Blondylicious online webcams for YOU!


make me explode!!! [Fill The Tank Show]

Date: November 1, 2022

47 thoughts on “Blondylicious online webcams for YOU!

  1. Not sure what most of your first paragraph has to do with this, especially the fact she has abs. As to your question, she is 31and has four jobs. If a car would seriously help her I'm sure she would know it. Do you mean her having a car would help you?

  2. Its difficult dont think i pretend its easy to break such a cycle. But view stuff like its a coin there is allways another side. For darkness or light to exist, the other must exist too for otherwise u cannot perceive either.

  3. He doesn’t seem like a great and supportive partner. Might be better off going forward alone and trying to find a better person. I wouldn’t put up with abuse from a partner. idk about the baby but make sure you are safe, healthy and supported. good luck

  4. “Not sure what to do here” leave it, it’s has past and it can’t be erased. Photos are merely a visual representation of thinks that exist so if he’s determined to look back fondly on past events then he can and he will and nothing can stop that. This only takes up as much space in your head as you want it to, you’ve discussed it, he’s responded and unless you want to go militant and demand he get rid of them (wrong move and actually does nothing to soothe your fears if you’re thinking he’s holding onto the past because the best memories can stay in the mind forever). I’m married and have photos of vacations if you go rummaging 12 years plus through my Facebook, some amazing memories & places we went to and whilst I don’t really look at them much, the experiences exist in no mind & if I do wanna look at that trip to Mauritius, I will. Leave him to manage his memories how he sees fit and be secure in the fact he’s with you but doesn’t have to erase memories.

  5. Maybe = I am more into somebody else and will keep you as a back-up.

    Find someone who views you as their number 1

  6. I’m so sorry to hear this. No amount of words are going to be able to heal the pain & trauma you’re going through. Time is going to be your friend here, stay strong. It will get better ❤️

  7. Ooh dang girl, you can’t see yourself as a square! “Hardly any boobs. Barely any butt.” That’s all negative talk, even if you do feel comfortable with many other aspects of yourself. I’ve found that athletes are hyper focused on their bodies and that they carry that with them even after competing. And I’m guessing that if your husband has stated that, then it means you’ve talked about your weight/body, which I’m guessing he didn’t bring up voluntarily?

    I’m worried in the sense that you see him looking at other women as a threat to your relationship and that it will erode the confidence you do have, and that you’ll do something to boost your confidence (ie emotional or physical affair). Or, that you’ll stay questioning your husbands motives long term and that will just drive you loopy. Open communication between you two and then working on building self-confidence will go miles for you. Confidence isn’t just about beauty either, own your other values. Caring wife? Hobbies? Bedroom etiquette? Things you do outside of your marriage? Own it

  8. it is not a question of winning him back, it is a question of change. People come into our on-line for two reasons, to lift us up or bring us down. His attitude towards the relationship in the beginning was very negative which caused you to adopt a negative toxic attitude towards him. He changed you. I am sure you were never like this. keep working on yourself but most important is to respect yourself first.

  9. Hold on… is it borderline personality disorder or is it bipolar disorder? Usually BPD is short for borderline personality disorder. So I’m confused by which OP means.

  10. I’ve kind of explained this in another comment, and I don’t think it’s really so relevant, but I can elaborate. We have been talking for 6 months but we on-line in different countries so we are not actually together. He has said that he doesn’t want me speaking to other guys, and I don’t really want him seeing other women, either, but we also understand that there is a possibility we may meet others, and in that case we’ve agreed to tell each other of another person before involving ourselves with them. In this case, it would have been deceitful if he had involved himself with a woman without informing me of it and checking that I was okay with it

  11. No he travels to me too, I prefer going to him because he lives alone whereas I on-line with my parents. And his place is nicer and convenient for activities. I also love long rides

  12. Plus, the more I think about it, the more I am made uncomfortable by OP oversharing the guy's skin color. Unless she was giving a physical description of all 20 men (which would be impressive, in a way), it seems she knew this would get a reaction and was aware what the reaction would be — I mean, she says in her post what she associates that period of her life with, and there is a bit of an implication that she would never do that again now that she's moved past that. While I personally do not care if she has a sexual preference, presenting it at all in this post is not only oversharing, but presenting it to her boyfriend trying to antagonize him but then freaking out because he got more upset than he was supposed to is downright manipulative. I am not impressed.

  13. Hello /u/usuario789,

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  14. It will NOT be different with his own children. You cried that day because you realized this isn’t the man for you because you want children and you know he won’t be the affectionate father you want for your future children. I’m sure he’ll be a sufficient father. A father that provides. But that isn’t what you want.

    It’s okay for that to be a dealbreaker for you. It may hurt now, but one day you’ll turn around and see you did what was best for you and what you want for yourself.

  15. Yeah but why has this suddenly come on in the last 4 months and now before they started dating? That's a huuuuge change.

  16. I’m confused-chlamydia isn’t detected via an ultrasound… or did you also have other tests done? Either way, if you didn’t have it before and do now-someone cheated….

  17. You’re not naive… he will message you back. But it will take a long time and likely by the time he does you’ll be sick of his shit and will have moved on. Immature men (and women I guess) often fall of the map when it suits them and come back when whoever they fell off the map for isn’t interested.

