Our first relationship. We were kissing and hot and touching. We wanna take it slow so we haven’t had sex yet. All we do is massaging and oral. So I was touching her down there and she was enjoying it. I usually just touch it but I never looked at it that close and yesterday I asked her if I could see it closer. She said okay and let me see and I was still touching her and we were enjoying it. Then I asked her what something was because I was just curious. I could see her hole but above it there was like a big bump and I didn’t know what it was. I never saw anything like that in porn. It was like lower than where the clit is supposed to be. She said she didn’t know what I was talking about and I asked if I could touch it and she said no. When I touch her she just wants me to rub like at the top of her lips and I never went inside or anything. And she said she felt weird and didn’t want to fool around anymore. I felt really bad. I told her I was sorry and she said she wanted to go to the doctor and see what the bump is. Today we were kissing and I asked if she wanted to get hot and she said she was too embarrassed about the bump and she wants to see her doctor first. I said I was sorry but I don’t wanna push her into being comfortable.
Is there anything I can do to fix it?
submitted by /u/ThrowRA3457764346
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