CarlaBellucci1 online webcams for YOU!


CarlaBellucci1 Public Chat Channel

Date: December 1, 2022

36 thoughts on “CarlaBellucci1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. Well, all I'm saying is, if they wanted another friend, it would be cheaper for the friend to just get a new one x)

  2. It's the base of many a sexist trope, and unless you clarify what you're asking it's going to be assumed that's the tree you're barking up. Making initial judgements based entirely on how many parents someone has had is shitty and immature behaviour.

  3. Your post is very important but not for the reasons you might think.

    The Good News is, in your case you have done an excellent job identifying an important area of growth and communication.

    Lots of people who have not grown through their Social Awareness phase continue to use material from their teens and get EXACTLY the pattern you describe.

    Human Intimacy NEEDS to be expressed on all Four Planes of Human Existence.

    a.) Physical… explanation necessary

    b.) Emotional……and I DONT mean “emotionally-charged behavior”. I mean the expression, understanding and acceptance for the feeling engendered by recognizing the traits in oneself and one's SO. Each and every one of us longs to be affirmed for how and why we are who we are. I did NOT say “acknowledged” or “validated”….thats the next step. Affirmations are communications we give ourselves and others encouraging the attitudes they bring to life. Women bring variant traits to men, which is how Affirmation becomes so important. Both men and women need this.

    c.)Intellectual…… NOW we can talk about acknowledgement and validation since these are Cognitions and generally reflect on Outcomes relative to intentions. If emotion is regarding the persons “how and why”, Intellectual is validating the Way we are and how that brings good into our lives. Self-determination and autonomy, or independent thinking along with critical thinking are all indications a partner can hold their own and be a productive part of a bond and need to recognized for their qualities.

    d.)Spiritual……..and I am NOT talking about going to church, although…oddly….. that could be one aspect. Our Spiritual plane is the keeper of our Beliefs the way our Intellect is the keeper of our thoughts and our Emotional plane the keeper of our feelings. Using intuition we seek to accept those views or positions for which we have no Concrete facts. If we had facts we'd be using our Intellect. Sometimes we have to take things at face-value and risk…..kinda like a high-wire act without the net. Our intuition helps us reduce the risk by weighing the value of a position without any actual evidence.


  4. My father and I are. And my brother isn't but has self admitted he believes he as BPD. He has most of the traits but technically no I guess not. He's mentally ill either way.

  5. We were intimate before yes, but in the last year we weren't because he was depressed and drinking.

    He didn't get hurt last time, I did. He ended it on impulse, wanted to come back and I said no, we needed time apart, then I forced that time apart. He dated someone else, I healed, and here we are.

  6. I would say your heart or body signaled you have an attraction or feelings or some kind for this friend if you were “hoping”

    but that isn’t cheating….still…take a moment to consider what the moment and feelings mean? It could just be a blip. It could mean something more?

  7. Hello /u/italiancrazygirl,

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  8. kinda sounds like your boyfriend bullied the trans kid!

    though i am extremely curious: what do you mean asked for advice? how did those conversations go? i played a high school sport on a team that won the state championship in 2005, and this never happened

  9. Hello /u/anony896,

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  10. You should consider you migh have a “type” when you are selecting potential partners. Unfortunately this “type” is also cheating one.

  11. She’s mostly like “if I see them, I see them” with most of her friends. But never have I seen her cry like this. Her girl bestie also told me that she was more emotional and sad about this guy bestfriend than the breakup she had with actual ex-boyfriend a couple years ago. My gf and the guy bestfriend never dated or anything, so I’m like huh??

    About attractiveness, he’s not bad looking, super tall and masculine, mature in all regards.

  12. You know her better than we do, but based on that I’d actually lean to it being intended cruelly. Especially because she isn’t responding to tell you what she wants you to do.

    And my advice is to block her number.

  13. Based on what little information you gave, no. I don't think using a basic messenger app means she's cheating.

  14. Ideally I'd love for her to change

    This is the crux of it. She is who she is and wanting someone to change is a fool's errand.

