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Room for online video chats Chloe_Bandana

Chloe_Bandanalive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat Chloe_Bandana

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Languages: en

Birth Date: 2003-11-04

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorGrey

Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: November 21, 2022

42 thoughts on “Chloe_Bandanalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Its as simple as Life itself.

    The connection is broken and each person is working to deal with that.

    No Delphian Mystery here…..

  2. So let’s dig into that a bit. 3 years of not seeing her parents. 3 years ago a pandemic that affected the whole world began. So going off that info, she did not compromise there because of him. She got dealt the same shit hand any of us did -no fault of her husband. It wasn’t his command that led to countries being locked down travel and visitations.

    So no, I don’t think that’s a fair comparison regarding whose making compromises for the sake of the relationship unless he specifically kept her from her parents for years. And as stated, if she wants to spend 6 months with her parents and he is willing to have them move in to their 1 bdr apartment for 3, then she can go back with them to China for the remaining 3 months

  3. Imagine if this was a woman who donated her eggs… there would in no way be the same uproar but of course, because this is a man who made a choice about HIS body, all of a sudden its classed as infidelity to some and going behind his wife's back to have another child.

    This is not his child. He will not be raising said child. Should he have discussed it with his wife? Yes. I can see why he didn't though. Massive insecurities through this entire thread.

  4. Tell him when he has spent a lifetime being a woman than he can explain women things to women. Until that day, you're not listening to his uninformed nonsense. Although why you're still bothering with him at all is beyond me.

  5. They are sweet initially and then they start to break you… The honeymoon phase is over, pick up your shoes and flee

  6. If you want to address it in the moment, you can try to brush it off: “I feel great, I'm happy with where I'm at” or you can turn it on them: “Why would you say something so cruel to me?” or “What a thing to say out loud to a person you love.” or “Oh, did you mean to say that to my face?”

    If you can't or don't want to react in the moment, you can still say something later on. “I didn't want to react in the moment, but the other day when you said X, it really bothered me, I was really surprised that you'd say something so cruel to me. Can you talk to me about your thought process around that choice?”

    Because, OP, these people are CHOOSING to say these things to you. It's not an accident.

  7. I agree with him that you have no business in how he spends his own money, even though he is choosing to do so irresponsibly. And he is also not going to change, so you just need to decide if this is a deal-breaker for you or not.

  8. ' since my boyfriend is actually a very lovely and caring partner' he is neither of these things

    He's misogynistic and controlling. This is the start and it will only get worse.

  9. Trying to change another person is about the dumbest thing you can do, it's not even possible.

    And OP it sounds like you desire a partner who will challenge your intellectual prowess. You have made it abundantly clear that this isn't that person. You will grow resentful over the years because of this.

  10. Honestly you’re young and should live your youth to its fullest. To not be attracted to your partner isn’t good bc like you said you feel like you’re missing out. There’s other people out there. I also think it’s better to let her go so she has someone who can appreciate her body without them thinking it’s malformed

  11. What do you do? FLY BACK HOME. The fact that he kept bringing up anal when he knew you’re uncomfortable with it should be enough of a red flag. At this point he is literally telling you that he plans to rape you. Idc if it’s “just a fantasy of his.” Get tf outta there.

  12. Yeah, sounds like you're not compatible. Having good chemistry and getting along doesn't make you compatible. You have different goals, different dreams, it would never work out. She shouldn't have to sacrifice something that means so much to her, and neither should you. Stuff like this can't be decided in a compromise, and it'll only lead to resentment if either of you cave.

  13. Hi there! I had an abortion at 18 while dating my abuser. And I have 0 regrets!! I’m 26 now and I’m happily dating a man who would do anything for me and never makes me feel insecure about us and our relationship. I just want to tell you what your life can look like on the other side, I wish you well regardless of your choice :,)

  14. I’m glad it helped! FWIW I think we often confuse depth of connection with quality of connection. Like there are definitely a couple of people in my past that I’ve had a deep connection with, to the point where I felt like they were the only people who could really understand me. But so many of my other needs in those relationships were just not being met – for emotional availability, consistency, communication, equality of effort etc. So even though we did have this deep connection, the way we related to each other actually wasn’t very good.

    And having now been happily married for nearly a decade, I can say that the quality of the way you relate to each other REALLY matters. Like even over and above the “deep connection” stuff. Because that’s what actually makes up the bread and butter of a relationship – how you speak to each other, how you handle problems together, how you show up for one another in both good and bad times. You can feel really, truly seen and known by someone and they can still take you for granted and treat you like crap – one doesn’t cancel out the other.

