I [46M] just caught my wife[41F] taking our son’s ADHD medication instead of hers

My wife and son are both diagnosed with ADHD and both take a different type of medication for it. Generally speaking I manage our sons in terms of giving it to him daily, and making sure its refilled and follow up visits with the Dr. My wife is an adult and accordingly manages hers on her own with occasional help from me like picking up from the pharmacy.

This morning before the kids were awake and she was taking her meds as we chatted. I saw her grab my sons bottle of medication, and thinking it was on accident informed her. "Hey that was in, son's." She checks the bottle and says, "Oh! Mine ran out, I'll call today." AND THEN TOOK THE PILL ANYWAY! I then asked calmly, "What am I supposed to do when he runs out early?" and she says, "Just don't give him one today. He'll be fine."

What am supposed to do here? This feels like a huge violation of my trust in her, and of her ability to put her needs over our childs. And based on her mannerisms, tone of voice, and refusal to talk about it after she knows it was a deeply wrong thing to do. Also, is she not concerned that while both medications are for ADHD they are in fact different things? Should I be concerned about withdrawal? It also honestly feels like addict behavior to me, like stealing grandma's pain meds. How do I tell her that I'm deeply concerned about this, and don't ever want it to happen again without sending her into a rage?

submitted by /u/AnonymousFFF
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