CANDY-ENYEL1 online sex cams for YOU!


**Deep throat .. wild, sloopy,your hard cock in my mouth. [110 tokens remaining]

Date: October 11, 2022

105 thoughts on “CANDY-ENYEL1 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Another day of Reddit making people see things clearly.

    Way to go OP! This too shall pass and you'd be in happier headspace.

  2. Provided your girlfriend isn't cheating, in which case that would be shitty of her, I have definitely been guilty of putting in effort of looking good for work and then being lazy and comfortable in my off time. Especially since the pandemic when I got really used to being in yoga pants 24/7 working from home. It definitely helps to be reminded that there should at least be date nights and stuff where your partner gets the benefit of that same effort and not to be complacent.

  3. I'd get in touch with a support group for women who have gone through similar situations. You can call your husband out for his bad behavior because he deserves it. Remember that many women never take the necessary steps to protect their children, and it's never too late to make things right. Times will be tough, I know, but your babies will always need and love you. Focus on being the best mum you can be that we know you are, and realize you must forgive yourself to move on from your toxic relationship with your husband. Take your power and life back; sending you virtual hugs!?

  4. Yes tell.him as this is his best friend, unless they are both used to sleeping with each other's girls so his best friend being your FWB wont have any impact. FWB's can be a mess and making future relationships with other potential partner difficult, as you have to sift through who they know to make sure dont have any relationship with your FWB's.

  5. It is absolutely not controlling to say:

    “I do not want to be in a relationship with someone that wants to behave like a single person.”

    Because that's what she was doing – leading strangers on to think they had a chance to sleep with her if they bought her drinks – and having zero respect for you and/or your relationship together at the same time.

    If she wants to behave like a single person, it is not controlling to end the relationship and let her actually be a single person.

  6. Not appropriate. It’s just not appropriate for a potential step parent to be in the same bed as a child and the mother should realize this. The child is old enough to sleep on their own.

    The mother is waving a huge red flag and asking for trouble. It doesn’t matter if you’d never remotely consider doing anything wrong, the optics are bad

  7. Might want to stay in LA and never return. If you do decide to return, and she’s packed your stuff up in a suitcase, make sure you check it for rattlesnakes that she has planted in there.

    On a serious note, a relationship with this nutter will never end well.

  8. Its gaslighting which unfortunately does not bode well for your reconciliation. It's an emotionally abusive tactic to try and manipulate you into being more submissive and easier to control.

    To me that says no matter what he told you he's not really sorry for what he did. A partner who was truly remorseful would be bending over backwards try to repair the relationship not spending their time trying to make you feel bad for having a totally normal response to cheating.

  9. UPDATE #2* SPOKE TO HIM! He is adamantly denying. He looked absolutely panicked when I asked him about the photos. He let me go through both his phones (yes he has two) and he is going through the laptop trying to figure out what might of happened but while doing so he came across something I missed. A whole video. Lucky me. Yes, he has the “calculator” app on his phone where he stores nudes. He's trying to prove me wrong right now and can't. I need time to think.

  10. Perhaps your perfect situation isnt attainable but what you can do is fine the best of what you have. If you think this women is a great fit for you and want a serious relationship it starts with being open and honest, but not judgemental. If their are things yiu want to try but havent you need to express that, if their are fantasies that you wish to attain then say it, then as a couple you will talk and either compromise or not. If you can live! with whatever outcome you get great, if not then maybe its not ment to be and you move on. Whatever happened in the past shouldnt be a worry now, focus on what you two can do together

  11. Whatever decision you make, the real advice is to stop “hooking up” with these guys at parties. Besides the risk of pregnancy there are many STDs you can end up getting. Have you seen what AIDS does to a person? And why would the WHOLE frat be worried if you take a plan b or not? Sounds to me like you may have been with more than one of the frat boys in the party lol (No disrespect I'm just assuming, sorry if I'm wrong). Don't be one of those women who end up 40 and single because nobody wants them because they either have an STD or because everybody already had a piece.

  12. Well for, starters that she dumped kerosene on a tough situation. Stonewalling him, repeatedly sniping at him, sternly demanding her husband get out of the house (after assuming he chucked an object she didn't see after hearing a thud down the hall) after all the trauma he was dealing with contributed to he kids fearful response.

