Carla-morelli live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

50 thoughts on “Carla-morelli live webcams for YOU!

  1. Uuuuurgh my heart hurts for you.

    My dad and mum have been together 37 years. He does not look at any other woman. I know I'm not in their relationship, but we are very open. He finds her the most beautiful woman in the world, and she finds him the most beautiful man in the world. My dad has zero social media, and can't figure out the internet for porn I can 100% attest that he is still only after my mum after all those years.

    My partner and me have our issues. But I can 100000% say he sees me, and is in love. And vice versa. I have no eyes for anyone else. If someone says 'what do you think of x' I can objectively comment. Like Jason momoa is attractive, but I think nothing when I see him. My partner has no other women on his social media (except friends and family of course), and doesn't watch porn. He can also objectively say 'yeah she's a gorgeous woman' if we are talking about actresses etc.

    If we kiss goodbye, the man is sporting half a chub. Its been 3 years for us.

    He was with his ex wife for 15 years before us, and he felt the same way about her because he loved her deeply.

    Obviously every relationship is different, but I have never experienced or heard of a partner/boyfriend saying they need other people to get them going after x amount of years with their wife, that just sounds mean to say that.

    My best friends have been married for 13 years and he always comments on how beautiful she is, and he needs no one else. They literally have 3somes and other things, and he still thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread.

  2. You are walking around eggshells and pulling the classic, “he only hits me because I keep upsetting him. It's my fault.”

    Gtfo out. This dude is breaking you down. Reread what you wrote like someone else wrote it.

  3. She was advertising for subscriptions to her FO page for money. After he previously responded, she collected his info. It's no different than junk email.

  4. Why can't she just put the money in her own account to not be touched right now and then when she has had time to think about what she wants to do with it, and is in a clear head space and less emotionally tapped out–make her decision? I'm not sure why it needs to be decided directly after the death or her father. That seems like a thing to deal with later if there are no financial strains in the moment. Sorry to hear about her loss and the strain on the fam at the moment:(

  5. Definitely public only if OP chooses to meet her at all. I'd be concerned that she might try to claim OP attacked her afterward. It's sadly not uncommon for people to throw false charges at someone and offer to drop them if the abused party comes back.

    Particularly since she's been self harming and physically abusing OP.. she's obviously able and willing to hurt someone

  6. I don't feel like them not being married is the most important part here. The issue is more that they're in their 20's. You shouldn't be making life altering decisions you're not comfortable with to appease a partner when you're both barely out of your teenages, regardless of whether you're married or not.

  7. He is right. If my wife started questioning my engagement ring I would think twice about proposing to her. Engagement is not about the ring and marriage is not about a wedding.

  8. I get changing their ways but they are being extremely racist and harmful to the husband. It's not fair at all. To me the damage is done. The wife isn't even sticking up for him at all. She's allowing this behavior to continue towards him.

  9. Hello /u/Intelligent_Farm9203,

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  10. I saw your phrasing of what she said in one of your other responses that was essentially “…this is something that can help repair an issue or help..[the couple] end amicably.” That does not sound like suggesting divorce to my ear. And honestly, I'm not sure how you go from this statement to your concern that she will offer your husband “bad advice”. Further, he is an adult and can decide what he will get out of therapy and/or if he thinks his therapist has good boundaries.

  11. Why has noone mentioned that he could have been raped? He was drunk and on drugs and therefore unable to consent. He did not move or touch her and can barely remember anything.

    If a female was drunk/on drugs and woke up to find someone having sex with them, you’d all be screaming rape. Why is noone saying this at all?

    How deeply sexist all the commenters on this thread are. I’m appalled.

  12. Why has noone mentioned that he could have been raped? He was drunk and on drugs and therefore unable to consent. He did not move or touch her and can barely remember anything.

    If a female was drunk/on drugs and woke up to find someone having sex with them, you’d all be screaming rape. Why is noone saying this at all?

    How deeply sexist all the commenters on this thread are. I’m appalled.

  13. I think your wife wants to test the waters. You said your relationship has been shitty lately, and some smooth guy came along and flirted with her and she felt sparks. She wants to pursue that, but wants to keep you on the back burner in case it doesn’t work out.

    It’s up to you to decide where you want to go from here.

    But you do need to;

    First off protect yourself and your children. Consult a lawyer (regardless of your hopes for the future) and get solid advice on how to protect your assets/home/custody etc.

