I’m (35F) upset by what was supposed to be a sexy video from my husband (34M)

My husband (34M) sent me (35F) what was, to him, a cute 30 second slideshow video of a bunch of dick pics he has taken of himself over the years. Instead of finding it funny or sexy, it actually just upset me because I realized I have never seen about 80% of the pics in it. So of course my thoughts are “If he didn’t send those pics to me, who DID he send them to?” Instead of being able to joke with him about how sexy and silly his little video was, all I’ve been able to do is ask him why I’ve never seen the majority of the pics and he doesn’t really have an answer. He is disappointed now too because he hoped I’d feel turned on by the video but all it has done is make me wonder if he is cheating.

There is infidelity in our relationship and even though it happened about 4 years ago I’ve honesty never gotten over it. He swears it wasn’t physical and that he only saw her twice and that NOTHING has happened since but I have clinical depression so my thoughts always tell me the worst.

So after all of this, I’m upset and he is upset now too. He wanted us to have “sexy time” tonight but that has been ruined

submitted by /u/ThrowRAkittehs
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