BeckyMoon live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 23, 2022

12 thoughts on “BeckyMoon live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Block him. Do not respond. He is trying to manipulate you. Don’t fall into trying to he nice to him or giving him the benefit of the doubt.

    He hasn’t changed and you already know who he is.

  2. She wants to buy a house. And those question I do not know, truthfully. But with her making more money, she’s told me over and over, even in college thag isn’t an issue

  3. I ask because sometimes it helps to tell someone about these things. It’s a way of getting yourself back into the right mind without the need of a therapist. You just need someone who wouldn’t go behind your back and tell your boyfriend because you’re clearly trying your best to stop for him.

  4. You are not a sex addict and are right to be concerned.

    Sounds like she's not enjoying the sex ( could be emotional/physical who knows) and she is using bullshit excuses not to have it. This will not change AFTER marriage trust me. Do not marry her unless she is willing to be honest and work on the issue of why she is avoidant. Sexual intimacy is too important to ignore. We all need to feel desired & loved even when life/health sometimes gets in way of actually having sex.

    In times when i'm too poorly/tired for sex for any length of time. I always show my partner they are still desired/missed and that i'm eager to resume too. Most people don't need continuous sex but continuous validation. Without it we feel rejected and demoralised.

  5. sigh…. you have no self-love, no self-respect, and no self-worth. This is why he could manipulate you into doing all the things that you don’t want to do. Please leave him. Don’t expect others to love you when you have so little love for yourself. Learn to love yourself first before going into any relationship from now on.

  6. Sounds like a terrible person. It does not matter whether he is cheating on you right now. At some point in future you will argue or be in a worse place in general. At that point he will go find somene else on the side.

    Do not waste your life on him.

  7. Being in before 6am and not having to pick someone up when they're trashed constantly? That seems a reasonable request. Her behavior would be a deal breaker for me. There should be a mid-way to reach on something like that. You stay out a little later and then yall come home together or something. If not then yall should probably go your separate ways.

  8. Just hire professional staff to escort any and all clowns off the property.

    And if your fiancée puts her psycho brother over you on your wedding day, that sets a bad tone for the whole marriage.

  9. There are a few things compounding how you feel here. They're all normal things that might happen to anyone, but when they stack up they feel overwhelming, and you can start to feel like your partner is intentionally hurting you.

    I suggest you try and tackle each of these individually, because when they interact they can all make the others seem worse.

    First, you're insecure about your weight, and you feel unattractive. That's all in your hands, nobody else can change how much you weigh, or how you feel about how much you weigh. You've got two choices, either decide you love your body how it is, or decide you to do something about it. There are heaps of good resources available to help you with that.

    Two, you feel like he's not interested in sex right now. Have you talked to him about that? It doesn't sound like you have. You need to be able to talk to your partner about that. Maybe he's got some issues of his own going on that are impacting his sex drive. Maybe it's not about you. You won't know until you have a conversation about it.

    Three, his porn habits. You need to decide if you're okay with you partner getting themselves off or not. Generally, no couple has identical sex drives, they're not always aroused at the same time, and people can do whatever they want with their own body. Men typically need visual stimuli to get off. Think hot about the aspect of this situation you're actually upset about, because he probably doesn't feel like he's doing anything wrong. If you're not happy about it, again, talk to him, tell him how you feel about it, ask his perspective, and try to agree on habits that you're both comfortable with.

    Finally, your invasion of his privacy. You were going through his internet history, so thoroughly that you know exactly how many images he clicked on. Do you think this is a normal, healthy thing for you to be doing? What makes you feel like you need to do this, or that you're entitled to do this? Is he allowed any privacy? How would you feel if he did this to you?

    In general, you need to learn to communicate with your partner if you hope to survive an adult relationship. You're going to encounter much more challenging situations than your partner browsing porn, if your instinct is to break up before you decide to talk about it, you're really going to struggle.

    Time for a talk.

  10. I completely agree! You are being handed a gift here! Take it and run! You toxic verbally abusive bf is jealous you found a apartment and wants to break up over it. He is probably playing games and wants you to ask him to move in, call his bluff and leave before his abuse gets physical. The best thing about the whole thing he doesn't have your address! So he can't find you!

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