Chicacuarzo on-line sex chats for YOU!


chicacuarzo Public Chat Channel

Date: November 8, 2022

9 thoughts on “Chicacuarzo on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Be upfront with your husband. Tell him you don’t have or want any claim to the house your brother bought for your parents and you don’t want to discuss it further. And that even though he’s your husband you’re not going to get into an inheritance war with your brother over a house whose ownership is unknown.

    It’s quite possible the house was bought in your brothers name and if so your parents were just tenants and their estate has no claim on it.

  2. You’re friends with selfish, insufferable d!€k$. These aren’t people you can depend on to celebrate you/ have a good time then they certainly aren’t people who will be there for you when it’s tough. New year, new you. These people have shown their true colors and now you have the ability to create a new and better set of friends.

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  3. It stings to look at it that way, but you’re right. That’s how I should see it.

    Especially when sex was becoming nonexistent between us, and she was literally trying to sext me at points where she was talking to these people at the same exact time.

    She claims she didn’t actually want to physically do anything with these people, but she enjoyed the sexual validation and attention from them. I believe insecurity is part of it, because she’s constantly questioning her looks, and even with me she questioned if I actually found her attractive or not.

    But at the same time, maybe it’s partly that and partly a kink like you said, where she likes to get off to these messages and attention. I didn’t think to question her on that.

    I just wish I whatever her needs where that she told me instead of doing these things behind my back

  4. I think you're missing where they are trying to patch things up. He lied to her repeatedly about the concert and the previous plans they made. Now he springs them as he kept them but didn't communicate with her properly, which probably made this marriage issue happen in the first place.

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