  13. That’s between you both. The fact that you’re asking public strangers to comment on your private married life tells me you need to self reflect. After that, go let her know how you feel. If you think it’s ridiculous, grow some balls and leave. If you think it’s an arrangement you may want to try before deciding whether to leave or not, go for it. If you think your wife may be I’ll, get help. I can’t help you with an opinion on something I don’t have full context for. Good luck

  14. What is she doing from 530 to 9? Work while being unpaid? That does not make sense. I agree w trying to civility uncouple. If you have children, which it sounds like you do, she should be home with them (and you) helping with dinner, homework and housework.

  15. You didn’t comprehend what you read correctly. They’re both having sex, but he’s just fuckin while she seems to basically have a relationship going. Nothing to do with who found sex easier.

  16. Yes you're in the wrong.

    You both went to a swinging event and you brought communication and sexual things outside of the event.

    Sucks, boundaries should be in place before. But I feel like it's pretty straightforward not to fuck anyone else outside that setting. Lol sounds harsh, but we're adults here.

  17. Have you considered opening up the relationship? So you could experiment with her consent and make it so it does not effect the relationship in a negative way.

  18. Why would your ex boyfriend even come up in conversation? What good could possibly come of telling your current boyfriend the exact month you broke up? See that can of worms? DO NOT OPEN IT!

  19. He suggested your doctor sexually assault you and cause you life long complications as a “joke” for his pleasure.

    What benefit of the doubt is there to give?

  20. You say “hey remember when we talked about marriage before? Where are we with that? I feel like I’m waiting around for a conversation that never came. I really want to take the relationship to the next step, what are your thoughts?”

    Sometimes you gotta be the one to begin the discussion. In marriage there are far more difficult, awkward and confrontational conversations that will happen – so get comfy now!

  21. Hello /u/xnoxfun,

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  22. This would actually not surprise me. My wife has frequently been surprised and I often attribute it to years of guys basically going easy on girls when it comes to sports and athletic competition. Every once in awhile she gets overly confident and thinks the playing field is much closer than it is, I don’t even have to go 100% and it’s very clear to her very fast.

  23. I’m glad to hear you divorced him. You were in the relationship but he wasn’t. Was this person a man or woman ? He was so eager to leave that it almost sound he was going to see a woman/man he was attracted too.

    You did the right move.

  24. I mean… you literally think your life is the one that's destroyed and seem to be incapable of acknowledging the real lives you've ruined… your son and soon to be ex husbands, so I'd say narcissist is a pretty spot on description.

    Then again, it's almost too perfect – maybe you're just a troll.

  25. Holy shit. You are all well past teenager drama at your ages. Nope the fuck out. She went on a bender, fucked some dudes and then you want to marry this trash bin? Even her own Mother would tell you not to continue this. I could guarantee it. Do not stick your dick in that until she gets tested at least. Gross.

  26. This is probably the best answer. She doesn't know what's going thru her partner's head… so the best thing to do is to ask rather than assume anything.

    Hell, the issue I had with getting married to my ex (before she cheated) and still have is that I see little benefit to it for me as a guy. We were together for at most a year, but she was planning things for the long-term and it just felt weird having that thrusted on me in just a year. Don't get me wrong, I value what the concept of marriage and vows are supposed to represent. I still want that. However, the divorce rates and reasons why some folks will divorce concern me. And if we get divorced, she may or may not have heartbreak, but I'll have heartbreak AND be financially handicapped. And in some states, courts will just throw out a prenuptial. Is looking at things from the worst-case scenario bad? Sure, but I see it as being grounded. Does weighing outcomes make me insecure? If you want to call it that, then sure.

  27. Apparently there won't be any waiver as “he's a friend” and she “trusts” him.

    OP is/ was your wife a professional model or has she even showed interest in modelling before? The reason for this question is how eager she is to help him ” professionally” and if the answer for the above question is yes then you do have a serious issue there. I may be wrong but I don't know anyone who'll jump up to go and be a model for a friend of a friend and will not be comfortable with their SO present unless they are doing something shady.

    Can't you just skip work for one day and go with her? Take a leave and as she's about to go to her “shoot” tell her you'll be joining her today to meet the photographer friend and ensure that she's the one driving so that she doesn't have time to message and alert him. If she ask why, then you have your answer, if their working dynamics are different, you have your answer. If she stops you from coming you have, your answer.

  28. Neither honestly, just someone to spend my life with. No interest in kids, have nieces and nephews, which is plenty kids for me. Marriage, eh, if the other person is set on it, fine, but I don't really care.

  29. She probably just wanted to get a reaction from you. Some people are manipulative like that. Best to block her number and move on with your life.

  30. Just as a question:

    Did she say figure it out because there's something you've obviously done and she's pissed off?

    Or does she just not communicate?

    Because ones on you, and the other is on her.

