Bss-naia online webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 5, 2022

9 thoughts on “Bss-naia online webcams for YOU!

  1. By my own count you have identified 7 negative behaviors expressed

    by this “friend”….and I use the term Very loosely as no authentic

    “friends conducts themselves this way.

    So………what going on that you are not accepting reality for what it is?

  2. Hello /u/throwmewayawayyyyyyy,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. Is it just the eye contact thing? Some people have a hot time being comfortable making eye contact with people at all. I have autism and it makes it hard to hold eye contact with someone, I had to learn and consciously monitor my eye contact.

    From what I'm seeing… Everything else is just hunches? Please learn to trust that your boyfriend's okay. If he decides to open up with you once you stop pressuring him, maybe it was just the wrong mood before. Any time someone feels comfortable opening up about themselves is a special moment. Don't take it for granted- people have all sorts of reasons that they wouldn't be comfortable talking with their partner about something. If he hasn't been talking about his personal life or therapy, it's possible he's not ready to talk about something that happened. But for the time being, assume the best and that he is telling you things are fine because they are.

  4. Be careful. It could be true but it could also be someone who is trying to create trouble between you and your husband. It's an anonymous letter and the reason for the anonymity could range from a sick prank to someone who is afraid to tell you directly.

    If I received a letter like this I would show it to my husband and make it clear that I don't have any suspicions about him but I'm concerned that someone has sent me such a letter. See how he responds and go from there

  5. Your Wife may be somewhat naive with pure intentions, but I don't believe this to be the case with your friend. He may have wanted to build a needed portfolio, but when he conned or seduced your wife to go hot and then pornographic, he crossed a major line into what was his intent from the start. I would visit him at his business in a calm manner. Ask to see the originals on his computer to possibly order some larger prints, but in reality to see if he as even more of the pornographic pictures you did not see and possibly neither did your wife. See if he will a.low you to control the computer mouse. If he will not or hesitates giving control, chances are there may be some he does not want you to see. Tell him you want to see them all or your friendship ends and you will do everything possible to ruin his reputation. If he does show you, have him destroy all nudes on his computer and the cloud. He does not need those for his portfolio to gain business. If he does so, great. Thank him for doing that, but let him know he broke your trust in a major way and you need to re-evaluate your friendship and while you do, stay the hell away from your wife. If he refuses to show you all the pics or destroy the nudes, end the friendship and fo what you promised. Ruin his professional image every way you can. If he won't give up the nudes, be prepared that he already has or has planned to sell your wife's nudes. You need to have a real sit down with your wife about boundaries.

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