    FWIW, my life’s experience has $20 on that his “need” to not talk to you has nothing to do with his grandma and much more likely has to do with a new love interest.

  18. I'm really into bi men myself so I know from experience that not all men who are into pegging are into guys too …but you carry on thinking that everyone thinks like you, clearly in your mind, you're right.

  19. He might have been mad because he was drunk and at the time he didn’t fufill his need to finish the sex. I get why he feels like you’re thinking about someone else, but try talking to him calmly later on, tomorrow whatever. Explain your situation and that you were raped long time ago and because of the alcohol you usually don’t deink in your system caused you to have flashbacks. Apologize to him for being hysterical as you think you were and tell him how you truly feel about having sex with him.

  20. Nope, she broke it of with him properly day before she first kissed me. I left out a lot of things because the post would be twice as long. What is true though is that she “left” him for me. That might also happen to me but I think I am ready to face that if that day comes.

  21. I’ve seen people do stuff like this or for kinky play (I.e. putting something on the inside for pain or a different sensation) In which case it would make sense if he was nervous if he’s afraid of being judged.

    Could also be a make shift flesh-light.

    Or he put it on a dildo or something.

    It could also be that he did something stupid with them and rather not admit it, like fill them with water like water balloons.

    I don’t think he’s automatically cheating for using the condoms.

  22. Man why are you dating a girl if you don't like what she does? She posted these before, so if you don't want a girl who posts thirst traps, don't date a girl who posts them (bet you slid into her dms bc of them and that's why you don't like it now)

  23. It would have changed nothing. If he had told her, it would have made no difference. She would still be upset.

  24. I would really have been not excited about seeing my BF in a picture of himself out with another woman. I'm not saying she's right but definitely see her point. You've got a female coworker that's your age and she's worried about you developing feelings for her. Reasonable fears

  25. We had a ” friend” like this who all if sudden used the trauma of my partner as her personnal life story. It took years for people to recognize that we weren't attacking her but she was manipulating everybody. But it was too late. We cut them all.

    We know now that all the work and idea who make her the center of the community has been stolen to people who admired her.

    Nowadays she pretend to be asperger because it is in fashion . (She lived three days on our couch. No way she can be asperger). And have fall in the most delirious Qanon complotism, which is not common in Europe .

    So, this friend is probably not your friend. You need a professional to address your self esteem and allow you to have activities that in turn will bring friends.

  26. A lot of people treat getting married like it’s a goal, but getting married is just the first part of spending the rest of your life with someone. It’s a big decision and if they want to spend their life with you, it’s really not something that needs to be rushed.

  27. And ur valid in not wanting that OP. I wouldn't be comfortable with it aswell to me marriage is between 2 people. I couldn't get my head around having my husband sleep with anyone other than me and me doing the same. Him bringing it to u doesn't hurt any less than him going out and cheating and u shldnt see that as some prize. If he cheated he would be a POS either way. This is just cheating with extra steps and permission.

    I would be horrified if my kids saw myself or my partner being affectionate with anyone outside our marriage or their friends or parents of friends because how the actual hell would i explain that shit to them!

    I'm sorry this happened and he needs to get his shit in order and let go of tht whole idea and work on earning ur trust back if he wants to keep his family. This new open relationship trend among monogamous married men/woman is fucking weird when u married to he exclusively with each other.

  28. She said she didnt, like the way she sleeps and everything. Plus she made sure to stay as far away as possible and was clothed.

    That guy was trying to do a creepy joke thing that oh yeah you touched my dick. She is sure she didnt touch it and would know if she did

  29. He should cut you off completely. You have a greedy, selfish view of how relationships work.

    For example, I tell him I’m craving Taco Bell. He responds, “go get some” instead of sending me money to get it or ordering it for me. What kind of man does that?

    One who isn’t financially responsible for you? I’ve never expected guys to buy me things in exchange for my attention. Especially one I’m not dating. Men shouldn’t be expected to be ATMs for women. Wtf.

  30. No. That's just ludicrous. One is asking your BF not to actively sexually stimulate themselves to other women, implications being 1. They would want to have sex with this woman, 2. That your girlfriend is not enough to do so.

    The other is demanding you control what this woman wears, which implies 1. You consider men looking at a fully clothed woman and men masturbating to porn to be one and the same, which is concerning, and 2. It's not “eyes only” relationships are typically exclusive, porn violates that.

    I'm a guy, watching porn in a relationship is unacceptable. Watching it in general is bad but that's a struggle we have to fight on our own.

    Fyi, I think a man does have a degree of right to ask their girlfriend to dress appropriately if it becomes an issue, but any self respecting girl tends to know where the line exists. There's an immense difference between wearing short shorts and flirting with other men though.

  31. We have decided to go to couples counseling as suggested by my therapist. I’m hoping this could help. So much has been said tho that it’s impossible to know if it’ll be enough. But yes as you said because I might be bisexual. Which to me I’m not. I don’t want to be with a man I simply explored myself.

  32. The problem is your BF, not this girl. Do you want to be second fiddle in your BF or husband's life? Why would you seek a relationship with someone who is obviously unavailable and doesn't put boundaries in relationships? This man is 30 years old and is supposed to be an adult. You cannot date someone with the goal of marriage if they are prone to unhealthy relationships.

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