Cherylloving online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 9, 2022

64 thoughts on “Cherylloving online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Whether the number is 1 or 100, it doesn't have any bearing on the relationship you have now. You can not change her past, and if you can't accept that than you should have no part of her future.

  2. Because if an 18-year-old is sexually or romantically attracted to a 13-year-old, there's something wrong with them. Full stop. Just because it sounds slightly less icky on paper for a 24-year-old to be with a 19-year-old, doesn't mean it's not fucking gross that's she's known you since you were 13 and she was an adult.

    You can ignore every single person here, we can't stop you. But you will understand when you are older.

  3. Y'all negative as fuck? y'all are projecting like shit cause I messed with enough ppl to know the signs of being ghosted and this ain't that. My fault for asking miserable ass redditors for advice on things you'll never have, like a life

  4. My girlfriend has been denying my sexual advances and never ever proposing anything like that herself for more than a year now (on a 2 years old relationship), and even I don't act stupid (for lack of a better term) like that, not just with alcohol but in general.

    This, however, is a straight path towards alcoholism and should probably be addressed by OP…

  5. This is a really well stated summary of your feelings and I think if you explain it as succinctly and honestly as you are now he might understand where you’re coming from. People have differences in opinions and attitudes and you should be allowed to address things you disagree with or that don’t make sense to you. I hope you’re able to work this out!!

  6. Anything you are both into trying is normal.

    Anything one of your really doesn’t want to try is not normal.

    Stop worrying what’s “normal,” nothing is normal. Worry about what you’d like to do or not do.

  7. This is legitimately most logical and helpful comment I’ve come across yet. Thank you so much! I appreciate your feedback. ?

  8. Hello /u/Beast8333,

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  9. You devoted a whole paragraph to him following your IG. So stop kidding yourself. You are watching and caring about whether he’s watching you.

    Block him. Who cares what he thinks. He’s not in your life anymore.

  10. If he didn't want to be disturbed he'd have locked the door, he didn't so he's not arsed if anyone, you or anyone comes in

  11. Think abou? how manipulative and calculating this really is and the fact that you are willing to use other people as your emotional support just in case you get dumped. I think that is a shitty way to treat other people.

  12. The difference between sanity and insanity is doing the same thing, all over again, and expecting different results.

    You know what you should do. You just want someone to tell you it's okay to go back a cheating ex who is trying to hoover you back into her life so she can trample all over you again

    I'd look on her call as karma catching up to her. She cheated on you. Her SO cheated on her. I'd have asked her, “How's it feel?' and hung up the phone. But that's just me. I choose to not be a doormat.

  13. You already know what we’re going to say. 4 months in things should be light and fun – it should be an escape. The fact that you’ve spent the honeymoon phase reassuring him and walking on eggshells is concerning. If this is him at his best behavior what is he gonna be like two years form now?

    Leave. You know you have to.

  14. So I think she is jealous, but doesn’t want to put the effort to understand OP’s hobbies so instead she wants him to limit his contact with his sister

  15. I’m not getting a good feeling for him. His proposal was creepy as it is, but for him to get mad at you for asking if it was a kink/fantasy of his I feel is a big red flag.

    If it wasn’t a fantasy of his why would he say all that? Why would he bring it up?

    If he thinks that is normal then it’s time to get out of that relationship ASAP. If his justification for saying all that is to stop making him out as a creep and look at all the good he does then it’s time to jump shit. The only one here making him look creepy is him. He outed himself lol.

    You guys instinct of this screaming as a red flag to you is dead on.

  16. Was your IUD hormonal? They have non hormonal options that may not have the same negative side effects for you. Might be something to consider trying with your doctor.

  17. I wouldn't bother mentioning you don't like his name. Just explain that you don't want to change your name because of all the other personal and very valid reasons you mentioned here.

    You need to tell him because if he can't get over it you should know this now. I can't imagine ever caring about somebody's name more than I care about them, so in my view this seems like something he should be able to cope with and move on with you together with different names. However, obviously some other people have different feelings about things so I can't say what he'll decide.

  18. You probably should've acted your age and wrapped your willy so you wouldn't be acting fake shocked that unprotected sex with a woman you barely know got her pregnant

  19. I agree with your sentiment but not at all on his dreams. It is possible to get into the graphic design world and get the job he wants. I do agree that he should get a full-time job and work his way up from the bottom. Possibly getting a job related to graphic designing, and doing free-lance to show case his ability. But completely dismissing his dreams is not good advice.

  20. I believed you until the fight scene. 8/10 story writing. You need to work on making your fight scenes more believable.

  21. Something similar happened to my partner. It took months for him to tell me, and it broke my heart that he lived with that guilt for so long. It wasn't his fault. Mostly I was angry I had trusted someone as a friend who was capable of doing something so selfish and hurtful and gross .. The sober person was in control, the drunk nearly passed out person was not.

    I don't know how a loving partner could see what happened to you any other way.

