Charley Hart on-line webcams for YOU!


5 thoughts on “Charley Hart on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Yikes, so she's possibly a cheater on top of everything else. I'm real sorry man, but I'm glad you've chosen to get away from this toxicity.

  2. Maybe she's joking, maybe she's not, it's best you clear the air and let your fiance know that it bothers you, maybe talk to your MIL directly. This kind of toxic behaviour from MILs is not unheard of where I'm from so I understand your dilemma.

  3. You move on with your wedding and do not include your crazy SIL in it anymore.

    I don't even understand why you kept her and her daughter in the wedding party after the first accusations. That is nothing I would want in my wedding party no matter how hot I tried to have a good relationship with them.

    The only thing you should do is asking your fiance what bad blood there is between him and his sister. Such outbursts usualy don't come from nothing. So why does she feel the need to accuse him of all those things?

  4. It's not a you thing. It's a her thing. She should pay attention at what days of the month it hurts more. I have IUD, so no period, but I still feel like I swell up on the inside at certain points of the month. It also feels like my cervix is lower. That's when we joke, “just the tip.”

    I'm guessing it was a little ego boost when she first brought it up. But no, the penis doesn't continue to grow in adulthood.

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