Cherrynn on-line webcams for YOU!


cherrynn Public Chat Channel

Date: October 10, 2022

46 thoughts on “Cherrynn on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Your intentions were pure, and it really isn’t surprising (if he’s on the spectrum) that you had that misunderstanding since it sounds like it was early in your relationship. Perhaps you should give him some time and then put the ball back in his court. You could say something like, “My family really appreciates all that you did to learn our language and we would love to share it with you. We are so sorry for not understanding how important this was to you and we want to make things right.” Perhaps he will be more ready to talk given a bit of time.

  2. Well that is the answer. The other option is to stay with a loser. If you do that he will keep doing the same shit. He’s not changing if you stay. He will realize that he can get away with this with you because other women won’t put up with this shit.

    Sorry that you don’t want the best answers. Good luck with this garbage

  3. Many people have office crushes on others they work with. Your office is just very small. You learn how to shut the attraction down. It’s not realistic and your only even still letting it play in your head because you are together all the time. Find the guy his own place to on-line and get some activities that are not work related. On a side note your relationship may also be getting a bit stale make sure the two of you have enough time together away from work.

  4. I just don’t know. I get scared. He says he wasn’t a creep back then and he was nice to women at parties. Maybe I’m just insecure and want to look for a reason not to trust him? Idk

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  8. Well and it sounds like you’re the one accruing wealth. Is he along for the financial journey too or is he mostly relying on you to be the bread winner? This goes back to my how do you define a good man comment

  9. Not loving someone isn't a superficial reason for ending a relationship. Not seeing a future isn't superficial. She's not interested. Please find something that gives you self esteem outside of relationships, this isn't healthy.

  10. I’m commenting again to add that her issues are hers and you’re no saint by “having to deal with all these things no one understands” because it’s “so much”. Oh you are a SAINT! She’s a practical charity case! Do you HEAR YOURSELF?!?! You sound like a complete narcissistic jackass. I know narcissism gets thrown around a lot, but my god. You act like you’ve solved world hunger, cured cancer, and made mother Theresa look like the devils spawn. Delusions of grandeur much? Inflated ego much? Shifting blame to others because you can’t accept that you’d ever be wrong?

    Listen pumpkin, I’ve got your number just like many here. Your woe is me act doesn’t land. This ain’t it. Nopeeee.

  11. Jesus Christ you fucked up big time, you got what you wanted though so I guess a win for you.

    For as long as I remember I've cried during arguments, not only because I'm sad but because I'm angry.

    I cry easily from sad videos or situations.

    I cry easily from happy moments and I cry when I'm incredibly happy. I've always done this and I'm ashamed for it because it my mind it looks like I'm weak. I've cried many times when having a disagreement with my boss and i hate myself for it.

    I'm so, SO close to my emotions and i can't control it.

    My friends know me and they make fun of me sometimes as in BANTER and i laugh about it too but if someone, specially a spouse, would ever say something like you did I'd be out.

    You got what you wanted but I don't think she would be able to trust you again. I know I wouldn't, it would feel like I had to walk on eggshells.

  12. Judging by your reaction and this post, she might believe of all you kids are too uptight and need to get laid lol. What should you do? Find the biggest damn Dildo and gift it to her for Mother’s Day. And loosen up a bit.

  13. So you realized pretty early on that you are not that much into this girl and you don't just call it quits? Why?

    If you have a desire for sex you are attracted to her… What else do you think being attracted means?

    If you are unhappy and you have been for quite a while and it was not great to start with, why don't you just break up?

  14. Why would you drag a kind into this marrige, keep in mind how she shows up to places and talks to you, it won't get any better with a kid, it will be tow of you been mistreated. She has 0 respect for you, leave and don't look back.

  15. And he didn't have the problem with that because he didn't like bars anyway!

    She never said that she was prohibited to go to the bars!

  16. We have fully connected sexually as you say a couple of times. I wouldn’t say it’s a FWB situation because we hang out often and not all dates end with sexual intercourse.

