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Challengeme1live sex stripping with hd cam


51 thoughts on “Challengeme1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. No, fairytales are not are not real. But great relationships do exist. I don’t know if they exist at 20, though. Here’s some free advice you won’t take (because I wouldn’t have at 20 ?): enjoy this time and stay single. Get to know yourself, better yourself, go to therapy, know your own self-worth. Travel. When you are confident in your own skin and the best version of yourself, you will find the best partner and have the best chance for a happy life.

    I only know this in retrospect. I was you (undisclosed) years ago. I was so worried for the future. I had a series of long-term relationships- and a proposal. Luckily, I had the foresight to know it wasn’t quite right. I held out and eventually met my partner. Marriage is hot. It’s so much work but it’s beautiful when you’re with the right person.

    So, let go for a few years, enjoy yourself as much as possible. Be the best you. And I everything else will fall in line.

  2. Honestly if I was him I'd get rid of you. My partner actually cares about me and wants to spend their life with me and refused to let me buy a ring miss than £500.

    You're a gold digger and he should put his bank first.

  3. LEAVE HIM IMMEDIATELY. And if he follows through with his threat, well, sometimes the trash takes itself out.

  4. u/ImmediateTask6922, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Omg. Leave her alone. If she was secretly keeping a flame alive for you she’d make a grand gesture before accepting her bf’s proposal. If you do this you will 1) embarrass yourself, and 2) cause unnecessary strife in her life.

    Flying to see her is a completely selfish move on your part and honestly shows that you have not grown in the way that you think.

  6. Hello /u/ahmedh130,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  7. Sorry I'm a little confused, if he isn't looking for a relationship and you are then yes it would be awkward but it's better to know that than to keep a fwb situation going if either of you have feelings for the other. I don't think you should skirt around it or be dishonest if you have feelings, he should know. If that makes you undesirable to him then it's probably time for you to move on

  8. Do not leave the house, if she wants to leave, she can, but leave the kids.

    Time for you to sub in one of your bench girls

  9. I also struggle with perspective but you do need to try to see it from his point of view. He also has responsibility to his family and while you may not have chosen to spend time with family, I don’t think he is unreasonable for doing so. Maybe you’re putting a lot of pressure on him to make you happy… I can see why it would be frustrating for him and why he may end up making comments you find hurtful.

  10. Have only known each other for two weeks. Unaware of my issues except from looking at my physical body. Thanks! 🙂

  11. You should switch – he could be the bottom for a week, maybe then he'd be a bit more sympathetic about soreness…

  12. Do it! I am also turning 40 this year, and while I’m not a big b-day person, it’s something that I can’t help but celebrate with friends and family!

    PS. An 80s themed brewery celebration sounds amazing. If you’re in Oregon, let me know! ??

  13. men are statistically equally likely to be the contributing factor to infertility. and many of them do things that further damage their fertility while women agonize over supplements and temp checks and everything under the sun.

  14. This post and so many others are why people side eye age gaps. Like if you’re partner was a hedge fund manager thinking about buying you condo. You taking care of him like you’re his mother.

  15. I do and you situation sucks. But it doesn’t change the fact that he’s got anger issues or the fact that you’ll be the one to suffer for them.

  16. They're choosing to allow your brother to do this. He clearly doesn't mind being a lazy useless leech, and he's not going to wake up one morning and decide he doesn't want to be a lazy useless leech anymore. The only way this will stop is if they force him to stop by cutting him off and kicking him out.

  17. Then she can throw it in OPs face if all the kids are his. “See I didn’t cheat on you again.” If you do it on your own privately you have ammunition and a path to go on, and “then” suggest the paternity test when you already know the answer.

  18. Then she can throw it in OPs face if all the kids are his. “See I didn’t cheat on you again.” If you do it on your own privately you have ammunition and a path to go on, and “then” suggest the paternity test when you already know the answer.

  19. You're right I don't get what you're saying.

    You replied to me with a super sarcastic and condescending tone as if I couldn't fathom why two men breaking into someone's home wouldn't be terrifying.

