My son (9M) walked in on my wife (39F) and me (39M) having sex. What is the best way to handle this topic?

My son walked in on me and my wife having sex. We were partaking in the style of the dog with our backs to the door. Suddenly, in a moment of comedic brilliance that he may never fully understand, my son burst into the room exclaiming “What’s going on in here?!”

Thinking back, I was shielding my wife from view with only my backside revealed to him and I could have stayed there. However, in a moment of panic, I did what can only be described as a flying erection semi-cartwheel off the far side of the bed where I crashed to the floor while my wife covered up.

My son left, and we all went to sleep without any conversation. He’s still sleeping, and I don’t know the best way to handle this. We haven’t had “the talk” with him yet, but I’m not sure I want him to associate sex with my hard acrobatics.

What is the best way to handle this issue?

Update: I really appreciate all of the productive comments. He woke up and the first thing out of his mouth was "Daddy, I have a question." I thought "Here we go."

His question: "Who do you think would win, two people throwing chickens, or a ballistic cannon that shoots spears." I don't think he's scarred. We're planning on gathering information and discussing age-appropriate details with him this weekend with no mention of his walking in. If he connects the dots, we'll address that.

As for the non-productive comments, there are some weird opinions regarding sex. One person said this should be illegal. I mean, we didn't keep going with him present. My gymnastic routine put an end to that real quick. Another suggested that I am a terrible father and my wife is a "ho." I feel like this is misdirected anger and hope you get the help you need.

submitted by /u/Rockin_freakapotamus
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