  31. How about asking him in a kind way if he is ever sexually attracted to men? You should consider VERY carefully what you would say if he says yes. For example, he can be sexually attracted to men and women and be quite content being monogamous. He can be situationally bisexual. Either case is no reason to end the relationship. My general point, Can you accept him as he is? This is as big a test of who you are as him.

    As for the rest. I’m not bisexual or gay and do most of what you describe.

    You have no idea how most women would be over the moon if their male SOs peed sitting down.

    Part of what you should think carefully and honestly about is the traits you value in your SO. Because you have a good sense of who he is. Is that actually what you want?

  32. It’s a situationship. You see it as a real relationship. He sees it as a low-effort way to get sex and attention.

  33. Clearly his desire to roam was stronger than his feelings for you. You can't force someone to commit when they're just not ready for that. But don't believe for a moment that whatever he's involved in now is going to turn out any differently than his relationship with you. He's going to cheat on that girl too and they'll be broken up in the near future. He's just currently incapable of being true to one person.

  34. Your boyfriend is a irresponsible jerk. Not only is he not doing anything to remedy the situation HE CAUSED but he is about to lose his license because he is a BAD DRIVER, not a good one. You made a poor decision by trusting this man. You need to drop him immediately. This is not a case of “oh but I love him”. This man is outright doing harm to your quality of life and DOEST GIVE TWO SHITS. FUCK HIM.

    If you don’t dump him and take him to court for reimbursement, your making yet another, poor decision, and letting someone who probably wont be around all that long, ruin your life.

  35. It does seem a little creepy and behavior that could lead to acts of voyeurism if he did take the screenshot due to cleavage and a change in her appearance.

  36. If Instagram is a big part of your life, I'd say she's doing her homework. And if you'd said in a session that you didn't want to edit your photos anymore, she was trying to help hold you accountable.

    She probably should have asked if you wanted that kind of support, but, I don't see what she did as creepy or anything.

  37. Like the nerve of this bitch. You’re going to rebound back to him because your fantasies weren’t quite what you pictured?? You’ve already broken his heart and tainted your relationship. If you really cared about this guy you’d leave him the fuck alone so he can find someone who truly respects him. You are a user and a manipulator, disgusting.

  38. He also actively puts me down and tells her that I’m not a good partner for her and acts “condescending” (according to my gf ) about me not being good for her.

    he has not been shy to make moves on her while she was dating a past boyfriend. She tells me it’s not like that anymore with him and she’s only serious about me.

    These 2 statements are contradictory. He may not have sneaky snake hands, but he can verbally bash you to her?

  39. Honestly when your friend who hate kissing clearly enjoyed a dream about kissing you and is using every opportunity they get to hug, kiss, pat etc you, it's not a far stretch to say that they're into you yes

    Honestly I was convinced that she was into you before you specified that she was bi, at this point I don't really see what you or her could even do to make it more obvious without stating it out loud

    But it doesn't really matter : You will probably not be able to hide those feelings forever, so the best you can do is to tell her how you feel and see what happen. It's very unlikely that she will react poorly to that with your current relationship

  40. Divorce.

    You should have done it in the first place.

    You shouldn’t have agreed to an open marriage.

    File for divorce, and kick her out, tell her to go stay with her boyfriend.

  41. Ah, I see you’re taking the weaponized incompetence route.

    No, but I see you're intent on projecting a lot of your own baggage onto an unrelated situation. There's no incompetence, feigned or otherwise, taking place here. He asked her if he could do an activity. She said yes. She did not stipulate additional conditions that existed in her own head.

    Does she really need to micro-manage his strip club experience by specifying what he can and cannot do?

    Apparently she thinks she does. So do you. I seem to be the only one not doing so.

    Why can’t he be trusted to be a loyal boyfriend and decent human being? Why does he need fair warning not to do something idiotic or risk losing his relationship?

    I get you have a LOT of very clearly strongly felt feelings about strip clubs. But you're not OP or her boyfriend, and a lot of what you're bringing to the table here isn't suggested anywhere in any of OP's posts on this subject.

    Also, homeboy wants to split all bills and dinner dates, but is all too willing to drop stacks in the club for complete strangers?

    With OP's permission. She can feel however she wants about it afterwords but he asked her if he could go and she said yes.

  42. Oh, honey, no. Your bf sounds like some redpiller kind of dude.

    He will not change. You will not change him. Please save yourself the pain and leave him.

