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CarrieLoveXlive sex stripping with hd cam


87 thoughts on “CarrieLoveXlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Duh! Seems like a valid reason to terminate a relationship!

    Change the terms of a relationship without mutual agreement, then expect the other party to react.

    Good luck!

  2. Your advice makes sense if they had ever been closer than friendly coworkers. I personally would just keep it professional. This guy does not owe her an explanation about his feelings.

  3. Yes and no. I'll be done with university in an year exactly and in the meantime I still have to go to class, it is possible that he will be in my classes, I have no idea. I know what courses I'm taking next year but I don't know about him.

  4. Do you love her? Then great! That’s really all that matters. Career is about at the bottom of the criteria list, as long as she isn’t unemployed and in massive debt, it’s not an issue

  5. Does he suffer from mental health problems that he refuses to address? And if so , why doesn't he want to go to therapy? Did he give a reason for that ?

  6. You are not wrong, but every relationship is about give and take. So if se feels neglected it that way, and you are on the app because of work, you can send her a quick message like “hi babe, I'm busy talk to you late, thinking of you / love you ect.” And you need to take into consideration that for her maybe it's not about you not texting back for hours. Maybe she has some trust issues and she thinks you are talking to somebody else, some other girl maybe, someone who is more important to you then her. Remember you are live! for hours, you are not responding to her. Basically you need to talk about some stuff, maybe show her your whatsapp ect.

  7. Consensus: you're dating a toddler masquerading as a man. Why is it your problem he forgot to eat? If he knows he gets bitchy when his blood sugar drops, why doesn't he carry food? Fruit snacks, a juice box? I couldn't be in the same room as this conversation, holy shit the man's a useless waste of skin an OP's settings herself on fire to keep him warm. Insanity

  8. My first wife had this problem. It's called dyspareunia. There could be a number of reasons why she is experiencing pain during intercourse. She should be evaluated by her gynecologist.

  9. u/forgetfullness83839, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. In spite of all this mess, I loved her truly and from my the bottom heart. I stayed in absolute NC for more than 6 months hopefully she could have worked on correcting at least some of them. I am a person who reads a lot, self-inspects himself, thoughts, and feelings, she doesn’t do so at all. On paper, I have not single legitimate reason to consider reconciling, but I have good feelings for her.

  11. u/Sprood, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. I told her about it and she said they did try to include me but she said that I was the one pushing myself away from everyone I brought up that I wouldn’t purposely do that if I already didn’t feel that way if that makes sense but she just kept saying that I was doing it to myself and that I was rude and it made me feel really invalidated of my feelings. But yes those are all things she did do but to her they aren’t a big deal so it just makes me feel crazy whenever I bring up these issues

  13. Hello /u/throaway32423423421,

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  14. You’d want to speak to your doctor.

    Unless you have issues, you can start and finish in your 30’s and 40’s no problem.

    I wouldn’t start having kids til you guys have things really solid as a couple running a household.

  15. why would he say any of this to your face? he literally said he needs you. he needs you to be his meal ticket, his landlord, his chef, his mommy…. he’ll never say anything bad to your face if you’re willing to put up with him.

  16. How can she enjoy her relationship when she’s been straightforward with her needs and he is ignoring them and misleading her?

    Ignore this persons garbage advice.

  17. It's a bit ridiculous seeing the double standard when it comes to body shaming/body acceptance.

    I've seen it a million times, especially on reddit. Make all the small dick jokes you want, but make a joke about small breasts? You get dragged for everyone.

    Inb4 “not all women do this” I know. But the double standard still exists, and there are people out there who think it's totally fine to body shame men, but totally unacceptable to body shame a woman.

    Idk why we can't all stop body shaming, it's fuckin dumb.

  18. when this has happened she just will not listen or even be reasonable about anything, it’s like anything she knows admittedly she forgets or doesn’t care about

  19. Then you have insecurities. If my husband showered with his friends fine, I know they wouldn't be getting off on it. It'd be just be having a shower. NOTHING MORE.

    God help you if you have to go to Asian baths one day. Your fucking head would cave in.

  20. It will take time and won’t happen overnight. It’s good that you don’t see him in a negative light because of this, but you also must do whatever is best for you. Even if you cut ties now doesn’t mean you can’t rekindle a friendship later on.

