually yes it is a crime for a 13 year old to send sexually explicit photos of themselves to someone else?


  3. That’s disrespectful as hell and if I were you, there wouldn’t be a second date. You don’t touch another person’s phone. Not cool, red flag

  4. Leave it be, you won’t gain anything. Time to move on fully, learn from the relationship, find a new hobby if you haven’t, work on yourself.

  5. Yeah these responses are bonkers. As if it's a crime against humanity to ever be friends with a flawed human being who makes mistakes. In a meaningful friendship people should be able to confide mistakes and regrets and secrets and be able to love each other even they dont always approve of the others actions. The absolute audacity of these people to confidently say that a complete stranger is a terrible person simply because someone she cared about made a mistake and she didnt immediately stop caring about them!!

  6. This is a really interesting possibility, and definitely likely. Even if she isn't cheating, she's definitely stepping outside the boundaries of the marriage with this man, and OP really needs to stop lying to himself.

  7. You're welcome. I've been following this poster for a very long time now, by my estimate over a year. Some time ago (maybe even 2 years ago?) they made a post confessing to fabricating dozens of posts and said they needed mental health help. They later deleted the post and continued posting.

  8. Thanks it feels good to get it off my chest. I just hope this pain goes away. Because despite how terrible it was when we were together. The last six months he has been the person I originally fell in love with and everytime he came over i was so happy and so were the boys. And we talked about reconciliation and being in an open relationship as I want to be free to explore too. And when he told me about this new girl I was surprised by how happy I was for him that he was moving forward and getting to a better place he told me he would tell her about us and things wouldn't change. But overnight they did. He hast visited in 3 months and no contact and just doesn't even message to check in on the boys. He kissed his sons first day of primary school and last time he had them one got nappy rash and the other was wearing the same clothes I dropped him off in. Like how hot is it to take care of your kids properly 2 days a fortnight. I'm a very clean organised and reliable parent. I do consider that slacking off as neglect and that's one of the reasons we are getting a parenting plan consent order. So he legally needs to do his best or risk loosing the boys.

    I'm just really pissed off that I let myself become deluded and thought we could make it work.

    I'm angry that it's effecting my mental health and that our friendly co parenting has now turned sour.

    Coz yeah I can't see him without bursting into tears I just want him to hold me and love me and I hate him at the same time.

    I almost checked myself into hospital on Friday after I dropped off my kids because I just wanted to end my life. Instead I got a massage, hair cut and swam at the beach. But fuck I'm so angry that I'm being so effected by this.

  9. He's 19. He has agency. She isn't forcing him.

    Do I think it's odd? Yeah, I do. But he isn't a child.

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