Bellarose-1 live! sex cams for YOU!


bellarose-1 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 20, 2022

9 thoughts on “Bellarose-1 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Afaik fwb situations usually exclude affection, otherwise you're basically in the realm of “dating”. I'd say it's time to have a talk with the guy, lay out what you want out of this connection and see if he can fit the bill. I'd say he enjoys spending time with you besides just sex, but if he's unwillig to commit in a way you'd like, why waste your time and energy?

    Also, whenever you “broke up” and he was inviting you over the next day, you know you could have just… Not gone over, right?

  2. Nah, there’s no friendship between a 32 year old male and a 25 year old female. Also no one falls asleep at a friends house watching TV and stays the night, you go home.

  3. She doesn’t seem to respond when he’s been patient and concerned, so it seems like someone needs to just be direct.

  4. You two need some marriage counseling. It's difficult to know what the power dynamic was in your relationship prior to the birth of your child but given the age difference between you one can imagine maybe you gave your wife reason to now want to “wear the pants”. Maybe she likes having you at home needing to ask her for money because when she was a teenager dating a full grown man there was some infantilization going on. So go talk to a counselor together to try find some middle ground. She'll need to let go of her “revenge” motive and you'll have to progress a wee bit out of your stone age views on masculinity. But it can be done if you both work at it. Good luck

  5. So how did you tell your mom/dad that occasionally speaking is enough for you? I’m constantly feeling guilty for not returning his calls but I just cannot. I don’t need that on my one day off.

  6. Immediately after we got back together, she told me several times that she wondered if she made a mistake and considered reaching out to him. Since then, things had gotten much better and we were doing great, but it seems that she is feeling a little aloof due to a new prescription and I just don’t want a repeat of that. I don’t want to have to stress about it.

  7. You ARE NOT ruining her family.

    He ruined her family. PLEASE warn this woman what a douchey scumbag she is marrying before she's in too deep to make a clean break and start over.

    And don't hold it against her if her first reaction is “shoot the messenger”. All you can do is give her the gift of Truth.

    There is no greater Gift one human being can give to another, even if it takes her some time to realize that.

    Please, PLEASE warn her. He will cheat on her with someone else. Might end up giving her a bad STD or bring some “Fatal Attraction” nutjob into her life.

    I know it's hot and doesn't always feel good….but “Truth” is always the right answer.

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