They are selfish self absorbed brats, the lot of them. I feel bad for you because a supportive family is nice but this is the opposite, it’s life draining. I would stop responding and go my own way.
First, don't feel badly about triggering his trauma. You didn't know and you couldn't have guessed. It happened.
Second, he needs to see a therapist and you can't make him see the importance making time for that. He's not healing and working through it and no one can make him. If he does decide to get therapy and you're in the relationship for the long haul, going with him if invited would be great.
Third, it's okay to end the relationship if your needs aren't being met. If you need more from him than he can provide right now, end things amicably. Tell him that you'd be open to reconciling once he find the time to work on himself.
Finally, be supportive of his trauma and be careful not to retraumatize.
It's good that you're seeking out ways to help him but you also need to have the relationship that you want to have as well. I'm not saying his trauma makes him into someone that can't be in a relationship but his unwillingness to make time to confront it does because that affects you as well.
Just say that you're done with whatever relationship there is with him. Then block him.
You are making it harder because you want to make him beg? That's immature af, you want him to beg so you can feel better about being in a shit relationship or whatever you had with someone that old.
Regardless if you do text him and stay with him, you deserve whatever he is putting you through because you know what you have to do, but you wanna play games. You shouldn't be dating, obviously
Not sure why someone would have downvoted you. Because what you are saying is not outlandish. Things just like this happen all the time. The only thing is he will not be able to get a restraining order until she starts uttering threats, destroying property or getting physical.
This is an incorrect observation! I have said on more than one occasion, Bitch I'll kill you. I know murder is not okay. And I haven't even tried to kill anyone. You are reaching.
I mean, your cover might not be blown. All you admitted to was having outside cameras. If you pretend like you believe him and secretly install inside cameras, you may be able to catch him.
If I were in his situation and decided to gaslight someone even after being shown evidence, I would have to continue the same behavior in order to “prove” I’m not lying.
Think about it – if you accuse him of stealing and his behavior changes – he stops coming over – and money suddenly stops going missing, then it’s pretty obvious that he was the one stealing it, even if he denies it. Perhaps he continues coming over but stops stealing on occasion to make it look like he’s innocent, but he finds opportunities to steal. This is where you catch him with secret cameras. Set him up. Look at what the package thief YouTubers do
I’ve never heard it said positively, only to describe Ma babies negatively
He already showed what type of partner he is by betraying your trust. Dump him
At 20 I wasn't a grown woman, I'm 22 and still feel like a child. Idky age gap relationships exist.
This is above reddits pay grade. Plz find a therapist to talk to about your trauma.
No clue, but boundaries definitely need to be set if you are uncomfortable.
That can be worked on
They are selfish self absorbed brats, the lot of them. I feel bad for you because a supportive family is nice but this is the opposite, it’s life draining. I would stop responding and go my own way.
First, don't feel badly about triggering his trauma. You didn't know and you couldn't have guessed. It happened.
Second, he needs to see a therapist and you can't make him see the importance making time for that. He's not healing and working through it and no one can make him. If he does decide to get therapy and you're in the relationship for the long haul, going with him if invited would be great.
Third, it's okay to end the relationship if your needs aren't being met. If you need more from him than he can provide right now, end things amicably. Tell him that you'd be open to reconciling once he find the time to work on himself.
Finally, be supportive of his trauma and be careful not to retraumatize.
It's good that you're seeking out ways to help him but you also need to have the relationship that you want to have as well. I'm not saying his trauma makes him into someone that can't be in a relationship but his unwillingness to make time to confront it does because that affects you as well.
This is your answer. You can’t stay in a relationship with someone you don’t trust. Trust me, it doesn’t work. It’s not fair to you.
Just say that you're done with whatever relationship there is with him. Then block him.
You are making it harder because you want to make him beg? That's immature af, you want him to beg so you can feel better about being in a shit relationship or whatever you had with someone that old.
Regardless if you do text him and stay with him, you deserve whatever he is putting you through because you know what you have to do, but you wanna play games. You shouldn't be dating, obviously
Not sure why someone would have downvoted you. Because what you are saying is not outlandish. Things just like this happen all the time. The only thing is he will not be able to get a restraining order until she starts uttering threats, destroying property or getting physical.
This is an incorrect observation! I have said on more than one occasion, Bitch I'll kill you. I know murder is not okay. And I haven't even tried to kill anyone. You are reaching.
Yeah but I kinda understand her. It's hot to be in a relationship with a neurodivergent person.
I mean, your cover might not be blown. All you admitted to was having outside cameras. If you pretend like you believe him and secretly install inside cameras, you may be able to catch him.
If I were in his situation and decided to gaslight someone even after being shown evidence, I would have to continue the same behavior in order to “prove” I’m not lying.
Think about it – if you accuse him of stealing and his behavior changes – he stops coming over – and money suddenly stops going missing, then it’s pretty obvious that he was the one stealing it, even if he denies it. Perhaps he continues coming over but stops stealing on occasion to make it look like he’s innocent, but he finds opportunities to steal. This is where you catch him with secret cameras. Set him up. Look at what the package thief YouTubers do