    The lawyer will help you get a separation agreement in writing. This is important. You need it to establish that you aren’t surrendering any claims to your home, etc. and you need to establish partial custody of your children. Make sure your agreement explicitly states that you have have 50/50 custody of your children, both legally for decision making purposes and that they will partially reside with you. Don’t assume that things will remain amicable, because they may not. Protect both of you with a written agreement.

    Do some soul searching. Decide if you’d like to still be married to your wife. Could you trust her again if she wanted to reconcile? Get therapy, together (if she’ll agree) and separately. Even if you don’t reconcile you need to work through communication issues and hurt and anger to co-parent together. Don’t rush to any relationship decisions. Just because your wife wants you to wait 6 months for her to decide if she wants to be married, doesn’t mean you have to, but you also don’t need to rush to make that decision in a cloud of shock and hurt.

    Good luck.

  14. You're overthinking this like crazy. After you masturbate avd cum, usually the first thing the person wants to do is eat. So it happened to be. He shared that with you in the same sentence but he wasn't in any way relating that about youv

  15. Just out of curiosity, would he tell his boss that he thinks their haircut is ugly? Or tell your mom or dad that he hates their food? Or is he only that mean to you? Is he telling you these things in front of other people?

  16. That makes sense! I wouldn’t be against that idea. I don’t think it should be used as just a cheating verifier, that would upset a lot of people and delve into trust. But i think if it was presented as this covers all bases- cheating, mix ups, etc it makes logical sense

  17. Oh no, I understand what you were trying to do perfectly. It's just that it didn't work. His wife was topless? Well he could've had his dick hanging out. that's not the point AT ALL.

    You ignored that the comment you replied to was pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards that make it so if a Man did this exact same scenario, and heard his wife say he wanted a sandiwch, but when she got home he had his cock out and no food and said he'd make her food AFTER sex, the comments would be tearing him a new asshole for being manipulative and sexually abusive, and etc, etc… And you know that. Nice try being disingenuous though.

  18. First, this is why you don’t demand a headcount, it can get in your head. Second, gf does not need to be treated shabbily for her past, because it’s her past. Btw, 9 at age 30 is not a “bad” number. Third, not her fault she experienced things you missed out on, don’t blame her for your decisions. Fourth, if this bothers you so much, then it’s time to move on, and the reason isn’t because gf is so “experienced”, it because you don’t want to settle down yet, there is a lot of life you want to experience. So to recap, it’s not her, it’s you, it’s time to move on.

  19. I have no idea what his finances are only what we share in one account.

    This is a real concern. You should have a full picture of the overall finances. Was this never discussed? Or did you ask and he was evasive?

    Do you have a separate bank account of your own? Do you have savings of your own?

  20. That is not something you can control anyway. You'll have to take eggs for your money and hope for the best. But continueing this relationship definitely isn't going to help you either. Whatever consequences you'll face, you'll survive.

  21. That is not something you can control anyway. You'll have to take eggs for your money and hope for the best. But continueing this relationship definitely isn't going to help you either. Whatever consequences you'll face, you'll survive.

  22. If you're a good person, you tell him his wife is cheating and give him as many details as possible so he can get what he deserves out of the divorce.

    If you're not a good person, you do whatever the hell you feel like.

  23. Do you want to raise your kids in a household with no love? Do you want them exposed to contempt and spite? Because you won't be able to love him again, you'll never forget what he did to you, and forcing yourself to online with him will not create a nurturing environment for your children. And if you took him back, he wouldn't stop, at least not for a meaningful amount of time. Reach out to family, friends. Get support. If you have a good relationship with your parents it might be a good idea to move in with them or they can come stay with you. Or maybe sisters, brothers, good friends even. Hell if you and your MIL/FIL have a good relationship that's an option too. There are a few subreddits about surviving infidelity, look them up, sorry I don't know them, I'm hoping others chime in. Talk to a lawyer to get the ball rolling. Also don't let him back into your house.

  24. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    What should I have done?

    My mom came by my house to drop off a few fruits for my toddler. She does this pretty often. Normally she parks outside, calls me, and I go pick it up from her. This time I went to get one of the grocery bags and I told her I’d be right back for the rest.

    My wife was on the couch while I brought things inside, already upset from an argument we had earlier.

    While I’m putting the fruits away, I hear a single knock followed by my mom already walking inside “Can I come in?”

    My wife bolted to the bedroom, she likes to be ready and presentable around my family but I had no time to react and didn’t know my mom would just barge in without a warning.

    I didn’t know how to handle the situation, it was cold outside and my mom was doing something nice and getting us some groceries, she also just wanted to see my son. Luckily our house was clean but my wife got even more upset with me for not telling my mom off for just walking inside.

