Bratyhot live webcams for YOU!


bratyhot Public Chat Channel

Date: February 18, 2023

7 thoughts on “Bratyhot live webcams for YOU!

  1. The most important question to be asking yourself is..m why is your self- worth so low that you're openly being your “partner” to spend time with you?

    Who cares why, just leave.

  2. No. You’re not destined to choose. Always choose happiness. You sound more productive and a more well rounded person due to reducing hours, so stick with it. You can 100% find a likeminded partner, whether it’s this one or another.

  3. Why are you trying to date someone you have no communication with and who gets mad at you if you try to speak to them? What are you possibly getting out of this relationship?

  4. Okay? So then by your own admission there’s no problem in this scenario. So why did you bring it up in the first place?

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