Billie-Grace on-line webcams for YOU!


Orgazm [917 tokens remaining]

Date: October 28, 2022

3 thoughts on “Billie-Grace on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I'd be inclined to just drop the line “so how is x today?”. And make him the topic of conversation whenever possible.

    You can drop his name into everything remotely to do with your life as a married couple. Things such as “I wonder what X would think of this, maybe you should ask him?” or “do you know if X likes this tv show?”. Make it painfully obvious to her that you know something is going on and that you won't be dropping him from any conversations anytime soon.

    And if ever she says anything about it, just say to her “you both talk often enough, I assume that this would have come up in the past or do you both talk about other things?”.

  2. If you want her to be exclusive to you and turn other people down then you need to say so, telling her she can do what she wants and then getting mad makes you look crazy. Just because you turn people down doesn’t mean she has to do the same especially if y’all aren’t in a committed relationship

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