Bri the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Bri, 18 y.o.


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Bri live! sex chat

Date: October 26, 2022

52 thoughts on “Bri the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I know you don't want guys advice, so I won't offer it. But I will say, damn, that's rough… and I can see how getting mopped up in front of your girl can cause feelings of inadequacy.

  2. No one has any sort of decency nowadays or self respect and it’s so sad to see cause those are not the type of people I’d ever want to associate w. Would’ve never expected it before this though.

  3. Go if you want. It might be good closure. If you think it’s too weird, don’t go. Send regrets. No need to give a reason. Wish the happy couple well. Yes I think she was sparing potentially awkward feelings by withholding this from you out of kindness. Your choice here. What does your heart say?

  4. You can always get another bf but you only have 1 dad.

    Honestly he sounds like he's jealous as if your dad is another male. Do he fight for your attention when their both in the room.

  5. If there’s any ounce of your soul that believes that in the future, you will miss him terribly when he’s gone and you will desperately wish for one last sleepover, then you have your answer. He’s eccentric, doesn’t have much to offer you financially, and can get on your nerves. But it sounds like he’s trying… really, really trying. There are too many out there who won’t. Personally, I hope you put your foot down and choose your father. But that’s just me being a dad…

  6. If you head on over to AITA, the latest trend is people being neglected by their bio-parent because the parent was focused on the step-sibling who had cancer. The step-sibling either dies or turns into an entitled brat

  7. I think brothels run off a policy of discretion. They don’t blab about who has sex with who to anyone that calls up asking

  8. how old are you and this guy? you keep making excuses for him when he shoved his penis in your face. ditch him or continue to be disappointed

  9. Then why does he say when she was 17? If this was recent why is he asking Reddit his GF was literally agreeing wanting to get her back blown by the OP.

  10. I was prepared to split the bill as I put in my card. He also “pretended” he was going to pay by putting down a card and the waitress came back and said his card didn't work so she charged mine for the whole thing. I was so pissed. He also didn't leave a tip and I was too scared to ask him to because of his psychotic staredown when the check came

  11. I’d honestly have given you other advice related to the original request, but it’s unnecessary.

    He “shoves his beliefs” down your throat. He “forces.” you to be sweet, intimate, etc.

    Context is everything. This isn’t an issue of sexual compatibility (although that’s obviously an issue); this is an issue of you being controlled. The “ick” isn’t worsening. You’re in a bad relationship and you need to run from it. Good luck.

  12. My cousin's ex accused her of cheating while she was pregnant with the youngest. Insisted the little girl was someone else's for all kinds of reasons. Including that her was brown, my cousin's hair is brown.

    After they separated, he let it slip on Father's Day that he had another daughter with someone else. And of course, he was spending the day with the other family. This little girl was age-wise between my cousin's two kids. Guess who wasn't faithful in that marriage?

  13. He’s explained himself as a red flag from the start so you should’ve expected as much and probably did. He has commitment problems and distances himself from people who want commitment. Don’t play games with him, that’s all this is for him. Nude flame lovers are all over the place unfortunately, don’t let them get in your head and find a guy that’s serious about you.

    What they do when you leave them is try to reignite the flame after the fact either when you break up or when you find a new guy. Don’t let him do either of these things. They are predictable I promise.

  14. Is this a joke?

    Yay, supportive friends!

    Oh, wait. Not the right post.

    Tame you jealousy and wait for the trashman to pick you up. Grab Lily on your way out.

    Your “friends” do not need this pile of nude steaming trash in their life.

  15. But moving to a safer area of your country wouldn't mean leaving everything behind, would it?

    There must be areas in your country where you are safe without owning weapons. Or aren't there any such places?

  16. Try different types and it won't always be the same everyday you need to keep an eye out for her ques to guide you on what you should keep doing that day. Encourage her to masterbate aswell so she knows what she likes.

  17. The other side of this is people have sexual interest that they barely have explored and sometimes they view what I'm porn and they realize how much they're into it

    It's like hanging out with gay people doesn't make you gay but sometimes hanging out with gay people make sure realize that you are gay

  18. And what happens if you go through another “rough phase” with her? Will she cheat on you again? That’s vindictive behavior, and it’s worrying.

  19. Look he is 19. You are asking him to accept a lack of sex for a potentially indefinite period of time; sure now you are saying it is just “1-2, maybe 3 months”, but who is to guarantee you will feel any different at the end of that time? Perhaps you will feel even stronger about not having sex. Or maybe you will stall for another three months. There is also a chance you become the world's biggest horndog in 3 months, though that is unlikely.

    Just because sex isn't important to you, doesn't mean it is not important to him. Personally? I couldn't handle a sex free relationship. I need sex to feel connected to and intimate with my partner. Without it, the relationship feels more like a friendship to me. Sex is very much part of my love language. And those urges to have sex will not go away. I could never monogamously date someone who is ace, and I doubt I would ever engage in polyamory.

    You are not wrong for being asexual, that is not what I am trying to say. But the simple fact is that sex is important to most people, and you can not reasonably expect someone to go an undefined amount of time without it. He is also not wrong for having urges that he needs to have met, and I at least give him some credit for being honest about it.

