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Bienelive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat Biene

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Date: October 11, 2022

42 thoughts on “Bienelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yeah but the thing is he has a lot of family there that is helping him a lot so I don’t think it makes sense that it was the reason he was messaging her

  2. You can ask him what would make him more comfortable but does need to be an effort from him to get there, not just you making allowances.

    Hope your chat goes well

  3. Honestly I wouldn’t read to much into it. It seems super similar to what my boyfriend says. It’s really hot for him to open up to people and me sticking around and waiting for him is what he loves about me. So I honestly think it’s actually a pretty positive thing

  4. You can’t compare how he talks to his DOG to the way he talks to his crush.

    He may be shy and doesn’t want to look stupid saying the wrong things, but maybe this is a dealbreaker for you. It’s ok to admit that.

  5. Eww. The condescending way you talk about other people having “flexible morals”, but then you end your comment with advising that the secret should be shared because it “sounds like justice” to you.

    Like you're the type of person who has such a high opinion of yourself and feels so morally superior to others, that you feel completely entitled to mete out “justice”. You're an early 20s male, therefore have very little experience of life as an adult as yet, but you are still so sure that your understanding of the world is the only correct one.

    The irony of a person like that complaining about the morals of others is just… I don't even have words.

  6. Have you posted or read anything in r/AlAnon? Alcoholics can’t have normal relationships. And you’ll get better advice as it pertains to relationships with alcoholics. My ex was an alcoholic.

  7. He made his choice & you made yours however you should've gotten & still should get a lawyer to legally relinquish all parental rights & block him on everything. Honestly if I had been in his place I would have done the same I just would've already had your rights legally relinquished & never would've bothered you again. He's going through what all new parents go through but he needs to find support from someone other than you. He's either trying to pull you back in or has no one else which while tragic is a him problem & needs to find a support group for single parents instead of relying on you.

  8. So, your self worth is tied to your social media account? You broke off with him because he raised concerns about you trying to reach out to new men to replace him? Seems like he got the better end of the deal and i hope you stay out of the dating pool for while until you solve your own issues.

  9. Well, that's the problem right there. It isn't a “man or woman” thing. There are plenty of competent men out there who fully understand that they have obligations to the people they online with. You're just settling for the other ones because you think it's to be expected.

  10. If someone isn't going to listen to the best advice, you have to look at the options and give them the next best advice you can manage.

    So the best advice you could manage is to do therapy with his abuser? Really?

    Again, do not tell people to do therapy with their abuser. You are actively making their lives worse by doing so.

  11. I got your videos. I’m concerned. Talk to me. Then listen. If this is what we think it is, be prepared to help. I left because I had kids. I couldn’t bring up boys who believed it was okay to treat anyone as I was being treated. Money is the other reason too many people stay. She’ll be okay. I’m glad you are there for her.

  12. It’s click bait. It’s absolutely clickbait. And you know it’s click bait when the top comment says “get a divorce” and OP responds “I guess that’s the option that makes most sense”.

    Stop feeding the trolls

  13. Have you tried the gray rock strategy? Like if she talks about a guy she’s dating just go, “hmmmm … oh, that’s so crazy?” Just don’t show any interest in her dating stories and she’ll either be upset and walk away or she’ll change her behavior and talk about things that get more engagement.

    Unless you’re really done and then you walk.

  14. Have you tried the gray rock strategy? Like if she talks about a guy she’s dating just go, “hmmmm … oh, that’s so crazy?” Just don’t show any interest in her dating stories and she’ll either be upset and walk away or she’ll change her behavior and talk about things that get more engagement.

    Unless you’re really done and then you walk.

  15. The relationship drama is between you and your ex, not your friend. Expecting him to drop her as a friend on your behalf is not your place, especially after when he offered to stop talking to her, you said you were fine with him being friends with her!

  16. You had sex with someone for 10 years. With the hormones we know orgasms can produce as well as the complicated psychology of humans, being intimate with someone for any prolonged period of time can result in strong feelings of love and attachment. As a commenter said above, you must accept that this is the reason you are feeling the way you are.

    You should not have gotten involved with your brother-in-law, and you need to develop the necessary self-esteem to know that you should never accept being relegated to a side piece at any time. Therapy would help, and I would not recommend a rebound, but instead a period of time spent working on yourself and building your self-worth.

    Do not discuss the situation with your BIL or sister. Theirs is not the perfect marriage, no matter how they have been romanticized to you, because it is extremely messed up that either of them would have gotten involved in or accepted this situation. That is no longer a problem that should concern you. Whatever insanity exists in their marriage is not a part of your life anymore and never should have been in the first place.

    Good luck, OP, on getting yourself sorted.

  17. We have a newborn at home – husband is agonizing over going to see a wrestling show in April. He loves wrestling! It’s a special event! It’s nearby! It’s 2 months from now! And yet, he’s still agonizing over leaving me without help for the night.