    Probably the main thing that started all this mess was a conversation we had in which she suggested I was cheating on her, and by denying such thing I kind of accepted that we had a exclusiveness date situation. This probably made her confirm that I was her actual boyfriend. A part from this, we have a bunch of things in common and that’s great, but going to the movies or doing things we both like without some sort of sexual intentions might have make her feel this way.

    I don’t think she’s joking when she says I’m her boyfriend. Mainly because that’s what she tells to other people (coworkers for example). It’s not that she only says that to me just to bug me.

    I’ll take your advice there in the last paragraph, but the probable outcome is that she will get super mad (and probably cry) because I get distant and then I’ll try to comfort her, this will make her think we solve our problems and then I’ll be tied even closer. It has happened in the past. I’ll try not to act like a boyfriend when I follow your words.

  17. Please tell me this is a troll, the idea that there's someone who is actually this stupid with functioning genitals makes me lose all hope for humanity.

    Please don't breed.

  18. This.

    I'm always hesitant to listen to hearsay because people often just side with whoever has the biggest social circle;

    Many years ago my housemate at the time came home with a girl we knew while I was playing xbox. They walked past me, talked and asked me to come to the party they'd been at, then went into his room.

    They were there no longer than two minutes, and I could hear them both laughing and talking loudly, then they came out and she started talking about how she'd like to try a threesome.

    I brushed it off and they went back to the party.

    The next day, he was chased by a carload of guys with weapons. To put a long story short, word got around that he (a fit 6'5″ guy with a martial arts background) had tried to r*** her (a small, 5'2″ girl who probably weighed about 100 pounds) during those few minutes in his bedroom. The story was even corroborated by a friend of hers who claimed to be there, but wasn't. Then more of that group started making similar claims. One of the guys who had tried to chase him down was her boyfriend, and the whole thing was her somehow trying to deny being all over him. But that didn't stop a lot of people taking her side, simply because she was popular and had lots of voices willing to back her up.

    Now OP, I obviously wasn't with your boyfriend. I know a hell of a lot of guilty sex offenders get away with it. Maybe he did it and deserves no sympathy, or maybe he's a victim of someone trying to ruin him for something unrelated. But nobody here can know.

    Talk to people who were actually at ground zero, and see if their stories make sense.

    And be careful and protect yourself from harm, wherever it may come from.

  19. The key here is that he goes looking for something to complain about. Then he tries to control your body by insisting you keep spraying stuff. A good 48 hour odour control is effective and less airborne spray is better.

    He may well have a more sensitive nose but he is making it a punishment issue that makes you feel bad if you forget.

    If he said eat 5 apples a day. What would you think? That he was okay in asking you to do that?

    Anytime someone seeks to make you feel bad for something in their control ie not sniffing your armpits, then it is not about the smell but about you complying with their commands.

    The difference is in his approach and respectful way he deals with his own needs. He could say “honey I need you to freshen up before I come home okay?” That would be respecting you.

    Can you see the difference?

  20. He’s still insecure. The misogynistic persona is just a new mask for his insecurity. He needs to feel better than women to feel any sense of worth. Pretty gross. I would just block him on everything if I was you. What’s stopping you? It’s not your responsibility to teach this man morals or be a free therapist.

  21. You are only getting attached too soon if the other person doesn't get attached at the same speed as you. If you both feel the same way, nobody's getting hurt.

    Plus you've known each other for 14 years. Just because you haven't dated for some time doesn't mean the time you've known each other for somehow got reset and you met a complete stranger. You've known her half your life.

  22. You are not attached to a 3 week old clump of cells stop lying LMAO Trying to trap her back into a relationship with you is what you want. Let her get the abortion and move on with her life if that is what she wants. Otherwise, you're gonna end up with sole custody and still no woman.