    Admittedly I matched your tone in my next reply because I thought it should be obvious why OP reacted the way he did.

    Then you turn it into some sexism thing where you say women can't possibly fathom what it feels like to have society pressure you into protecting people when mothers are the first ones blamed if someone bad happens to their children. Fathers get blamed for it too, but let's be honest here, society still expects women to do most of the child rearing. Luckily that's beginning to change.

    And then you try to tell me that you chose my comment because it's an example of X. But then say I didn't say X but chose my comment because I said the words “who knows?” Which was more rhetorical and not a literal question I was pondering.

    So yeah. I don't get what you're saying because I feel like you're contradicting yourself. If you believe I didn't say X then use the actual damn persons comment who DID say it.

  20. Are you making all of the effort you reasonably can to speak HER love language and make her feel wanted in the way that works for her? Mismatched libidos often come with mismatched feelings. You feel loved and close through, well, basically sex it seems like.. but what about her? If she feels more loved through.. things being done for her.. do those things without the pressure for sex and you're more likely to match closer to the beginning. The gap gets wider as people get comfortable and return to their habits instead of the new phase where you're trying to win someone over.

    If you've already tried that, cut your losses in a kind way because you're going to become resentful and mean if you let it continue, and she doesn't deserve that.

  21. She sounds incredibly rude and snobby, no offense. There’s nothing wrong with you or your interests at all.

  22. Well definitely your goals are different right now. There are 22 year olds that want to get married and have babies. But you’re more education bound which is great. It’s just different. Also, don’t let your parents pick your mate. They won’t pick some of you’re gonna love they’re gonna pick somebody they will love. And frankly six years isn’t that big of a deal. I think the life stage is more of the issue. You’ll figure it out though.

  23. Well definitely your goals are different right now. There are 22 year olds that want to get married and have babies. But you’re more education bound which is great. It’s just different. Also, don’t let your parents pick your mate. They won’t pick some of you’re gonna love they’re gonna pick somebody they will love. And frankly six years isn’t that big of a deal. I think the life stage is more of the issue. You’ll figure it out though.

  24. Don't listen to all of these people telling you that you're too old, or you need to find someone in a similar stage in life. Y'all have only been dating for three weeks, so just have fun and let the cards fall as they may. She likes you, and you like her. It's not complicated.

  25. This is really mean to tell you this while having sex. He should’ve been more sensitive. ‘On the other hand your husband goes to the gym and probably sees a lot of fit women. He puts more and more pressure on you to be fit because he gets attracted to these women’s body but he really wants is you.

  26. Your Girl Friend insecurity's and jealousy is a HER problem, not yours.

    And you should be putting yourself first here, not your girl friends feelings.

    Tell her to harden up and get over it, or get lost.

  27. He’s calling your bluff. Call it back. Get boxes and when he ask’s what they’re for tell him that the moment he leaves for that trip you’re boxing all his shit up and sending it back to his mother’s where he can go when he gets back.

  28. I was married to someone similar, and unfortunately when we've gone through it ourselves we can see the telltale signs even in simple Reddit posts… because those kind of people (narcissists with untreated mental health issues) are all the bloody same. The good thing though is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. That “man” is not the only person in the world for you. He isn't even for you. He is manipulative, verbally abusive, demoralizing, and sucks the freaking positivity out with nothing left for ourselves. I left that marriage a shell of a person, not gonna lie to you, he'd done a number on me, BUT with therapy and my little support group, I haven't doubted for a second that I made the right choice. I even checked his Twitter the other day and even after I left suddenly over 6 years ago HE IS STILL THE SAME FREAKING PERSON, he has done NO processing, healing, learning, growing, nothing.

    You can do better. You will do better. I can't emphasize enough how much your mind is gonna be blown and your heart melt when you find out what its like to actually be treated with the respect, compassion, and dignity you deserve.

  29. I am pretty sure it just stems from my own insecurities but I just really don’t want to mess it up

  30. The only thing he said was “how do you know I’m cheating on you”. He did not say he wasn’t cheating on me. That was very telling.

