IG: @iamcharliebhustle HI GUYS! come catch up with me =) Happy Halloween [1950 tokens remaining]
Date: October 29, 2022
IG: @iamcharliebhustle HI GUYS! come catch up with me =) Happy Halloween [1950 tokens remaining]
No, the option isn't to help her sister, because letting her crash at their house straight up isn't helping. The options are enable her sister further, or stay married.
She invited three men to your apartment and proceeds to drink all night with them. She finds out you're in the hospital and instead of telling them to leave and stop drinking, she continues to drink and then when you get home, is caught having sex with some random co-worker.
She claims she doesn't remember, yet she knows she wanted to have sex with him. Not buying that. I bet she had sex with at least two of them, if we believe the one co-worker is gay. If she ends up pregnant, get a DNA test done. Don't take her back. She's a cheater.
This is about her trusting that you are telling the truth. So the question is “why don't you trust me to tell you the truth?” or “why do you believe I am a liar?”
Her belief is that you are a liar, so why is that her belief? Have others lied to her?
What if it true and you would prefer enormous breasts, then what?
Is she trying to find things to get angry at you about? Is she picking for a fight or feeling insecure about herself and wants to blame you for that?
The dad doesn't help out much and she just doesn't make a lot.
He’s asking how to ask her, to be fair. I think it’s okay to look for help on how to communicate effectively on Reddit tbh.
Son… get out of this. It is a bottomless pit of despair for you. She is going to take you down a spiral of chaos.
Honestly? Your immediate jump to make this about you and not about how your wife just miscarried tells me all I need to know. People only lean on people they trust to support them. You didn’t say one thing about if she was happy, sad, struggling, in pain, etc. you didn’t even say if you were worried about her or wanted to know so that you could do something for her. Just that you felt entitled to know and how you were hurt.
I was believing the whole story and feeling empathy for her up until she followed the husband, first to the car and then hours at a motel… who was watching their kids and all that? Boo. Really took away from the plausibility of it.
Kids are something he does want and he has been trying to push me into seeing why it would be better to have one than to not
I wonder what his argument here is as I absolutely don't see how having kids is better than not having them. Also.. a lot of men want kids because their lives don't really change that much. Just be careful OP and browse Regretful parents & childfree subs.
Is it really that hot to just not hang with the guy?
“I appreciate our past, but given that, it's not really appropriate for us to continue our communication. I wish the best for you and yours.”
You do not know “tons of girls”.
He LIED his family about you and there is exactly one reason to do it, bc there is no outcome possible to “hey, remember my roommate? I lied to you whole the time, mum and dad, she is my girlfriend actually, suprise!”.
When you gave him your phone number, you knew it wasn't 'for emergencies'. You were already planning to fuck him.
Also: does anyone else find it weird he was taking OP's sister on dates and going slow but he jumped from flirty messages to fucking OP without any dates?
OP put out to steal a guy. He's an idiot for falling for it, and she's an asshole for doing it to begin with.
I wonder why she hates her sister so much/looks down on her so much/is so unspeakably jealous.
I think you need to walk away from both of these guys and take some time out for yourself
Jumping back into relationships so quickly is NEVER a good idea and there is NOTHING wrong with being single for awhile whilst you figure things out
Drop the wife, add the friend. Your wife has bullied you in the past and has ruined your confidence. She sounds like a control freak. I don't blame you for being skittish.