Bigasssignora live! webcams for YOU!


bigasssignora Public Chat Channel

Date: December 19, 2022

4 thoughts on “Bigasssignora live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You're not equipped to solve this on your own. Talk to your own health professionals and get advice for assistance and therapy for him (and support for yourself). If he refuses it will be difficult because sometimes there are things that a spouse cannot fix on their own.

  2. Time to cut bait sailor, time to cut bait… you are in the prime of your dating life, don't get tied down with someone who isn't giving you what you need. Sounds like she has issues around exclusivity and monogamy, while those are traits you are expecting. This will NOT magically change after marriage. If you go forward with the marriage you should expect to be divorced within a few years, or living a life of misery.

    There are tons of other people out there who match what you want out of a partner, I guarentee it. I was in a similar situation when I was your age and was really broken up about it. Girlfriend and I were living together and she spent valentine's with her “best friend” who was also a guy. I was lucky to get the advice from an older friend that I just gave you in the last paragraph. I broke up with her within a week and asked her to move out. Took some time off from dating to find myself, next girl I dated ended up being my wife.

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