Cancergodessx online webcams for YOU!


cancergodessx Public Chat Channel

Date: November 15, 2022

11 thoughts on “Cancergodessx online webcams for YOU!

  1. how are you gonna just blame OP for all of this? yeah, she clearly made stupid choices but what about her husband? he knows how pregnancy works. he’s just as at fault here, if not more, considering OP seems pretty easily manipulatable.

  2. Yes. I almost did. Living with rushed & infrequent sex, wandering eyes,emotional disconnect will wreck your mental health. If he's a good guy, he'll go to therapy.

  3. No she is not contrite, she is lying, gaslighting you and this will go underground…..stop allowing her to control the narrative….get ahold of his number and call him and tell you will personal come to his house and show his wife the messages…take control of the situations and get angry….some people

  4. Yeah, I just hate conflict and he's the type of person to make waves that impact others I love yknow?

    My youngest sister is still very much in the middle of it and I love her to bits. I don't want to rock the boat.

  5. People destroying old photographs and mementos always seemed a bit overeager to me. Sure, it's understandable if there was some trauma involved, but otherwise?

    I have an entire photo album of women my dad used to date when he was young. It's honestly amazing. Most people don't look at their past like some awful unpleasant thing they never want to be reminded of. They enjoy their old photos and items, even with their ex partners in them.

  6. I don’t disagree with your advice to break up, but as an asexual married to another asexual, we are in fact more than friends. Queerplatonic relationships are deeper than friendship.

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