Candy the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Candy, 22 y.o.


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Candy live! sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

15 thoughts on “Candy the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You didn't rape her. Her brain is fucked from the guilt religion gives you from sex and pleasure. I would back off from this relationship, i don't see how you could ever feel confortable or trust her ever again in any intimate situation.

    Source: I was raped and i was raised catholic.

  2. I think he is jealous. You are young, disciplined, strong, fit, etc.

    He is having a sad reaction to your recent improvements. It’s called a mid-life crisis.

    Be the bigger man (no pun intended) & just walk away when he tries to pick a fight. Think of him as old man & walk away.

  3. OP, it's just a fact that a typical F18 is going to be more “mature” than a typical M18. This is how biology functions. But on top of just sheer brain development you're also going to have to face the reality that a guy is in his peak “ho phase” at 18, women don't usually get there until much later. It's going to be a challenge and anyone who says it's not is just sugarcoating it for you. However, it's good that you're already sensing problems. This means that if things don't work out it's not going to blindside you and affect your studies at uni. Good luck though

  4. Who cares about what he wants at this point? What do you want? Do you want to be with someone who only wants to be with you once they realize you would actually walk away? He didn't care about how unhappy you were or how incompatible you both were. You still have time to find someone who legitimately wants the same things as you and just isn't saying so because they're afraid of being alone. Take some time and go no contact. Figure out what's best for you without his influence.

  5. Most likely, they are not open minded people. While you’re open to their scene and lifestyle, they are not open to yours. They just don’t approve of how you dress and what you do. Nothing to do with who you are.

  6. I’ve never been great with compliments honestly, even with my friends. Not great with touch from any of them either.

  7. The fact is. She can’t produce milk period. You have to have milk glands which means just because she has transitioned, she will never have these. Her article is biologically impossible. She should not be trying to breastfeed period. Idc, but this is abuse to your child. Not intentional I’m sure. How dare her use the transfobia excuse on you! She has issues that you aren’t going to be able to help her with by yourself. Listen to your mothering instincts. This is wrong. And her using the pacifier is basically the same thing is BS. It’s not.

  8. Or you know, you could just move on. She’s not calling she’s not interested. She sounds like a self saboteur. Move on with your life and stop thinking about her, or start to think about all the pain she will cause.

  9. She told you she doesn't love you, started cheating on you, and now YOU feel bad? Buddy she is manipulating you.

  10. You threw a fit over his friendship with a woman & basically booted his best friend out of his life for no reason other than your unfounded jealousy & insecurities.

    Instead of working on those issues within yourself you used them as a stick to beat him over the head with.

    Now you have an issue with old messages & the fact that you understandably misses their friendship.

    You either decide to do something about it by realising that this is a “you” problem & commit to working on it or be prepared to lose your mind over every interaction he has with the opposite sex that you seem inappropriate.

  11. Ok hun, your gonna get dragged in this one. Everyone will see this for exactly what it is immediately.

    1- How did you two meet?

    2- Do you live together?

    3- Does he see you as a partner or a caregiver for his child?

    4- What do you imagine your future to be with this guy?

    5- What (other than children) do you have in common with a man 11 years your elder?

  12. People have commented on you wanting kids, and her not, so I won't.

    That said, I could at least understand the miscommunication about kids. I could understand if you got upset because she had said she didn't want kids, and you hadn't understood that so far. I'd think it was a mistake to not notice earlier, but I at least conceptually get it. But this?

    we most likely would never end up having kids because having 2+ doctor visits (consultation and removal procedure at the very least) between us and a pregnancy would mean it could never be spontaneous/romantic

    This is just dumb as hell. Why the hell would you want a pregnancy spontaneously? That is not a romantic dinner or fun date night or a vacation; kids take planning, dude. Getting upset over the prospect you might have to give a life altering decision a little forethought is staggeringly stupid.

    (Additionally, the arm implant lasts 5 years, and is harder to get taken out than an IUD. Dafuq is that ok, but an IUD isn't?)

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