Bigass excarlet live! sex cams for YOU!


hey im neww here and i love fuck my ass

Date: October 12, 2022

6 thoughts on “Bigass excarlet live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sounds like the plot of a Liam neeson movie, except you’re the useless son in law and your wife is Liam neeson’s daughter lol Point of the joke is It kind of sounds like those kidnapping stories you used to hear about when social media first started coming around. You should convince her to take you along and let the organizer know and if the organizer hits you guys with an adamant no then there’s your answer of their intentions

  2. It doesn't seem like he was into any of these girls, it just seems like it was lust and sex, nothing more. Work through it, but it doesn't seem like he can stop, he's a guy after all.

  3. He’s 36, and he’s whining that he isn’t getting offered food and then acts as if he’s in a position to lecture a 34 year old woman about your behavior, coupled with that vague “trouble” line? Stop brewing his coffee. He needs to snap out of that right now and stop thinking that you’re his surrogate mother. And I’m a dude saying this.

  4. I find it a little disingenuous when I see blanket statement advice like this.

    While its true that there is a good chance if you turned down the opportunity for this relationship you could come to regret it. There is also a equal chance that if you take it and lose the relationship you will regret it just as much.

    As a father of two pre teenager daughters I preach to them the only real constant in life are choices, every one comes with an opportunity cost, or a lost opportunity. There will be positive and negative effects for either one. Just choose one and live with that.

    Unfortunately there is absolutely no way to know which is the right one.

    I will say this, if your guy trys to prevent you from making either one he probably isn't the guy for you. He should give input on then be supportive of the direction you go. If he is the one, he will find a way to make it work.

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