BigAssMia live! webcams for YOU!


BigAssMia Public Chat Channel

Date: October 24, 2022

11 thoughts on “BigAssMia live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I said most instead of all because if I said “all”, some random person was bound to pop in and go “BUT MY DOCTOR DIDNT DO THIS” and I'm really not in the mood for that.

    Doctors would use a HIPAA compliant app, website, or email address that is clearly labeled as a medical app, website, or email address. Not Skype or FaceTime.

    No. But someone getting it off the doctor's phone would.

    Given all that, it's extremely very hot to imagine a scenario where any medical professional would put themselves into a situation that would put their job at risk.

  2. she bought a house in 2020, its 2022. she’s also been financially secure since her parents passed. if she really wanted to leave she 100% could have by now.

  3. i dont recommend getting back together with your exes, you broke up for a reason. anyway. this isnt about that. its not a big deal if you tell him now, but it will be a big deal if you hide it from him. don’t start a relationship already lying, even if by omission.

  4. I don't know if you'll read this, but please, for the sake of your own mental health, leave her. You said it yourself, you're now more like roommates instead of partners – given that this is the case due to this woman now acting so stone cold and your “girlfriend's” reaction to your story beforehand, she only wanted to play savior. Yet once she realized it was too much for her to handle, her little dream bubble burst and thus, she decided if she couldn't help you, no one could – and she turned her back on you.

    OP, I can relate a little, to be honest. I've had friends back stab me horribly before, yet one of those back stabbers was the worst to me. I still remember what she did almost a decade ago. This happened in fifth grade, I've since graduated (naturally). I was never a popular kid at school, and once I got this girl as a friend in fourth grade, I confided in her about that one day. She used this information a year later to make my life a living hell by turning all of my classmates against me, bullying the shit out of me and stealing my best friends. I was all alone for around two years. You know I celebrated once she had to redo the year and as such wasn't in my year anymore. Yet even now, when I do happen to spot her somewhere, I get all tensed up one minute to the next. And even now, where I'm just thinking about her, I feel physically sick.

    In my case, it was just a so-called friend. In your case, it's a so-called significant other. A little difference is there but the gist of it is: both are horrible people. And it's best to cut ties with horrible people, so they don't brand your life forever. Give it time, OP. Let time heal the wounds of this disgusting woman who ever dared to call herself your girlfriend – she doesn't deserve that title, not even a little bit. You deserve so so much better. Please never forget that. The right person will be there for you no matter what, and they will never leave. I have faith in you. ❤️

  5. Are you willing to shave twice a day so that you do not have any stubble? Because the boyfriend is turned off by any facial hair at all.

    And as a biological man also. I know. Shaving in the morning. That there is stubble that night.

  6. And she, as an adult woman who can do “whatever she wants”, could have refused if her convictions were high enough.

    Even if you want to excuse it as a group situation, a person who gives into peer pressure……well Reddit is filled with stories about that….

    You have a red flag now. It's up to you what u do with it.

  7. People have rocky relationships

    They break up and get back together. Most do not test the clock each time, they just say they've been together for 3 years and good over the bad times.

    You have no proof other than you fucked, lesser than 3 years ago. Maybe homeboy was banging some ex or random that same night.

    It's none of your business, and I would say the chances are that you'll be doing nothing but driving your nose where it doesn't belong.

    Now if she invited you to put your nose there again tomorrow, then tell homeboy

  8. Well, I figured that one out and two lines are used to be a show like that. I could name that tune in five words. Never open up a monogamous relationship by the time you do that one of you wants to cheat and then this case I would say it is you. But they don’t want the cheaters name and so they figure if they can get the other person involved with it. They won’t feel so bad and be a cheater, and they don’t have to entirely lose their person. But many people are destroyed at the mention of opening a relationship that they’re in love with, so keep that in mind next time you want to suggest it. I suggest you break up and go do what you wanna do.

  9. Snorted aloud at the “collector’s series” comment. Sorry OP, I hope you can get to the bottom of this. Or get out and live your best life.

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