BellaHarriss1 online webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 18, 2022

36 thoughts on “BellaHarriss1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. I think you’re overthinking it, friends hold hands a lot. Maybe it’s a cultural difference (non American) but holding hands with a friend doesn’t sound scandalous. I am not convinced that holding hands with someone during a movie is cheating, I can’t recall how many times someone has squeezed my hands when they are scared before.

  2. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FINE GIRLS ARE OUT THERE THAT DONT EVEN THINK THEY LOOK LIKE A 5…..???!!!! And they actually want to please you, care for you and be cared for by you….. she ain’t shit if she is responding like that! My wife makes my dinner plate, pours my drinks, all out of compassion.

    Find you a compassionate, wonderful girl that deserves you as much as you deserve her. 10 years from now you will think about this post you made and thank God you listened to your Brothers

  3. I think if he just admitted he doesn't intend to work and then let me decide if I can deal with that I wouldn't feel so betrayed

    I think you need to quit waiting for him to say the words and accept that it is the reality.

    He won't say the words because either he doesn't want to admit it to himself or knows you will leave, or both.

    You need to decide if you want to on-line with him as is or not. Quit running into the same wall headfirst over and over again and expecting it to change.

  4. She doesn't have a learning disability(and as someone who officially has one, that's just insulting). She's 22. And acting like an average 22 year old.

    Go date someone your own age is you want a on-line in maid.

  5. Yep, she knows it, she just hasn't accepted it and was hoping that by whining to the internet she's get some sympathy. But yeah, nope.

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  7. Her behaviour is baffling. Wrapping zip lock bags an giving that as a present just made it so much worse. This almost seems like she is rubbing your nose in it.

  8. Hello /u/thereallife666,

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  9. So you’re vegan and can understand his anti choice stance, but are ok with if he’s pro gun? That seems pretty counterintuitive to your thought process on this.

    It’s your choice to be with someone who is against your fundamental rights as a woman, absolutely not something I would choose. Who cares what your parents think of him, it’s if you can on-line with his beliefs and how they may impact you and any kids you have should you build a life with him.

  10. “I have read stories”

    I have also read stories, but not once have I fell down a rabbit hole into Wonderland, played Quidditch with some wizards, or trekked across Middle Earth…not everything you read comes true, dude.

    Also, this is the second time you’ve said “his house”, when not even ten words into the post OP clearly says “MY house”.

  11. This isn’t cool of her at all. She knows you’re into her, turned you down and out of the blue shows you her fully naked body.

    This isn’t being a being a friend. Its being unnecessarily cruel because she can. Others telling you not to react are dead right. You can’t give a twisted game like this the dignity of a response. I would argue to say you shouldn’t even ask her why she’s showing them to you. People here are telling you why and it’s now up to you to decide if she’s actually a friend.

    Think about this in reverse. Think of some girl you know that you’re not interested in at all but are friendly with. Just pretend for a moment that this other girl is totally into you and you know because she asked you out. Now think about doing to her what you just had done to you. It’s cruel. Its that simple. Its you fucking with her because you can.

    Im about to give you the most controversial advice I have ever given:

    If you come to the realization that you are in fact being fucked with, that not only is this girl not interested but not even acting like a friend, fuck it. Ask her if she’s taken any more pics. Regardless if she has or not just say “You know whats even hotter than nudes? A movie of you getting plowed, like sweat-drenching plowed but a movie like that is only good if you include one thing in it that, honestly, you just haven’t got” then just go silent. Don’t even look at her after that. When she (eventually) badgers you about what that is, just say “Me” and walk away. Don’t say a fucking word after that. Don’t meet her, don’t comment on social media, nothing.

    If she isn’t playing you, you’ll know. If she is, then losing a “friend” like that is only a step up.

    I would never give this sort of advice except in this exact circumstance. You like her. You didn’t ask for nudes. Hell, if she’s hot you probably didn’t even want to see them out of respect. Thats makes you a good dude in my book.

    So with my advice, you either get rid of a shitty friend or you get to have some kink naked, consensual sex with a girl you dig. Either way, you’ll look in the mirror after that knowing you’re a boss.

  12. I spent 15 years with a man who always said we'd get married if we stayed together long enough. He also said it wasn't that he didn't want to get married, he just didn't want to get divorced. He referred to his mother's 3 marriages and 2 divorces. He's been my ex for more than 6 years.

  13. He's being like this because he's a dick. Just end this. Let him go bomb out in the dating world when he discovers all these inflated “assets” he likes are just photo editing.

  14. The fact he's good at drifting and “driving fast” dont look good either. Where does he learn to do this? A track? Or public roads where others drive? If he doesnt have much money I doubt he's paying for track time.

    Girl I have a modified mustang who is my baby. You know who drives it? Myself and my boyfriend, only. You know where we learn to drive fast and drift? The track. I drive like a Fucking grandma on the road. I love my car, and I'm not about to wreck it. I'm also not about to drive like an idiot and kill someone because I was immature and wanted to vroom vroom.

    People like him are why car people get such bad flack. And for good reason! While he was throwing your car around did he think once of you? Did he think once of someone else on the road he could kill because he was irresponsible?

    With the harsh stuff out of the way, You deserve so much better. You deserve a partner who when they borrow your car treat it well and not WALK AWAY after they crash it? The complete disrespect for you is insane. Reading some of the other stuff he's done, he just seems like a dick. Is this someone you want to be with forever?

    That aside, is a person who puts his life at risk, and others lives at risk just for fun someone you want to be with forever? Is someone who clearly doesn't care about your property and feelings someone you want to be with forever?