  23. Jeez I'm shocked at the comments here. Couldn't read the entire OG post, but I don't think I need to. Your mom is hurt, and while that sucks, if she's willing to manipulate you and give you ultimatums, then that shows her true character. I wouldn't want to be acquaintances or even coworkers with someone that'd try to play that ballgame w me, let alone to have it be my own mom. If she can drop her own kid just like that, for you not wanting to have to chose a parent, then she doesn't deserve a relationship with you.

  24. This is 110% doable in every state in the US. You need to file a petition with the court and then a judge will decide to grant it to you or not. If granted, no obligation to pay child support. There is also no going back. It is insurmountably difficult, if not impossible, to get back parental rights.

    Source: I am an attorney

  25. Not sure why you're asking? You broke up? It's done, move on.

    Sure you thought you had great chemistry and were quickly intimate, but the clue was when you broached the future after 6 weeks and she broke up with you – that was the first indication she wasn't as into you as you thought. You were not her future one.

    Then you get together again, again it quickly moves to intimacy (again you think shared chemistry) but for her, you are still not the one.

    If you just want confirmation you did the right thing – then yes. No one flies thousands of miles, to a different country, to go and spend time with a former partner they lived with for weeks because they're friends. It's a nope. They get together for holidays every few years? Eh. Just move on. Find a different women you have chemistry with, one who will want you first.

  26. These things surely can be discussed early in the relationship but wait until 6 months in to really start to set expectations. (Certainly don't let it drag out for years)

    I dated a woman who really wanted to discuss timeline with me after we had been on 5 dates. She was looking for a husband and a father for the kid she wanted. Didn't really seem to care who it was as long as they were a good provider and she was physically attracted to them. That was our last date. She was seriously unhappy when I said I wanted to date at least a year to 18 months before getting engaged.

    Current partner and I are on the same page about marriage and kids. We talked about it about 5 months in. We got to know each other and neither one of us felt like we were a means to an end for the other ones life goals.

  27. Sex can be fun and connective, but for her, toys are a trigger. Trying to convince her to use them despite her clear trauma is unethical at best. If you can’t get past it, it might be worth considering whether or not this relationship is the right one for you (despite your feelings/connection).

  28. Just out of curiosity. Does she allow you to go to friends parties? You know Chatrooms before the internet. Or any other social restrictions?

    If she’s worried about the people you talk to take her to a ham swap. Also grats on the the vanity sign.

  29. All options are fucked up, I had to go thru something similar.

    Its important to first get all information before you accuse your mother of cheating.

    Retest, ask your mom in a four-eyes-talk if you might be adopted or something else. But always remember, it seems like your parents really love you – so if you are actually adopted or they had a sperm donation it changes nothing on your relationship with them.

  30. I just can’t imagine not supporting quitting vaping. It’s so terrible for your health. Red flag, bud.

  31. The block game is immature manipulation. Don't waste your time on people who don't know how to communicate properly. You can either send him a message saying you're done with him, or you can just ignore him and move on with your life. No one is entitled to your time/energy, and people that treat you like shit shouldn't get any of it.

  32. I don't think there is any going back to “normal”. This changes the relationship dynamics. Maybe they would get better once you are no longer all living together. Its a tough situation.

    Have you asked him why he didn't tell you prior to her moving in? That seems dishonest on his part.

  33. White people can experience racism. Every race can experience racism. Also, most Latinos are an F Nisidia they’re not a race I have a.

  34. It's only going to get worse when the baby arrives.

    My ex was like this, I couldn't take it. When we broke up, I felt like I could run a marathon with all the energy I was saving.

  35. You should send her boyfriend proof of her cheating. You do understand that if she’s willing to cheat on her boyfriend, she will cheat on you if you eventually become her boyfriend. Why would you ever want to be with a woman with such low moral character? And what kind of a man are you that you’re willing to have that guy sloppy seconds of a shitty cheating girlfriend.

  36. You know what fits all those same categories? Childbirth and abortion. Yet, women are asked to do these all the time without hesitation, and men will decide to date someone else if the woman doesn’t want to do what they want them to do.

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