I [22M] just found out my gf [20F] has been faking a lot of orgasms in the relationship. How to proceed?

We have been together for a year. Long story short we were talking about sex related stuff like condom size, lube etc. And then she suddenly dropped the bomb and said that it is "actually" difficult to make her orgasm and that she fakes it when we do it. She says she still enjoys it and is satisfied but she never came. Last time we had sex she "came" like 4 times and I did ask her afterwards how it was and she said it was a 9,5/10 (not 10/10 cuz i didnt come and she said it would be better if i did). And today she said she lied there. I also do a lot of "mini surveys". I ask her if she likes our sex life and if she wants to improve it somehow and I told her a million times she can be honest with me I can take it and communication is key in a relationship. Yet everytime she said I make her cum and she is very happy. Now hearing the opposite today was just a huge blow ngl. Oh wait I forgot to say this she started the convo with "tbf i dont enjoy our sex as much as you think i do". I do love her but I really don't know ow how to continue from here. Can someone aid me?

Edit: she said she doesn't wanna make me feel bad….as I said I do ask a lot if she is happy sexually and I constantly tell her I can take criticism cuz relationships are all about honesty and communication. And yet she tells me this after a whole year ?

Edit: We talked about toys etc in the past i said we can use it I EVEN SUGGESTED we use it if she wants and she declined. I said I am open to everything she just needs to talk to me. And everytime she said it's alright…and now this….just comes out of the blue i feel so frustrated rn

Edit: I'm not making a marathon out of the sex. If she told me in the past she doesn't come all the time or even never I would take it cuz I know a lot of women don't come from PIV. But the fact that she was dishonest the entire time although I told her a million times it's okay to be honest we can try toys etc i am open to everything, and I can take the truth and relationships are about communication. That's what really annoys me rn tbh

Edit: When I asked her at the start of the relationship I told her that I know a lot of women don't orgasm from PIV and if she doesn't orgasm she can tell me I won't be mad cuz it's just normal. And I also added that the last thing I want is for her to tell me 1 year Katerina that she is faking orgasms. And everytime I asked that, like 4 times in 1 year she told me she is having genuine orgasms and she is very happy. And now this.

Edit: She tells me all that and then I text her "lets meet up today and talk about it in person" and she responds with "i wanna go to the gym. Lets talk tomorrow. Its not that BiG oF a DeAl" ?

Tldr: gf has been faking orgasms. I don't know how to proceed.

submitted by /u/Christian_Joker_
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