BrukNeon live! webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 26, 2022

18 thoughts on “BrukNeon live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Depending on how intimate it is, I’d be okay with it. as long as it’s not like really romantic or anything. If it’s something that you’d be okay going with a friend, I can’t imagine it’s going to be too intimate to bring her sister.

  2. Honestly, he’s not worthy for your time. I mean he doesn’t need to tell you cus he thinks it’s not big deal. He seems he’s careless about your health. Neither his.

    If I were you, I’d start worrying about future kids if he continues not telling major importances etc.

  3. 1) Respect your girlfriends boundaries. She doesn't want to go, don't force her. She's set boundaries.

    2) Time to find out why your girlfriend isn't keen on your mother. Has mom perhaps said something to girlfriend that hurt her and has now stuck with her? Has your girlfriend said something to offend your mom and then never apologised?

    Granted, I'm not keen on spending time with people, and 31 isn't a round, celebratory number so I'm less interested in celebrating that instead of 30 or 35. Milestone numbers yknow?

    Anyways, sometimes it's because something bad happened. Other times, it's just a case of I want to be alone because it's nicer this way. I barely speak or see my partners mum and we've been together 10 years. Why? Because I felt pushed aside when we were at his uni graduation. We'd been together a few years at that point and I wasn't allowed in any of the pictures. I couldn't even get a photo of just us. He invited me, but none of his family wanted me there and made me feel and see that unwantedness.

    Though now his mum wants to bond with me a bit more and has accepted that her son has chosen me to be his life partner, I'm struggling to move past the feelings they caused me. It could be something similar has happened to your girlfriend.

    Or she just doesn't want to be around her.

    Both reasons are valid. If your girlfriend is adamant she doesn't want to be around her, you'll either need to respect that completely, try and discuss a compromise, or if either of those are just too hard for you, break up.

  4. I kinda understand cuz this is her partner, someone who should care. But I still think if y’all have been dating for a bit and this is something he’s wanted to do for a long time w his friends… if the date that lines up for all of them is her bday there’s not much he can do.

  5. Engagement won’t upset the family. I just kind of want my bf to have this bonding opportunity with them since their time is limited

  6. It’s what guys have to do to not get hurt. You know much easier it is for girls to move on? Guys are lined up. Guys have to put in alot of leg work

  7. She claims to have not felt the touching and after finding out about it she feels it was inappropriate but doesn’t want to discuss it with her friend out of fear it will damage a friendship. You literally went from “if she is good with it all is good” to attacking her for saying she want’s ok with the touching. You also completely dismissed OPs feelings about the situation. You made yourself out to be a complete fool. Keep digging in.

  8. How… how are you shocked that you got pregnant off unprotected sex after taking out your IUD… did they not offer to put a new one in on the same appointment? Something about this situation reeks…

  9. Any weight related changes she is unhappy about, but she is the kind of girl that is VERY body positive. A lot of her friends are bigger, and a lot of the instagram/TikTok/YouTube creators she follows create content centered around accepting fat women and such. In my opinion, it seems like a coping method as she kept gaining more weight herself, but who’s to say.

    Aside from that though, she started altering her appearance one step at a time, which I was okay with at first. If she’s obsessed with getting a septum piercing, and I don’t think they’re attractive, I just couldn’t tell her not to get one(maybe this is where I screwed up lol). But slowly she started turning into a different girl, and the lie of me finding that type of girl attractive, just kept snowballing. Like when she wanted to dye her hair, I didn’t like the idea, but hair is temporary. But after she did it once, she just couldn’t stop. Now I just feel stuck, like if I tell the truth now, that I don’t like one aspect of her attractive, I don’t even know how I would began explaining how I’m okay with everything else.

  10. I posted this as a reply, but in case it gets burried:

    No, that's not how it works. Financial fraud is financial fraud. You can “give” someone your credit card. They can't “use” it without your permission. If they do, they are committing a crime.

    Unauthorized Use

    When a person uses a card without a card holder's permission, this is illegal. Under U.S. law, if the person reports unauthorized use, he is only responsible for a maximum of $50 in charges. Either the retailer or the credit card company will be responsible for any charges made without proper authorization. However, if a spouse's name is on the card, it will not be considered an unauthorized use.

    This isn't a shared line of credit. If at any time you write a check, or use a credit/debit card, in someone else's name without their permission, even if you live! with them, it's fraud.

    OP, call your non emergency police line, they will tell you the same thing. What she did was criminal fraud.

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