    What my mom did was rude but I didn’t know how to respond and I didn’t want to be rude myself.

  25. It’s really good to hear from someone who is in the same cultural difference part of the relationship and to know that this isn’t normal.

    Can I ask if when his mum said that stuff about you did he defend you to her? I can’t bring myself to believe that just being a Mexican mother gives you the right to say anything you want and get away with it like this one does.

    Honestly I think about that comment a lot. It was nearly a year ago now and the look he had on his face while he was saying it and the laugh that he had.. I have literal nightmares about it and wake up covered in sweat. And after the things he’s done to me before I really don’t doubt that it’s something he truely meant. Which is maybe why I don’t want to leave because there isn’t anything I could do to protect my family if he wanted to do anything at all to them. Protective orders don’t even help because it’s just a piece of paper until they break it and then it’s too late anyway.

  26. There is a whole lot going on here and none of it is being communicated.

    How did she betray your trust exactly?

    How is she suppose to know a friend of hers makes you uncomfortable if you do not say anything?

  27. From your replies to people asking valid questions it seems your partner is PURPOSELY pushing your buttons to make you angry and then he gets his ready in hand camera to capture the moments you freak out. It's also scary because you say you have kids. I think you should consider why you're with such person and how it's benefiting you and your kids. Your mental health and personal issues will definitely bleed into your kids lives and you keeping whoever this person around them doesn't feel like a good thing. Maybe he's compounding evidence to you against you in future to call you crazy and an unfit mom? Whatever his reasons are they're definitely not good and you should get out of this!

  28. Yes, she made the deal, he reneged, but she’s asking what to do next. There’s no other info. None. We certainly don’t know why he’s not doing it and we’re don’t know how she’s tackled this with him before.

    So the answers are: Have a direct chat about it or try to engage in some foreplay where she cheekily leaves no doubt what she wants to happen. A third option is to introduce a chat about expectations during the build-up. It all depends on how they deal with sex and something that could be seen as confrontational.

  29. You're welcome. I've been with a Korean American woman for 6+ years and it's been a very important part of our relationship to understand the cultural differences, what she finds offensive and being aware of how she is reacting to something. Thankfully she is really open about it and isn't so wrapped up in it that she lets it ruin relationships.

  30. Please don't act like you don't have control over your own actions. You're not helpless to stop yourself. Simply don't do it.

  31. His penis is not touching the underside of the toilet lid. And if you really aren't concerned about poo germs, I would question why you're not keeping your toothbrush in the bathroom. Or why you would be concerned about any other germs at that point.

    Regardless, you clearly have a few options here:

    – blowjobs IN the shower

    – clean the toilet more regularly

    – get over it

    – make him wash his dick prior to sexy times

    With respect to the last one, my guess is if he understands that what stands between him and blowjobs is regular dick cleaning, he'll be on board.

    That said, you clearly have some germaphobe tendencies and like I said before, this is definitely a “you” problem. Depending on how easy-going he is or how good things are going in your relationship otherwise may determine just how receptive he is to you making it HIS problem as well.

  32. Yeah. Ours does not work with a pin number. We can really only do it when we're both home and won't be going out

  33. We don't need refer to anyone as “ho”s. It's a misogynistic term and there are better words to describe the same thing.

  34. We don't need refer to anyone as “ho”s. It's a misogynistic term and there are better words to describe the same thing.

  35. The best thing you did for yourself was to make someone feel shitty – that is not a good reason as to why it's important to advocate for yourself.

    When you establish a barrier, it's important to use your voice and let people know when they have crossed them. This is to keep yourself safe and healthy, not to make others feel bad

  36. She's unhinged. Unless you want to deal with that for the rest of your life, now is a prime opportunity to take your leave.

  37. Almost one year. Yeah, to be it seems to be alarming that he wants to calculate how many tampons do I use per month and then ask me to give him that money back (toiletries would be brought from our shared budget)

  38. I wouldn’t recommend lying (to your husband at least) about a girls trip because if the truth comes out somehow you might be accused of horrible disgusting things. I think your best bet is to have an open conversation with your husband. Tell him that you have been wanting to go on a short solo getaway for the longest time now and would like to do it while you are still able to. If he gets angry or hurt, just let him know this is for yourself and is not about anyone else. Also that you will be going regardless and it would just be less complicated and smooth if he doesn’t take it personally and supports you.

    If you feel like lying about the girls trip would be better feel free to do that. After all you know your family best

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