    If you tell him you need to take a break from him so you can focus on yourself and healing from this, I would also recommend you do that. Anything that helps you in the long run will also help you to build confidence and to become stronger.

  21. The day before you get paid, stay at a homeless shelter or something. Don't go home on pay day after you are paid- whatever. Don't pay the rent. Take that money and GTFO out of dodge.

  22. Holly shit your username does NOT check out. You are not seeing the bigger picture. At. All. Everyone here has given you all the advices you need. If you truly think your marriage is gonna work, don't come back here crying the next time he screams at you obscenities and make you pick him over your dad. The fact that you are still staying with him already shows that you prioritize him over your own father.

  23. Your husband is shitty.. Plain and simple. I've been with my girl for a few years ( moved in together after our first date)… nothing would ever make her unattractive to me; honestly I cant get enough of her. No one will ever be as beautiful as she is in my eyes. Cause I LOVE her… crazy passion and connection with her. She is my human ♥️……..

    Please find that , never settle.

  24. There is no point where a parent should do that.

    But there is a point where a parent is going to cut their child off, tell them to pack a bag and leave and not return until they pull their head out of their arse and do something with their life.

    So why were you not going to school?

  25. Oof. They’ve been together for a year, so that would make her 19, and then also said they were coworkers first… very concerned about grooming.

    Hope OP is safe.

  26. You are chilling bro, be polite, pay for the meal, and get to know her more

    Pro move, pay before the check comes privately or pay before hand. That way you can be a gangster and just say, “its taken care of don’t worry about it”

    Or even more props if you say it like a 1950s New Jersey Mafia Boss

    “Ayy fugetta bout it, ya fuckin canolli bitch”

  27. This doesn't need a long or complicated response from anyone.

    Your Ex-Bf broke up with you. He slept with someone else.

    You aren't a couple, he's said as much, his actions reinforce how you aren't.

    Be done with this guy and stop thinking over it more.

  28. So…

    Her being denied entry is a focal point for ALL the injustices she has linked to the event, and sub branches about how she missed out on things due to diabetes.

    She wants you to just support her and boycott the place, because it shows empathy for her feelings. It is a way for you to show her you care enough about her, that you’d not go to that venue ever again.

    She wants to feel like you’ve got her back.

  29. Look up surviving infidelity to see resources on what to do to nip an emotional affair in the bud. Although if she regularly sees him on nights out and she spent time at his place then chances are it’s more than emotional.

    Basically put your foot down. She chooses you or she chooses him. If she chooses you then she cuts immediate contact with him. That’s both electronically and in person. If he’s there when she goes out with her friends, then she stops going out with her friends. If he’s in a group chat, then she stops taking part in the group chat. And if she refuses then she’s made a choice, contact a lawyer (preferably do that before giving her an ultimatum) and start divorce proceedings. Show her you’re serious.

  30. Babe that's crazy. It's not disrespectful for an adult to go to see a friend without telling their parent. Please just go to your friend's whenever you want and don't tell him what you're doing. It's literally none of his business.

    If you can access therapy I really think you need it as he's brainwashed you into thinking you owe him control over your life. It's literally abuse and you can't see it because he raised you this way. There's work to be done for you to get healthy. At the moment you're at massive risk of ending up in an abusive relationship. You will not be able to see red flags and abusers will pick up on that a mile off.

    Sending love and strength.

  31. You sound like you're dating my ex. You should probably leave before you get stuck with the same extreme trust issues and insecureties I developed with all the betrayals and lies. Its rough having to work trough them, and if you dont you could easily end up hurting future innocent partners. Also, someone who have continuesly hurt your feelings and trust, who then wants you to just get over it without doing the work to be trustworthy havent actually changed.

    In short: a guy who has already repeatedly cheated on you isnt worth the afterwork you have to do when you finally get out.

  32. Yeah, I agree. He trying “ them or me” and losing , to her dogs. I feel sad for the guy. I had a bull mastiff that used to push me onto the floor, I bought a baby gate and she didn’t sleep on the bed anymore. All the other dogs got the bed ( over the years) because they behaved.

  33. As a former swinger, when any couple asks about a threesome or swinging my answer is, don’t. It’s a really good way to torpedo a relationship/marriage in the best case scenario. My ex and I had one encounter spark the international kidnapping of two children. This can go so bad, so fast.

