Charlotteeyork online webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 11, 2022

53 thoughts on “Charlotteeyork online webcams for YOU!

  1. She cheats on you while you're grieving a parent, and then tries to use your grief over your dog to guilt you into taking her back? What a fucking prize she is.

    You did nothing wrong, you're not an ahole for declining to welcome back the person who cheated on you.

  2. Yeah I would not go. How would you feel if the guy you are currently dating went on coffee meet up with his ex. You clearly still have feelings for your ex. You need to go no contact and move on.

  3. It's not your responsibility to fix him. He's a grown man, if he genuinely felt like he had a problem he would get a therapist himself. But instead he's blaming you. Most normal people know it's not right to attack the person you supposedly love.

  4. If nothing was happening, he wouldn't be so defensive. Sadly, he's cheating at least on an emotional level and he knows it. Now he also knows that you are questioning his “friendship” with her and you should continue to do so. Don't let up on it. I've said this in other posts but my husband has predominantly female friends. They don't do this kind of stuff to me. No secrecy, he is an open book. Nothing is done behind my back. He makes sure I am comfortable in any given situation because I am his top priority. I am invited to everything. What your husband has going on with Jackie gives off major cheating vibes. He's being too attentive to Jackie and placing you in the back seat of your own marriage. The fact that he is so unwilling to be open and honest says it all.

  5. Happiness is a choice, it’s unfortunate that he sees himself in not being able to be happy without his friends and new life. Mid-life crisis indeed, and a horrible trade off his wife and his kids.

    I think you should take them and leave, dad needs to figure out if this is really who he wants to be, cause it will be a life without you.

  6. Bail. I say this as someone who (to a much, much lesser degree) had a track record of crying and imploding when confronted with any kind of constructive criticism: he needs to experience consequences if he's ever going to be motivated to learn to change this behavior. He has learned that this is an effective way to manipulate people, and it's going to take time to unlearn it, if he wakes up and chooses to do that. But you don't have to wait around letting him practice on you. You deserve to be with someone who has a healthier relationship with their own emotions. And yes, he deserves love, but he is clearly not ready to be in a relationship right now.

  7. Based on your description of the situation and him…it's a clear joke. And IMO completely blown out if proportion…maybe take a step back and chill out.

    So you married a friend directly out of an abusive relationship? Let's explore that a little.

  8. I’m someone that feels things very deeply and cry at everything. It’s not manipulative to cry during an argument. She’s literally feeling strong emotions and her body reacts by crying. It’s only manipulative if she’s doing it on purpose.

    If my husband reacted the way you did, we would likely be on the way to divorce. I feel so bad for your wife.

  9. Hello /u/bivica9307,

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  10. They are not on the lease, only my name. If they refuse to leave and refuse to pay rent, what should I do?

    Evict them. Find a roommate. Done.

  11. They are not on the lease, only my name. If they refuse to leave and refuse to pay rent, what should I do?

    Evict them. Find a roommate. Done.

  12. They are not on the lease, only my name. If they refuse to leave and refuse to pay rent, what should I do?

    Evict them. Find a roommate. Done.

  13. Nothing I would recommend doing here because there’s nothing to do.

    It’s her decision whether she can handle it, but she’s also insecure.

    That’s why you lash out at someone for a biweekly independent activity they enjoy. You’re taking her time away in her eyes.

    That’s why she’s so negative about the future.

    That’s why she treats this as you making her life worse.

    None of that is true.She’s gotta be the one to convince herself that a great thing for you should be a great thing for her, or that distance is manageable through communication, or that you choosing this is something you are doing to her.

    I would be patient here and see if she comes around instead of pushing you away. She’s doing that.

    If you cater to that, that’s your future with her because you justify her acting like this moving forward. She’ll know that it’s okay to act like this because you’ll run back and do whatever she wants. That’s not a partnership.

    If she comes back and apologizes I’d forgive her, but it’s a long shot with she processes the world as she is now.

    I do hope the last one is what happens though.

  14. Brooooo. It's called SQUATS AND FOOD. Idc if you're doing it for him or to boost you self esteem. You can get a terrific body all on your own. I've seen tiny cross country girls turn into Instagram models, just takes the work.

  15. This is a you decision. This isn’t really one to crowdsource. You can talk to the woman you’ve been dating (I assume you’re dating women, not girls) and tell her that you took her saying xyz as breaking up and that you want to stand by that. Or you cancel with the new woman.