    No, cheating is 100% not “normal guy behaviour” and it is not different for men and for women, both are cheaters and terrible people for that. He just wants you t believe all this crap so he can have you at his disposal but never be commited to you and hold you to a different standard than he holds himself

  43. Hey man, i understand what you're feeling. You should trust that she does appreciate and value the trips you guys go on together! If she's a great person and really loves you, then i'm going to guess she values the time with you over the places you go and activities you do. Her just being with you is what truly makes her happy. Don't let the anxiety consume you and make you think poorly of her, trust what she says!

  44. You may have sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor about seeing a cardiopulmonary specialist. You can get a sleep study done and may have to use a CPAP. This will prevent you from snoring and help to make sure you breathe properly when you sleep.

    I've been using a CPAP for years now and honestly it's been a game changer for how I feel when I wake up and no more loud snoring to keep my wife awake!

  45. Gotcha, yah, I want to take care of myself for myself. Just seemed that she took in question, couldn’t get passed it, focused on negative and just thought you shouldn’t be fighting to work and develop and like I said earlier, very pessimistic so it seemed easier to her to give up than try.

  46. Do what you want to do. If the in-laws get upset, don't engage with them and tell them they're welcome to stay home. You do not owe it to them to sacrifice what you want to please them.

  47. If you’re not happy, but you don’t want to leave then you need to figure out what would make you happy, and talk with your husband about how you and him can make that happen. It’s not an easy conversation, but marriage comes with tough times and tough conversations. And you need to be willing to change as well. Most of the time of something is wrong on your end, he’s feeling that too, so be prepared for him to also request some change.

  48. Relax! She might have had problems falling asleep. I only managed to fall asleep after 5AM this morning, and it's just eight hours ago. I would have still slept hadn't my dog woken me up three hours ago.

    Or maybe she's ghosting you. Or her phone died during the night, so nothing woke her up this morning, and she really needs some extra sleep.

    Or any number of reasons! If it continues until tomorrow, THEN you can start wondering about her ghosting you. Relax, and don't over-analyze.

  49. This got worse when she tried to cheat on you? She sounds like she’s insecure and probably has anxiety or another mental health disorder. But why isn’t her cheating on you a bigger part of the story?

  50. True but you are assuming. If they are dating don't you think they should help each other out? If there is no respect then why continue… Respect and honestly are 2 of the most important things in a relationship.

    Try looking at it vice versa. If you needed a favor even if it's just a ride home but you're gf or bf says no but gives another friend a ride who happens to be opposite gender. How would you feel? If they are just friends I can understand but dating is a whole different game. There is no future marriage in this relationship let's be honest. You can tell a lot from the little things and not even communication can fix this. This is just how he treats her and thinks of her.

  51. The one night he could go out and you chose not the have the nanny with you. Any other time you could have experimented being without a nanny. He doesn’t trust you. He can’t have a good time or even drink with his friends without having peace of mind that the baby would be safe. You should had the nanny stick around so he could relax and hangout.

  52. Anything with the words “wanted to see how you would act/react” is manipulation. Literally manipulating a time, a place, or a situation so that he can be there for the result is manipulation. It don't get no simpler than that.

  53. Definitely push not only for marriage counseling but individual therapy. You're her son, she shouldn't be dumping this on you and it's not your burden to carry. Tbh it sounds like she got married just for the sake of it, and is not reflecting on being in the same place her whole life. Give her some grace and support, even if she ends up deciding to leave your dad.

  54. Once a comment is negative the hive joins in and folks are psychologically inclined to feel negative about the comment. I don't mind really, I've been getting some good advice, even in the highly critical comments.

    Seeing a sex therapist might be naked as she's shy about sex talk (me too to a lesser extent) but I might push for that if other talks prove too difficult. In general I agree with all the comments saying keep the conversation completely separate from marriage.

    I may have already accidentally implied the two were connected (we're going through topics that should be discussed and that came up on a list, although we avoided it since we were in public) but I'm sure I can find a way to separate the conversations.

  55. The actual controlling and abusive ex is NEVER called controlling and abusive. It's the next quiet bf that lives in fear of being labeled controlling and abusive.

    You guys have grown to be incompatible. She's at the age where she wants to show her tits while pretending to not care that her tits are on display. You tried to bring it up before and she shut it down (even though according to you “the communication has been great) There's nothing you can do about it without being labeled controlling and abusive. It's really up to you. Do you want to stay and continue to let it eat at you? At this age, you people (especially guys) seem to just be happy to have someone to have regular sex with that you will accept anything.

    Personally, I don't think you are still compatible. I would leave her. And don't worry about her… dressed like that, she will find a guy who will love her dress sense (within hours).