    You two are fundamentally incompatible. Why try to make it work when you are 18 years old? You have a lifetime ahead of you, and so does he. Trapping each other in a situation where you are worried he will cheat if you express yourself, and he will worry that you will one day rob him of his intimacy needs, sounds incredibly unhealthy and disgusting.

  20. She hasn't been an adult long enough to understand what she's doing wrong but the 60 year old uncle has been on the planet long enough to understand how he's taking advantage of her

  21. And for now, sleep separately . Do not deprive yourself of sleep. It's a good idea to get a snoring detection app for your phone to show your doctor. But also have a serious talk with your bf if he actually thinks you can just stop. Being kept awake by snoring is s real problem and he was right to bring it up and ask you to do something. But if he thinks you could just stop, he's wrong of course.

  22. I hate to break it to you but young women show around nudes as much as young men do. Women brag about their sexual conquests and their partner’s bodies just as much as men do, it just sounds and looks a bit different.

    I’m not saying it’s ok to show nudes around, but I was young and dating once and it was absolutely A Thing esp once dating apps got really popular. One girl I knew had a whole folder of dudes on her desktop lol from shirtless to full nudes.

    This reply is honestly kinda funny to me lol

  23. That’s exactly what I was thinking reading this, I would not be able to pull this off cause I never tell her about my dreams so she’d know what I was upto straight away . Im also a terrible liar.

  24. It's nude to give advice without knowing specifically what happened, but I get that english isn't your first language so you may have worded it the wrong way.

    Based on what you wrote it seems like you just suddenly started fingering her or groping her, which regardless of trauma or not is usually not the best way to initiate something sexual.

    Were you guys already making out and/or cuddling and you slowly started reaching down there? Because that's a much better way to approach it because it gives her time to react and potentially give you signs that she's not into it and it's not so abrupt.

    If it instead went the way you wrote, then I don't blame her at all for reacting that way. Even some people without trauma would react negatively because it's just so sudden. You need to get consent from people, whether that be verbal or seeing that they're clearly into what you're doing with their reactions and body language.

    I think that you had good intentions and didn't know any better, but this is a good learning experience for you to do better in the future. Unfortunately it's up to her if she wants to continue the relationship or not, and I don't think it's likely. Don't pressure her or spam her with apologies, just let her come to her decision, respect it, move on and learn from this.

  25. I've been in a similar situation, and I can 100% guarantee that it will never get any better.

    You need to start preparing to leave; open a bank account of your own and start saving. Discuss the situation with your family – I'm sure they will help and won't want you to be in this situation.

  26. At best, that’s sexual assault. At worst, it’s rape. Does that make it easier to decide what to do? Consent is a two way street and you did not consent. The end. Period. At the very least, never see her again.

  27. I feel safe with him and well respected. I’m definitely not ready for a tinder hookup or any type of one night stand those seem really unsafe to me.

  28. Ofc he claim this… he needs a ‚plausable excuse‘…. ‚oh yeah ALL deleted apps send you tonns of notification, thats just how pixel phones are‘ is a shitty one tho.

    Dont be that foolish person…

  29. Believe he cheated on you without using a condom. He then got robbed by that person he invited to his room for unprotected sex.

  30. It was nice to have some mom and daughter time though, as we are rarely alone together. He blew up on me. He was angry that I took her to eat.

    Oh dear lord, no. That’s utterly ridiculous.

    I know I have no right to tell him what he can and can’t do with his own body, but I don’t want to be with someone who is putting his health and life at risk over having abs.

    Sure, you can. Tell him you’re worried about him and the changes you’re seeing. Tell him that he’s scaring you, and you and your daughter can’t be around someone who scare you with their outbursts.

    Steroid rage is a real and dangerous thing. Be careful around him.

  31. He keeps saying he doesn't want to hurt you whilst continuously doing, you know, things to hurt you.

    Every step of the way he had a choice, and he made it. It was to hurt you.

    It doesn't matter if it was one dollar or five hundred – none of it is justifiable.

  32. What he did is one thing but the most important part of this is his massive lying. He has lied to you about this, he can and will lie to you about other things. You have now found out who this man actually is.

  33. That's such a good point, I didn’t think of it that way… we've spent so much time together. I naturally would go home to his place after the event if he couldn't make it (I have a key so I've gone home to wait for him after work a lot, he finishes ~5am most shifts) so it's not like we won't see each other that night, it'd just be during his shift so I wouldn't be able see him anyway. He just hates missing out on things but if I arranged it for a weekday, nobody but him would be able to come

  34. Sometimes lady friends kiss each other. It’s not always serious or sexual. It’s a peck on the lips and isn’t romantic. Some men are okay with this and some arent. You and your wife decide what you define cheating as. If you aren’t comfortable with it, let her know that. There is no universal rule for what’s cheating and what is not. You guys need to be clear with each other about your definitions.

  35. I can accept alternative views and conjectures. Your view is just objectively dog shit.

    Yea, we can disagree, but you're definitely going to be in the minority. For good reason. If you want to sit here and defend that rather than ask yourself why that is hey that's on you. But youre definitely in the minority.

  36. I have the same problem. I rarely vibe with men but get along great with women. It was my immediate thought he might have a similar problem. In my case it has to do with my childhood and things that happened to me.

  37. We just had a pretty amazing connection for most of our relationship, so it’s nude to end things without getting an explanation

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