    Not once did he try to fix things or at least say something to win me back but instead, he said divorcing him will hurt my child in the future. That I’m taking his happiness from him. By knowing her father and mother are not together.

    He even said he did not care about me. He says I don’t do anything in our house while he works 6 days a week. I make him dinner every night so he comes home to a meal, meal prep for him for his work week, treat him like my king, and he says he does not give a damn about me. Why did he not reveal that before we got married and had a child? Maybe he just wanted to give his parents a grandchild. I can never truly understand.

  31. Do the interview and if it's sounds good and is offered take it. If she ready to bail that easy then it's already over don't let her make you make a decision you'll regret

  32. Never said it was happening, but if you’re in a new relationship it is an important thing to consider and keep in the back of your mind just in case

  33. So I have to stop doing something I like, which I pay for a year in advance, a bowling league, which is my release every week from the stressors of work, nursing school, clinicals, homework, my medical life, my family life, there’s a lot that goes on.

  34. What did I do wrong?

    Absolutely nothing. I mean, unless you are completely omitting the part where you held him hostage in your basement for six months and tortured him during that time (Sarcasm, obviously).

    This sounds like something he has to deal with. Maybe he just simply got bored and wanted out. Maybe he just grew to not like the commitment required for relationships. Maybe he's just angry with the world. Or, maybe he wants to try and play d*chebag.

    Who knows? Point is, you did *NOTHING WRONG*. This is a him thing, not you.

    He's 31, he shouldn't be acting like this. But here we are. Of course, maybe he just didn't like where he was in life and is trying to work on himself or something. But who knows?

    Don't blame yourself. You literally did nothing wrong. I cannot reiterate that enough. You just focus on yourself and continue on with your head raised up high.

  35. I bet she’s cheating on you and just wanted ANY excuse to spend the next few days down in pound town with some other dude. If she’s mad at you and tells you not to contact her you are more worried about your relationship than suspicious about what she’s doing. I suggest you end this relationship whether that’s the case or not. She literally went crazy over a perfectly reasonable answer to a question SHE posed. Bro get out while the getting is good.

  36. Try to choose a time when she/things are calm and ask her if she's in a good headspace for a conversation (in person). Tell her that she's been a great roommate and you'll always treasure this time you've spent together, but that you and your bf would live to live! together as a couple alone, so you wont be renewing her rental contract this time around. Tell her its not about her at all, just that your needs have changed.

    How she reacts is up to her. You can reassure her if she takes it personally but its not your job to manage her emotions. 6 months is plenty of time for her to figure out her living situation so stand firm in your boundaries.

  37. Neither of us are getting help, but I’m generally pretty good. Very few things trigger me like this, but this issue in particular hits me naked. I’m not actually crying, but I feel like an exposed nerve. She doesn’t feel like talk therapy helps, but we are both on medication. We are more likely to be intimate when we are both on vacation and my parents can watch our girl. They live! across the country and we’re considering moving (but we don’t like the state their in and we’d have to change jobs since they pay teachers so poorly)

    Our girl is 2 now. She did have PPD, but seems to have it under control. She’s always struggled with stress and parenting can be hot. We split things pretty well, but she did take a job as a teacher at my daughters daycare to be close to her (in a different room, but same facility). She feels done with kids by the end of the day, largely due to the one kid in class with heavy trauma based behavior. I give her breaks, take care of morning/night routines when she’s overwhelmed, do all cooking. When she is parenting, it’s usually both of us together. She’s a great mom, but when she’s overwhelmed she needs space and time to reset.

    I’d love to help her find friends. She hasn’t connected with others at work and I can’t get her to find something to do outside of work. She feels done by the end of the day.

  38. I hear what you’re saying but this is just a coworker. I know you’re still young but there are certain types of relationships you stay away from at work for this very read. It can create an unsafe or uncomfortable environment for employees. I guess you’re just learning the hot way

  39. I hear what you’re saying but this is just a coworker. I know you’re still young but there are certain types of relationships you stay away from at work for this very read. It can create an unsafe or uncomfortable environment for employees. I guess you’re just learning the hot way

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