    You are learning this about her at four months of dating, and that's why people date – to 'try on' the other person to see if you 'fit'.

    You two do not fit.

  15. Prior to the last month he’s truly been the sweetest and most patient man with me. Like he’s never hesitated to show me love or care. This last month has just been upsetting. I want to try to take that kind of media away.

  16. Thank you for your reply. She actually IS a pretty goofy person. We like to joke that we both clowns. She’s playful and curious but responsible. She makes me laugh AND keeps me on track. In return, I try to be supportive and loving and listen. She doesn’t like gifts, she just likes quality time and talking. Anyways, I do understand where you’re coming from and I sincerely appreciate your response. I will keep that in mind when I speak with her later

  17. Inheritance is not considered a marital asset. It would be yours and yours alone. Whatever money you receive put it in an account in your name only, preferably at a different bank than the one you and your husband use. The fact that he's trying to profit from the death of your parents is sickening. If your parents had a will, and I hope they did, then their assets are going to be distributed as stipulated by their will and your asshat of a husband can't do crap about it. You need to put off having kids with this man and seriously rethink why you should stay married to such a greedy, entitled man.

  18. When you need to use exceptions and know you sound foolish then that’s really avoidance talking.

    You just did what he does. Avoided the details with excuses. It’s painful facing the truth.

  19. Suggestion: move to her area but not into her home. Going from long distance to living together isn’t an easy transition.

  20. START THE DRAMA. Tell your husband. Tell him it made you uncomfortable. Tell him you don’t want BIL around (and would like an apology).

    You should not be blamed for BIL’s actions. Shame on him.

  21. IUDs are, as everyone says, very effective but not 100%. Use a condom if you feel that’s what’s best for you. I know two women who got pregnant with IUDs inserted. It does happen.

    Another thing I would talk to your gf about is making sure that she takes monthly pregnancy tests if the IUD is making her miss her period. That’s just a little extra peace of mind. If you all ever have an accident and think there’s a possibility of implantation, she can use Plan B as well.

  22. Absolutely nowhere here have you said a single thing about your pleasure/sexual enjoyment. This man sounds like a complete asshole, I can't imagine having sex with him, not to mention being in a relationship with him. Hot pass.

  23. Maybe I’m biased because I love to cook, and I don’t always feel like cooking, so sometimes dinner is eggs on toast. But you’d probably have to kick me out of the kitchen, as even on the nights when my flat mates cook, I’m helping them with preparing it.

    He needs to step up his , or step out of the relationship.

  24. Go talk to a therapist to help process your breakup. You are still stuck, you need to move forward

  25. He’s doing it in a totally private space. He most definitely does not want to get caught. And I probably wouldn’t be so bothered by it if it wasn’t seemingly affecting our sex life. Bc 2 years ago while I thought it was weird… sex was so good that I didn’t care all that much? I thought “oh weird ok in guess ppl do that? Men do that?”

  26. Your boyfriend sounds incredibly immature and seems to have an unrealistic idea of what being an employee is about. His boss expressed appreciation for his contribution to the company and made it clear by recommending him for promotion that he is a valued colleague. This is not a common experience. And somehow your boyfriend has decided to take it as an affront to his dignity? That's some ego in play there. In your shoes I'd be asking myself if he is grounded enough in reality to be a reliable partner.

  27. It's easy for guys to want a kid when all they do to get one is orgasm. You are the one who will permanently change your body, likely acquire lifetime health issues, and endure all the discomfort. His sad face isn't going to deliver the baby for you or breastfeed or get you a home you can rely on for the next 18 years you will have a dependent. What is he doing to step up besides making you feel bad about his fee fees?

  28. Yeah. You're in the right. Lots of red flags. This was already a situation you weren't conform with, rightfully so, and even though you allowed it, she kept pushing the time back over and over again. Then, when you found her, she was in close proximity with him in a car, and she thinks you're crazy and distrustful?

    Yeah. No.

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