  34. I wish I could give you an award! So true! This has got to be one of the most stupid posts on here I have ever seen. If OP was my kid or sibling… I would be helping his ex-wife get 100% custody of their child. There is no way I would want my niece/nephew/grandkid in a house with OP and his current wife and exposed to this nonsense. Some people really need to read what they write… OUT LOUD so they can hear how stupid they sound.

    OP, open your eyes. Your daughter deserves better than this nonsense. You, on the other hand, may find yourself liking the 3 hots and a cot provided for you courtesy of the county lockup next time your wife decides to spit on you and set you up for an extended stay with the county.

  35. He said he HATES you? How does you becoming ill warrant HATRED? That is insane! That is absolutely irrational behavior! How can you live! “as friends with someone who HATES you?

    Also, is your diagnosis actually that grim? I'm so sorry regardless! I wish we could help you! And yes, a psychologist would be good for you. He has betrayed you.

    Also, honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with the frequent family visits other than that you were uncomfortable with them. I personally wish I had my parents still alive, and family close enough to have that, I only have my son. I guess each family, and each family's preferences, are different, as well as the level of welcome.

  36. The fact that you’re keeping tabs on this guy like this (having his location, checking his messages, checking his call log, etc etc etc) is super unhealthy and screams insecure/low self esteem. This sounds like prison for both of you. It does sound like he’s done some sketchy things (including agreeing to not have contact with the friend only to go behind your back and lie about it), but I also get the sense that you’re incredibly overbearing and he just agreed to end the friendship to please you. You both should’ve been mature enough to end the relationship well before this point because clearly there’s some differences in expectations. Instead, you just upped you’re surveillance and he upped his secrecy… and you wonder why this is still going on after 3 years. Work on your insecurities and also, raise your standards. Ditch this guy.

  37. I can tell you that this would wear me down. You have described your anxiety and neediness in other comments. She can’t be your everything. Nobody can. I strongly suggest therapy to help with anxiety. It’s important that you create a life outside of this marriage too. Join a local sports group or a chess club. A place where you will meet people with common interests. You may drive her away if you don’t.

  38. Your so being frustrated that you got sick on vacation is understandable. And having a friend talk shit about your so and not sure how to handle it is also understandable. Especially if you read ops edit.

  39. I mean, she knows what's going on, and she's choosing to do it. So let her be. Take the time to look inside and absolve yourself of feeling responsible for her choices, and set boundaries with her that you won't talk about love interests any more, and she can treat you the way she would family and introduce you only when a relationship is at least 6 months old and serious enough they want to move in together.

    But we have to stop picking up the rolls in life, even if they are laid at our feet, that we can't tolerate. Only we can do that. She can be a “hoe”. So what? Has nothing to do with you at the very core of it. Let it go and set your boundaries. Let her do what she wants with her body and heart and ask her to leave you out of it.

  40. You have a brother. You don’t need another. He will provide no positivity to your life. He just wants to feel better about himself. He has not changed. Like you said, he waited until you were hurting over your fathers death. Why not when mom died? He blames it all on her so why did the realization that he was a total shit to you not hit home for him then? It should not take having a daughter to learn how to treat women right. Fuck him. Fuck his apology. Live! your life. Be happy. Be grateful you ran away. Save your peace of mind and let him go.

  41. Chris exercised incredibly poor judgement. 8 billion people in the world and his side piece is his sil. What a winner.

  42. You have a kid and a husband who lies about money. Step one. That good ol' Divorce Attorney lawyer. Don't do a damn thing without legal advice. Step two. This one is up to you. This man done gone played Fuck Around. Now, it's the Found Out portion of the game show. Therapist? Maybe. Divorce? Maybe. Your call. But make sure he has some comeuppance over this. No “Just don't do it again.” “You on the couch for the next decade.” is fine.

  43. It's better for them to see two healthy households than one broken one. You don't love your husband anymore, and you don't feel like you can trust him emotionally. He severed the connection by taking active steps to try and sleep with other women. The fact that he didn't because you said no doesn't change that this is what he wants, and this is how little he values monogamy. You CAN divorce a man for asking you something, even if he respects your no, if you require a partner who would never want or ask for this.

  44. He sounds like not really worth keeping, much less having a child worth. Please don't go through with the pregnancy, you will neverbeabletotake that back

  45. Wait wait wait

    Did she kick him as he was jumping on her? Ie a reflexive response to what is a physical attack.

