CARLANAKOY on-line webcams for YOU!


Show asshole [Multi Goal]

Date: October 6, 2022

6 thoughts on “CARLANAKOY on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Has he deleted the photos yet? I understand not deleting the texts/posts/location but if he is keeping pictures of her on his phone or computer that is a pretty big sign he hasnt actually moved on, and is still holding onto her for some reason

  2. This guy needs to go back to his mommy so she's can finish raising him. He's currently less mature than my 10 year old.

    He will not change. You're enabling him honey. If you love him, then it's time for some tough love to help him grow up. You're not helping him right now…

    You're 21, you have your entire life ahead of you and you will be just fine. No one deserves to parent a 23 year old man like this. No. Just no.

    I'm 43F. I promise you, it's better to be alone for awhile than in a relationship like this. Bare minimum: a grown man brushes his teeth, showers, puts on deodorant, cleans his clothes, holds down a decent job, takes care of his home. BARE MINIMUM.

    We live in the most privileged era in history. You can get a job at McDonald's that pays $14/hour. There is no excuse for this. None!! This is 100% pure laziness and selfishness. That's a heart issue, not a matter of teaching or rules or setting up chore charts. This guy needs to work on his sense of responsibility and decide for himself to grow up and be a man.

    Girl you deserve so much better. Pack your bags and cut him loose. Tell him to call you when he's held down a good job for at least a year.

  3. If she knew for a fact the baby is yours, she would have said something when she was late and took a test then.

    Well no. I know how my girlfriend is. She's not type to always share things, epecially when it doesn't align with what she has in store.

  4. You, yourself are aware you have issues and this is affecting your judgement.

    Relationships are a matter of compromise. Either you have to accept this is a minor issue just magnified by your own personal insecurities or he adjusts by agreeing to stop.

    If none of that works then you just have have to find a more compatible partner.

    Don't get me wrong, your feelings are perfectly valid but sometimes what we need and want can conflict with what we can realistically get.

  5. Honey, try therapy on your own. You deserve to feel heard, you deserve to have your needs met. You deserve to have a partner who cherishes you and lifts you up. You deserve a partner who wants to shout their love for you at anyone who will listen.

    You are worthy of soft love. You are worthy of kindness. You have always deserved to be treated with compassion and empathy, especially from yourself.

    You are not a burden. You are not hot to love. There is nothing wrong with you.

    Who you are is special, what you bring to the table is valuable. You are enough.

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