    There may be parts of your connection with her that you can never replicate in your relationship with another person. But that’s ok. Those parts of you don’t die just because your partner doesn’t connect with them. You can nurture them yourself, and you can find other people in your life outside of your romantic partners who see and appreciate those parts of you. Don’t mistake a strong connection for a healthy one.

  15. Yeah, I think the mental image is understandable.

    Overall, I just think it's weird how most people always make it sound mildly sexist, as it always seems to apply to men potentially dating female siblings. Like “oh no, she's 30yo, but big brothers little princess isn't allowed to date/have sex with someone of equal interest”. Being somewhat “owned” by the male relatives. Hence you need to ask them first, before the girl/woman

    It also gives into this old idea of “men using and abusing women” -hence female siblings being the exception, because they “actually matter”. Which is both sexist and also a little fucked up

  16. If you want her to be happy you should step out of the way and let her pursue this new romantic relationship. It sounds like she really likes the guy and she is young and should find the best guy she can.

  17. Fair enough. Would you say you're compatible? Do you want the same things? Are there red flags you've brushed off? Any other issues that haven't been addressed?

  18. You're either looking at a future with her or you're not.

    Doing this without consulting with her, taking her with you, or discussing your future together is a big signal that you're not really invested in the future or are taking your relationship seriously, as she said.

    If you don't already know after 2 and a half years, then just be honest with her and quit wasting both of your time. I mean, jeez, dude.

  19. Yes, escalate the dangerous thing into something way more dangerous, brilliant. You are vastly more likely to die in a self defense situation when you brandish a gun than if you hadn't. The majority of altercations with a self defense firearm end with the defender dying, not killing or stopping their attacker.

  20. Well since OP only specified one bedroom door I think it's safe to assume that they're sharing one bedroom, like in a college dorm type situation.

  21. Yeah, because he's male…and capable of getting said partner pregnant in the first place…

    You can't just “what if we switched the people involved so it does fit my argument?!”

  22. Honestly this isn’t their business and them siding with her shows how fake they are. But don’t involve them is all. You ignoring her is justified, she needs to know that actions have consequences. She can’t play the I didn’t know you wanted to be serious because she would not have even apologized in the first place.

  23. . I guarantee you he will be doing the same thing in 10 years.

    But you can't actually and that's my point.

  24. Chemically, it’s a normal thing to want to flirt and get approval from someone you find attractive.

    Accept that and then resolve to suppress that urge, since it’s not good for your relationship. You can’t suppress the feeling, but you don’t have to follow through with every urge that takes you.

    Keep the interactions to a minimum. Don’t flirt. Avoid any alone time or opportunities where you could make bad choices. Do not go out for drinks after work. And if you’re both at a gathering and drinking, do not have a conversation with him.

    If you want to stay faithful, just avoid him. If you want to stay sane, accept that the human brain is a weirdo and will make you feel a lot of things, not all of them will be great ideas.

  25. Adderall especially seems to be bad for this, vyvanse has a bit of a rush if you are taking a single dose on the higher ranges, I preferred splitting the doses so I had less of a crash in the afternoon. Foquest is way better for me though in general.

  26. Just do as she told you.. break up, you snooped on her phone and she’s not really wrong in the notion that you only are dating.. and using it on Bosnia?? For what??

  27. Bro I promise there are some situations where you shouldn't play devils advocate and consistent marital rape is one of them. Don't die on this hill.

  28. Do not get back with this woman!

    I don't see this “sweet” person you keep referring to. You've been walking on egg shells for years due to her repeated assaults (she's woken you up multiple times before in the middle of the night to start a fight, it's not just been two incidents), her homophobia, her jealousy, her drinking, her anger.

    She deliberately tried to get you killed by the police, pretending you were hurting her while she was attacking you. You aren't safe around her. You can't pretend that she didn't know what she was doing when she was screaming that you were hurting her as she chased you around the apartment.

    She is going to murder you if you stay. You need to keep that restraining order and you need to get as far away from her as possible. Love shouldn't be that naked, you are supposed to be able to relax and be yourself not think up strategies to de-escalate middle of the night assaults.

    Please run. And get cameras installed.

  29. Oh no girl that's how they get you. They let you meet an angel then make you spend the rest of your life trying to bring the nice version back. Babe that scumbag is the real him, don't let him manipulate.

  30. Any advice on how to communicate about how hurted and dissapointed I am?

    You leave him. Seriously.

    So what’s the point of being a couple?

    There isn't one.

    Sorry to be blunt but he is a TERRIBLE boyfriend. Please don't put up with this any longer

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