Camila live! sex chats for YOU!


sexicanela99 chat

Date: October 22, 2022

10 thoughts on “Camila live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Best of luck. I don’t know the culture of South Africa well enough to judge, so if you feel you are in danger of being gang raped by 5 guys, then you do you.

    You’d be safer with pepper spray though.

  2. Every single word of this.

    I promise you young lady that there are men out there who would cut off their left arm to treat you like the amazing person that you are.

    Your boyfriend is not that man.

  3. That makes me really happy to hear!

    I can really get stuck in spirals of self-hatred, too, and it's almost impossible to see from within because they just seem objective and logical, when they're actually emotional. Observe, observe, observe.

    Also, another suggestion: maybe try some loving-kindness meditation. It sounds like some weird hippie shit (and it is) but in my experience it has some effect if you really commit to it.

  4. Are you trying to sneak getting whatever you want as some sorts of emotional need. Why did you ask him for a birthday gift. This is wild. Isn’t love language supposedly how you dhow love? My advice is to accept this guy and don’t demand things from people.

  5. He's single and can do what he wants yes, but you are also allowed to have dignity. I don't know why you are being down voted for asking a valid question.

    The whole block to avoid adult/vulnerable conversation thing is so immature and self centered.

    Sounds like you'll be okay though and he's dojg. You a favor. Let him go party and be single, he'll be feeling pretty dumb once you have a real life with a real partner.

  6. Don't OP, this person is just like your bf, attempting to sound intelligent in order to feel better than you. It's so pathetic!

  7. oh no you aren't bitching. You are the insult troll. You throw the bait then you set the trap….good job.

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