    I am deeply sorry about your car, I can imagine how much it meant to you. And I know that even if you get a new car it'll never be THAT car that you worked on and built. Maybe save a little piece from her and add it to your next car. Shift knob or something. I wish you all the best

  15. Yikes. If my partner went to a strip club, did not inform me beforehand, and then used the excuse “it's just nudity, so it's not an issue”, I'd flip shit. Personally I also watch porn and if I went to a strip club WITH my partner, that's a whole other thing and totally fine if we are on the same page. But to do it the way you did comes across as like lying by omission in a way, and then thinking going to a strip club with on-line nudity is the same as watching porn online at home… Not the same at all. Some may disagree, but for many others those are not the same AT ALL.

  16. I think it’s typical for guys to talk about the attractive woman in their line of sight while they are together, especially guys in their 20’s. What is troubling is that your bf wanted to rearrange his workout time to see a specific woman at the gym. To me there is intent behind that – whether that is just to gawk, to interact with her, or something else.

    Also, his joke about you being his last option is tasteless, insulting, and unacceptable. You deserve more respect then that.

  17. My number one advice is: do not reach back out to him.

    I know this is difficult because you feel so alone but it will get better. You need time to process and to heal which can be difficult without a support network but as a random internet stranger I promise you it will all be okay eventually. I know that might not mean much but it’s true.

    It’s okay to feel upset and alone, don’t be afraid to feel your feelings but also know that it’s not going to last forever. You’re making some amazing decisions to start doing some volunteer work and it’s going ti be hot to meet people when you’re upset.

    Let yourself heal and then maybe think about trying some on-line dating or getting back into the dating game. Or even just try to make some new friends (super difficult I know! Most of my friends are coworkers as well).

    Know that it is probably for the best that you two broke up, no one should yell at your or treat you like that. Eventually you will meet someone who will make all of this just a faint bad memory and you’ll find someone who loves and respects you.

  18. I've been adopted myself – and i'm grateful for the on-line that is given to me. each single day i'm happy to online. You need to do this for yourself. This is worth the biggest fight or break-up or whatever this is. Love is life. Life is precious.

  19. You stop. All they said was be mindful, as they can be traumatic when you make a forced decision based off of someone else’s needs. Abortions save lives and give women bodily autonomy. They can also be incredibly fucking traumatic if not approached with love, care, and mindfulness during recovery. Always way the pros & cons, and always be ready for risks. Do not get into a car without a seatbelt, even if you never end up needing it. Same logic applies here. Don’t make a life& body altering choice based off of someone else’s feelings.

    OP, whatever you do, take time to be kind to yourself. Both choices may seem great, or both may seem scary. There’s plenty of therapists and plenty of women who have the training or expirience to talk you & your partner through this. You aren’t alone. No matter what choice you make, it will be the right one

  20. In my mind man loyalty means forgiving mistakes. If she wants to hurt me that's fine. I know I hurt her too in the past. But I'm not a man who gives up on things that I love and I know she isn't either. The sad thing is this dude isn't any different from me at all except more attractive. But when he messes around he's gone leave her for good while I'll still be there and maybe then she'll come to understand my point of view

  21. Fast forward a year. You grow as a person, and realise that he has XYZ character flaw. But you think back to 2023 when you promised that you would love him forever and never leave him. What are you going to do? You are going to excuse his faults. After all, he needs your love.

    He has seen the future and is trying to prevent you from leaving him. He wants you to feel obligation and pity towards him and put up with his immaturity.

    That's manipulation.

  22. I do not understand why anyone sends nudes or keeps them at this point. Shit gets hacked, catfish scams are insanely common, sending nudes is just a FAFO proposition at this point.

  23. As someone who has been called a horndog for wanting sex less than what you're already having, I can kind of get where you're coming from.

    But at the same time. Sex takes time and it takes energy and, unlike for yourself I'm assuming, it's not an endless source of pleasure.

    Soreness , tiredness, numbness. Dicks are delicate and dude probably needs more time than you'd like to give him.

    From what you said, it seems like you're doing a lot of the work, but even so, physiological limits may be something to look into.

    Ask him if he's sore after sex.

    How long does it go in for?

    How many rounds?

    These are things to think about it.

    If it's like a short 15-20 minutes once a week, I can definitely get how you're unsatisfied.

    But if you're both really going at it? I don't know what to tell you.

    Whoever's got the most reasons not to have sex controls the pace in a relationship.

  24. You want your daughter to have a drug addicted abusive AH in her life?????? Get help. Call a domestic violence hotline and get some counseling. And resources. You really need help. You can do it, but it won’t be easy.

  25. Angry assholes with no accountability who are trained to investigate dont need proof to make your life hell.

  26. How would you feel I told you medical school was easy? Does that help you understand your feelings better? You put in an immense amount of work, I would walk the stage.

  27. Angry assholes with no accountability who are trained to investigate dont need proof to make your life hell.

  28. Why do I feel like this first child would so “visibly” not yours that she needed to abort it, because even such a delusional doormat like you would understand what has happened.

  29. Yeah when someone is constantly bringing up their exes to their partner, it's almost always some sick and twisted mind game and a clear sign of disrespect.

  30. I want to add too that this is not really about having the guy i’m seeing over, it is why I initiated the conversation with my housemate, but I don’t plan on having him around often, I am only home 1 day a week myself, and realistically he could only come over and stay 1-2 times a month maximum. It’s more so about my housemates reaction to our relationship, and if it’s warranted.

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