Cataleeyaaa live! sex chats for YOU!


cataleeyaaa Public Chat Channel

Date: February 14, 2023

12 thoughts on “Cataleeyaaa live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. This is utterly disgusting and dysfunctional and incredibly unhygienic.

    If he doesn’t stop he needs to leave the house to go elsewhere.

  2. Personally, if I am exclusive with someone I am dating I would consider us boyfriend/girlfriend.

    I don't think I've ever had a partner pop a “bf/gf” question, but I'm married and have been out of the dating game for a while now. But nothing wrong with clarifying.

  3. Boundaries is different than emotional walls.

    Go tell her that nonchalant nonsense as how you written here and see how she'll react.

    Youre just young, inexperienced and a prime example of what's wrong with this new generation

  4. Could be both.

    Keep it in mind, but don’t hyper-obsess over it. Might make you act funny next time you see her.

    Best case, you play it cool and she’s into you.

    Worst case, you play it cool and she isn’t.

    Either way, you won’t look stupid.

  5. I would say it is fairly normal. If hes nervous (which it sounds like to me) he might have a hot time keeping his soldier up. From personal experience I can say that I find it harder the more I’m interested in a woman, although for me this issue has vanished with getting older. But I definitively struggled sometimes due to being nervous. So him being nervous in this case indeed shows that he thinks you’re gorgeus! Why would he be shy and nervous otherwise? 🙂

    What you can do is try to make him feel comfortable. Let him know you like him and want him and simply get used to eachother hard. Lie in bed cuddling and kissing without pressure. In some time it will work as intended and once he gets over that nervous hump he will most likely ”function” in the future as well 🙂

  6. Are THEY really trying to patch things up, though? Or is it that SHE is and there’s wishful thinking regarding HIM? I wonder.

  7. So I’ll just add that if you’ve totally fallen for/soulmates with someone who is only giving you a small part of themselves, that’s an issue right? She’s someone else’s soulmate, primarily, and that’s where her energies are going. So there’s still an issue to look at there. Why are you so happy with so little of someone? Aren’t you worth the whole attention of a whole person or something? I’d look into that part with a therapist. Good luck!

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