  18. Just remember, if he was scared of losing you and the family unit you guys have, he would act like it. He isn’t scared to lose you. It’s like he’s comfortable and confident that you won’t go anymore. So he did

  19. That sounds like a tough problem. The words I would use to describe her are critical or carping. She's probably right that it was a learned reaction from childhood. It could also be a symptom of her overall mood and outlook on life. Stress-free and happy generally means more genuine engagement with others.

    Truth be told, shes 33 years old and this behavior haa persisted in your relationship for so long that it will be much harder for her to change her attitude at this stage. She certainly does need to know just how much its affecting your relationship so as not to underestimate the severity of the situation. Keep touching base on it and be sure to show your appreciation when she breaks from her bad habit.

  20. Unfortunately, you are being raped. You are married to a rapist and need to get out before he teaches your children that these things are okay.

  21. Well yeah, but you should feel more sorry for her and scared for her life than angry for how she treated you. She is or will be way more of a victim in this than you.

  22. You gave no advice but was ignorant and assuming a bunch of things , hello anybody in there? Lights are on no ones home i can see lol

  23. Shes smart. She should not give them your surname, unless you guys are married, and she chooses to take your surname along with the children. I wish I had not made this mistake with my ex, and I can understand how upsetting and frustrating on your part this may be. But she should not do this. Your reason is about YOU, her reason is about the CHILDREN. And the potential that she may very well end up raising them as a single mother.

  24. 10000% this. Nothing wrong with her kink in general. And pretty clear that the reason she resigned to be a side piece is because it allowed her to explore this which she likely didn’t have other experience in.

    I also think it’s not appropriate to assume she’s lying about the cumming inside her part. I mean, it’s pretty likely the cheating spouse wore protection to avoid an extramarital child situation.

  25. Except that that's ridiculous, because nobody should have to change their name for anybody else. The obvious answer here is for them to just have both surnames, and she's refusing to cave for pointless, petty reasons. Let the man feel connected to his kids.

  26. What does the county change about the questions.

    Giving answers asking follow up is not ‘carrying on’.

    Embracing broken. Gets broken.

    No. Asked if your immediate family is moving there because you implied they are moving.

    It’s 3 months. Of course you end it early because it’s not workable and you have little invested.

    Even your BF is being cautious because he knows too.

    But life will teach you. Sometimes you have to experience it, rather than be told.

  27. Except that she isn’t a single mom to these twins. They are in a relationship and are having the twins together. OP, suggest hyphenating your names (ex. Sarah Herlastname-yourlastnam)

  28. You are still very young OP. Some would say too young to be married and have the responsibility for the upkeep of a house and home. I would strongly suggest that you take measures to ensure that a baby is not added to this sorry mix. I would further suggest that you try your very best to find employment. It doesn’t matter what it is just so long as it increases your independence.

    Talk to your parents. Let them know that things aren’t working out very well. Hopefully they will be sympathetic. Your husband is a bullying boor OP. These are not character traits which improve with age and experience. I wouldn’t put a child within a million miles of this man and neither should you.

    Your marriage was a mistake. But you can rectify this by resolute action. Do not be bullied or persuaded that things will get better. They won’t. You can do this OP. Good luck. ❤️

  29. It is proven that repeated small things are often more a killer for relationships then one time big things things. It seems that you and your husband need to sit down and figure out the expectations to each other. Braking expectations kills relationships but sadly often the partners are not aware about them due to lack of communication.

  30. Wow he's being an asshole. I have depression and executive dysfunction so I understand what it's like to struggle to do housework at times, my apartment is constantly a disaster (something I am working on getting better at), but it sounds to me like you are keeping things picked up and if things do get messy it's not unreasonably so. Sometimes our mental health just gets the better of us. It's wild that he thinks it's appropriate to hold this over your head. If it was a consistent issue, sure maybe I could see where he is coming from, but taking care of a living space, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, is a lot to deal with, especially when you are having a bout of more severe depression.

    I think the best solution is to have a discussion with him or to look at getting a job outside the house so he cant hold this over your head, and you have money to leave if this toxic behavior escalated further.

  31. That's the thing, I keep thinking something terrible has happened. But then I think that I'm selfish and there are a hundred other reasons he might not reply and that I'm not owed a reply to my texts.

  32. Search for the post of the girl whose boyfriend kept telling her she had a body odor problem that NO ONE ELSE noticed. She went crazy over it, until she decided to break up with him and he confessed he made it up because his mysoginist dad taught him to gaslight her into feeling horrible about herself this way so she would stay with a loser like him because of her destroyed self esteem. BTW if a virgin who has never had problems like this develops them when she starts having sex and has excluded medical reasons, it's not unlikely it's the guy who introduced the funky bacteria in question. You find this out by using condoms. And even if that is not the case, sometimes just the exchange of body fluids, or rather you receiving then, results in a more distinctive smell. The solution is also condoms. Or a partner with an adult approach.

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