    If you date now when you’re in this maaaaaybe agreement with someone it’s kind of crappy to both women. Use your words and be honest and sort it out.

  16. Pets are forever, for their natural lifespans. Not disposable. Either he shares those values or you adopt a boyfriend that does and this is Mr rightnow, not Mr right.

  17. I’m sorry but how in God’s green earth can the nail clippings get in her unattended coffee, every single time?

    Do you really think her husband happens to want to clip is nails during those times, every time? How often do you think that happens? He’d have no nails at this point.

    Either way, I suspect husband is purposely puts nail clipping in her

  18. Live with integrity. You haven’t been. Your girlfriend deserves to know. Obviously it’s not going to last long with a 20 year old.

  19. He has a computer in his room that he plays COD on all the time and there was a closet. No office and the bathroom is shared. He sent me a picture once when he was packing for a trip and it looked like the same room

  20. I just rewatched the sitcom episode I recommended earlier to be certain the suggestion was apt and, my goodness you and your sis really should watch this together. I say this as a woman who loves her sister beyond expression and an enthusiast of dark, silly humor.

  21. I'm confused with the last half your post.

    alot of stripers are bi . Which is cool but when your girlfriend doesn't come home until the next day and tells you she went to some other girls house for a few drinks but doesn't call or answer there phone and ended up staying there because she had to much to drink you know she's fking around with another woman . That's ok I don't have a pro leem with that . The problem is when they feel they don't need to at least call you . Then if something does happen with some guy they use the same excuse . The they were with some female after work

    Are you saying you were cool with your exgf ignoring you and cheating as long as it was with another girl? Am I misreading this?

  22. Don't pay half of everything, pay market rent which is a few hundred a week and pay for half the electricity and that's it. He can't have his cake and eat it too.

  23. The money is gone sorry to say. That's not the issue anymore. You told him to leave and it got physical. You should call the police for that reason. Maybe he'll he dumb enough to admit it but with out proof it's kinda a naked lesson learn situation.

  24. Did you seriously type out all that and think “yeah this is a good idea for a response” You’re an awful person. This was rape full stop and there’s no excuse for it.

  25. Wait so she cheated twice on her previous boyfriend? And all because she got some attention from other guys; bro if validation is all it takes for her to step out on relationships that’s a major red flag not a check point. But it sounds like you are mad infatuated with her so I guess just enjoy the ride while it lasts and stop worrying; you worrying about it will not stop her from cheating. If she cheats deal with it later and just tell yourself it was bound to happen and that it was only your turn. Good luck! ✌?

  26. Thanks for your advice. I feel like I got stabbed in the back. Yea I will focus on my career and go long distance for some time

  27. Tbh I'm confused why you still are talking to him so much and trying to hang out with him if you know he has a girlfriend. Leave him alone

  28. I read your previous post, you absolutely did the right thing. This guy was controlling as it was and the abuse was only going to get worse. You're only 22, you'll be okay. You'll meet plenty of other guys who are much better for you

  29. It's great that you're aware of the importance of setting boundaries in your platonic relationship with your coworker, and that you value your relationship with your long-term girlfriend. Here are some guidelines that could help you maintain a healthy platonic relationship with your coworker:

    Keep it professional: Remember that you are coworkers, and your primary relationship is a professional one. While it's okay to be friendly with your coworkers, you should avoid any behavior that could be perceived as flirting or romantic interest.

    Avoid one-on-one time outside of work: Try to limit your interactions with your coworker to the workplace. If you do socialize outside of work, try to do so in a group setting rather than one-on-one.

    Be mindful of the topics you discuss: It's okay to share personal information with your coworker, but be mindful of the topics you discuss. Avoid discussing anything that could be perceived as sexual or romantic in nature.

    Don't engage in physical touch: It's important to maintain physical boundaries in your platonic relationship with your coworker. Avoid hugging or any other physical contact that could be perceived as sexual or romantic.

    Respect your girlfriend: Always keep your girlfriend in mind when interacting with your coworker. Avoid any behavior that could make her feel uncomfortable or jealous.

    As for whether male-female platonic friendships are often closer than typical male-male platonic friendships, it really depends on the individuals involved. Some platonic friendships may be very close and intimate, while others may be more casual and distant. The most important thing is to establish boundaries that work for you and your friend, and to respect those boundaries.

  30. Your options are either marry her and get free college or free yourself from your dads commands and pay for college yourself.

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