  22. Neither side is bad here. You aren't wrong for not wanting to hear your parents have sex, but they aren't wrong for doing it. It's a tough situation, but remember no one is bad.

    As others said, noise cancelling headphones, and do what you can to start planning to move out. Maybe with the right subtle hints, your parents might even help you out financially. They probably want to have sex freely, and it might be worth it to them to pay a few months rent for you.

  23. She may need time, but how much? It varies from person, but sometimes people take years to get over their issues.

    My absolute favourite are stories when such people leave partners that stayed with them during this time, once they recover.

    Ask yourself how long are you willing to put effort without getting affection back. Decide the term limit (but do not tell your gf anything about it), and after that if nothing changes, then break up with her. Do it without resentment, it's nit like she chooses to feel that way, but it is not your duty to deal with it.

  24. Document, document, document, then leave. Go for full custody using the evidence of how horrible she is to your son.

  25. He’ll keep chasing that rush until he fucks someone else. Move on, you deserve so much better than this.

  26. Normally I like to think of cheating as dimensional and recoverable. But this is cheap. And you are young. Don’t settle for this dbag – you’ll regret every extra moment you spend with him.

  27. So she claims she only used it when she goes home to get some dick?

    Its a dating/hookup app. Not a book club to meet new friends

    Time for you to dump her and download it yourself

  28. Yeah, this is a big trait. He is showing you over and over who he really is. Don’t dismiss this behavior.

  29. I’m a little confused by your first couple paragraphs. You say I led him to believe one thing and did another, but that’s not the case. He has always known I’m asexual and that I have a low libido, this is not something I hid from him. Just because I had sex a few times does not invalidate those facts. Yes, maybe you’re right that it set the expectation that I was agreeable to sex sometimes, but the whole point of this post is that that has changed. I no longer feel that way. I wasn’t being misleading or dangling some mythical carrot in his face, I simply had sex because it felt like the right thing to do and now it doesn’t feel that way.

    I also discussed with him multiple times that even if I was willing to have sec sometimes it would most definitely not be as often as he wanted (he wants 3x per week ideally which is bonkers to me). He got into this relationship knowing all of this. I don’t like the blame that I’m getting for simply being myself and trying to be honest.

    This post was about looking for ways to have this conversation, because I am already aware that I need to do it, I just don’t know how.

  30. me (F) and my bf had a similar problem— where i wanted to bottom, but he also wanted to bottom as much as possible lol. the best way we’ve been able to tackle this is compromise! i found things that i like to do on top (for me, this is sucking him off or sitting on his face) and try to focus on those things while i’m topping, and same for him. but ultimately i prefer missionary and he prefers cowgirl, so for intercourse we just tend to switch what we do every time or every other time so it’s an even split.

  31. The advice to ghost is wild to me. You can cut off contact after the initial text, but if you JUST ghost, then you’re letting him write the narrative about what happened and instead of “I cheated” it becomes “she’s crazy.” And that might be the open narrative anyway, but at least a message means he will know he did wrong, even if he never tells anyone else.

  32. NTA because those were presents. (And on top of that, you’re backing out because he cheated!) However, if you fear for your safety, take precautions either way. Even if you decide to return stuff, if you fear he could get violent over material bs, make sure to be safe. Congrats on getting out!

  33. You have to be around her knowing that they cuddled once five years ago? You talk about it like it was some torrid affair. This isn’t worth blowing up a relationship over.

  34. “I trust my girlfriend and I am not insecure”

    Then this problem that you have manufactured wouldn’t exist

  35. So years ago I dated a woman who was a recovering addict who relapsed and started escorting to pay for it. When she was denying it at one point I had her login to her phone providers account and they had a list of every text incoming and outgoing. I used it to prove that I wasn't insane and she was texting her dealer/John's. You could likely do this

  36. When our son shows any negative emotion or attitude he wants to immediately discipline him.

    Your husband is showing negative emotions and attitude when he is silent and does not talk. It's childish for one thing. Maybe he needs punishment. Ask him what his punishment should be. And have a few suggestions ready yourself.

  37. How can you say he doesn’t like her more than you?! I swear the inflated ego on you is astounding! It’s nice you take the time out to reply (fight) with everyone but you clearly aren’t ready to listen to anyone’s response and/or advice. Good luck to you. ✌️

  38. Yeah, just…. no. This is the biggest dealbreaker I think I may have ever seen.

    Now you know not only can't you depend on him in a crisis but that he is cruel and selfish.

    Please don't stay. You and your kids deserve better.

  39. Well her close guy friends if they aren’t having sec with her I can guarantee they want to. She isn’t the one man. Cut her loose.

    If she hasn’t introduced you to them and won’t change her ways. Sorry to say this but she is 1 using you as a door mat or the safe one 2 your just one of her many plates she has spinning.

    If you want to test it. Tell her your staying at your friends house that’s a woman. When she asks where you’ll sleep say in her bed and she only sleeps very hot and watch what happens. You’ll have your answer.

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