Blonde-yen online webcams for YOU!



Date: November 16, 2022

7 thoughts on “Blonde-yen online webcams for YOU!

  1. I’m sorry, I couldn’t get past “…so his mom could give him a ride.”

    That’s an adult. That is an adult depending on his mother to make his relationship work. And failing.

    I read the whole thing, but I couldn’t concentrate on the rest.

  2. She did you a favor revealing to you her hand. Paint yourself lucky you didn’t sink anymore time in the relationship where you’d feel more hurt. I can get along with plenty of people and click with the all I want, but that doesn’t mean I would enter a relationship with just any of my female friends. Relationships have a degree of pragmatism to them if it isn’t just casual. It takes time to realize peoples life decisions don’t line up well since we tend to put up our best image of ourselves for the first few months. At some point, peoples’ true colors slip.

  3. Ultrasounds can totally be done the moment you confirm a pregnancy. I had my first ones done at 5 and 6 weeks. The most you’ll see it a tiny peanut. But this is the dating ultrasound, which gives you a general idea of how along you are and expected due date.

    For your information you start counting the weeks of the pregnancy from the first day of the last period. A women’s period is typically 28 days (4 weeks). If she told you 3 weeks later she would’ve been about at least 3-4 weeks (which is typically when someone do a pregnancy test because of a late period). That will put her 12 weeks around Valentine’s Day. The important thing about the 12 week ultrasound is to determine any abnormalities with the fetus.

    Based on your post it doesn’t seem like you informed about any of the medical check ups and requirements. Otherwise you would’ve known about the dating ultrasound and the 12 week ultrasound. The doctor would’ve ordered the ultrasound and tests.

    I don’t know abc. But it seems oddly convenient that ABC had a miscarriage right around the time when she should’ve done her 12 week ultrasound, and miscarriage risk to reduce. I suggest you take her to see a doctor / ultrasound done to actually confirm if a miscarriage occurred ASAP. It will take a few weeks for her body to recover from the “miscarriage” so you can confirm her miscarriage.

    I know you’re worried about losing some friends or family. But for your own peace of mind and happiness, you deserve to know the truth, which is was she truly actually pregnant or just wanted to trap you.

  4. Talk with him. I highly doubt 'I need to fuck a random and be left alone for two weeks before buying a house with you' will be received well, but you never know.

  5. I’m not accusing her of anything. I can’t just be like “hey I went through your messages and saw you got chlamydia sorry ?” that would only embarrass her I’m sure it’s a touchy subject for her.

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