  56. Nobody at work cares about your personal business. Nobody at work cares about your personal business. Nobody at work cares about your personal business. Nobody at work cares about your personal business. Leave him and move on. And just in case you forgot Nobody at work cares about your personal business

  57. Of course you don’t marry her. Sex is part of a healthy relationship. Touch is vital. I’m stunned that she would ask that of you. You aren’t even a tiny bit wrong. I’m sorry this didn’t work out but you need to move on.

  58. Trauma is real and your response is reasonable. This is much more about her both not communicating this to your earlier, and allowing it to fester.

    Did she ever have counseling for the loss of your twin? Counseling now would still be a good idea ?

  59. It could be a physical issue too. There are hormonal and adrenal issues that can cause severe body odor issues.

  60. I stayed friends with one ex for more than 10 years. We didn't do a lot together but stayed in contact and occasionally did things together. I understand what you are saying about missing what you used to have but I think you have to accept that things are different now and try to make the best of the current situation. That's what I did and after a while the new level of relationship that we had felt normal and right.

  61. He grew up that way so for him it is normal. I will say it's childish to not eat at all.

    You can and should teach your daughter healthier eating habits. If you want to tell your husband he has poor eating habits/diet that's a different conversation.

  62. I’m 21, and was raised the same way as him.

    It’s definitely not normal and it’s likely remained this way due to stubbornness. In order to expand your palate, you have to first recognize that there’s something off about it.

    It’s embarrassing as hell to say you don’t eat vegetables as an adult, it screams immaturity. So you start making changes, finding ways you DO like food.

    Raw broccoli? Maybe I’ll try oven baked with oil and Parmesan.

    Definitely not normal to still be holding on to this

  63. Absolutely love how supportive you are being seriously but while you and your partner are living to make them happy and be true to themselves can the same be said for you? This is also a huge upheaval of your life, is anyone taking your thoughts, feelings and opinions into consideration?

    Its amazing your partner is living their true self but are they discussing it with you, sounds like the chest binder was sprung on you frankly. It's time to open clear and honest channels of communication and don't let your voice be drowned out.

  64. I think their hypocrisy speaks volumes about their character. Their polyamory is a “blessing”. Gag. But OP masturbating is evil? Last I checked you can’t get knocked up, knock anyone else up, give STDs, or get STDs jerking off. Masturbation: safest sex youll ever have.

  65. I think often about the fact he would have been better off with a wife who didn’t have career aspirations (I don’t think there’s anything wrong with staying home with your kids it’s just not what I wanted to do) and it’s somehow threatening to have a wife that has a good job? That’s when I’m feeling generous I guess.

  66. if I leave him alone for a day, he’ll never text me first.

    Maybe he wants some time alone

    How long were you around each other before this one day? 2 days? A week? 6 weeks?

    I read a very one sided story here

  67. Honestly with an age gap that significant, is it really a surprise he's not into it? Sounds like youve bern considering it since the start, and he's always been happy without kids. You put off having those tough conversations but nows the time to have them, so you don't waste more time with someone not on the same page as you.

  68. Is that what the kids call it nowadays? “Heya there Jumbo! I'ma go Memphis Rub one out real quick. Holler if dispatch calls.” ?

  69. He uses porn 3x a week (used to be daily) and we have sex about 1-2 times a week MAX. And when we have sex yes he apparently usually imagines somebody else at the last minute. When he jacks off to porn he needs like his a couple minutes.

  70. mine does the same but sadly they smell like the devil ate burnt rubber, shit it out, ate the shit and then re-shit it out again

  71. Reply with “ if you contact me again I’ll call the police.” Ask your job to block his email but archive yours if needed. Print your response and give to your husband in case you need to show the police.

  72. Even if he is depressed which is a real thing, that doesn’t mean you have to carry him or deal with his bad attitude and ungratefulness. Tell him he complains one more time or even is grumpy while doing chores and he is OUT. And he spends 6 hours a day job hunting till he finds something, menial or not. Or he is out.

    If he is homeless he will see what real hardship is.

  73. I just say no.

    I'm happy to move things around, but not just to see how it looks. Make a decision, then move, sure, but not just move stuff around because she feels like it.

  74. Since no one else has said it, the dude who rejected the Peace Prize was the villain, and clearly turned it down to convey he wasn’t a complete utter piece of shit

  75. I hear you. And I've seen grown men jump into a fight after being told to fuck off.

    If the woman was falsely accused, that would be entirely different thing.

    In this case she was called exactly what she professes to be. I don't understand what she has to be upset about. She's proud of her history/status. She made her bed.

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