    Or, did he jump up, scratch her by accident, and then once she realized he scratched her she went out of her way to kick a dog?

    Because those are two very different scenarios. I could never date an animal abuser, let alone marry and have kids with one. Anyway, don't leave the dog alone with her, it will mess the dog up for life if it's getting kicked every time she feels it makes a mistake. Oof.

  46. It sounds like you’re extremely unpleasant to spend time with and are therefore unlikely to ever be found attractive by anyone.

  47. He's lazy..He doesn't want to put the work in that it takes to have sex so he's taking the easy way by jerking off.

  48. Yea no end it. As someone in the field I know how hot it is to find a good fit. Some people go through multiple therapists before they find someone. Unless you don’t like your therapist do not end your sessions

  49. well, the relationship is over, i am moving my things out sunday, and we will never speak again. i am devastated to lose someone i considered my best friend. oh well.

  50. I’ve been able to tell

    So, shes been lying for ages to you but ” you are able to tell”… how can you be SO naive?

    Shes 0 remorseful and she gives 0 fucks about you, or she wont have cheated. Wake up from your pinky glittery world.

  51. You are strong. You decided to leave and that shows strength. Just go, get settled with your family and your new job, and ignore this POS

  52. He’s the kind of person, that heat of the moment, not thinking, goes right for the most personal thing he can.

    That’s unacceptable. That’s not someone you can feel safe being emotionally vulnerable with. That makes a relationship untenable.

  53. I told my bf today was international women’s day and he said “I fucked you last night, that’s your present” and that’s all I needed lol

  54. So you’ve been together a year and married four months? I echo what I saw someone else say above: are you sure the marriage license was actually filed and is legally official?

  55. I wouldn’t go back to that house. And him not thinking having a gun drawn on you is a perfectly good reason is bonkers and I’d question keeping him a bf.

  56. No you didn't. First off, no one is allowed into the room with you during the procedure. Only the doctor and nurse. They literally give you pain medication so you don't feel anything. I was doped up as hell and rambled about foods I missed eating to the nurse the whole time lmao

    Maybe you drove your mom home after her procedure (doubtful since you're only a teenager) but you most certainly weren't holding her hand while she ~screamed in agony~

  57. This is where insisting comes in. She may need therapy to feel safe leaving your kids, but she needs to be able to spend time away from them for all of your sakes.

    You need to tell her what you need – fun nights out. You can start with baby steps, but you have to start somewhere.

    I cannot state strongly enough how important it is for the two of you to take time alone together sometimes if your real goal is to be together forever.

    You also have GOT to dig deep and muster some compassion for your wife. She’s not just hashing your mellow, dude. She sounds freakin’ paralyzed.

  58. She has had a very very bad relationship in the past and I mean the worse you can think of bad and I feel I was just scared in the moment hense why I made this post and all. I appreciate all the info given and we are now talking now, thanks

  59. Being lonely doesn’t give you the right to lead someone on. Don’t date people you know you aren’t attracted to.

    Diabetes and low testosterone are very common causes for poor erections and lack of sensation – that isn’t made up. He’s trying to blame her for his own problems, whatever they are. Maybe he has a small penis or he uses too much friction when masturbating to find pleasure from a normal, healthy, and aroused vagina. Problem is ?not her.

  60. Your post relieved me because despite I don't even know who you are there are many things in common between what I lived and what you said.

  61. You should make tangible improvements then meet them and apologize to her father when you meet him.

  62. OP, your husband is telling you he won't accept you, his wife, working and doing what you do for your work if it takes you away from your home.

    At your age, your son must be at least a teenager, unless you had him late in life. So if he's a teen, it's about time he learns some skills on how to keep a home.

    Your husband is an adult -can he not fend for himself, clean up after himself, do his own laundry, cook a hotdog, etc? Is he that incapable that he must INSIST his wife be around ALL the time just to ensure he's happy and his pillows are fluffed?

    Looks like you're headed for divorce if he can't successfully derail your new career because HE has needs that only YOU can attend to. It's up to you whether you want to live! with him under the rules he's making, or not.

  63. He's the one who expects her to take care of him like another child. We already know who the unfavorable one is.

  64. She didn’t though. he was having a pissbaby fit and dug his own grave. High school age kids will look a judge right in the face and say “I don’t want to have this person in my life/have visitation/this person to have custody of me” and the judge will listen.

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