Bebesara live! sex chats for YOU!


PVT show open! Tip to make my lovense vibrate and make me cum! Im wet waiting for you to make my day 🙂

Date: November 19, 2022

8 thoughts on “Bebesara live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. If you love another person, you don't just draw a line in your head of XXkg and if they cross it you just pack up and leave. You TALK to your partner, you let them know the issues you see, you keep them informed of your own state and perspective of the relationship. There is nagging someone and shaming them for their body, which is not okay, and then there is letting your partner know that the relationship is currently NOT going in the right direction, and that you will leave if there is no change in course. It is perfectly reasonable to have a conversation on whether the changes in one or both partners are in line with what the other person is happy with/can accept/is willing to compromise on.

    She may be well aware of her weight gain, but is she aware that he will leave her if she can't get it under control? This needs to be talked about. You don't just let it stew inside to fester into resentment.

    Also, the only reason why so many people say this discussion is not okay is because they are insecure about their bodies. Insecurity is a “you” problem, not a “your partner” problem. Go to therapy if you cannot even have a basic conversation about your own health and body. Even your doctor needs you to be able to have that conversation.

  2. By labeling yourselves, you sort of put yourselves in a box. It comes with expectations of a certain behavior, and I think you may want to look at yourselves as human beings and allow yourselves some flexibility in how you act toward each other.

  3. 7 years is a long time. By that time you know the person long enough to be secure in your relationship, you should have zero questions to whether you trust them and want to be with them, and have a strong foundation to build your life together. For her to be influenced by colleagues she’s just met, who’ve never met the the OP, shows how little respect she has for him and that she doesn’t have his back. If I was in a relationship, no matter how long and serious it was, I wouldn’t allow them to talk about my partner like that. If it was a best friend who had a valid concern, I would listen but make the decision on my own.

  4. Yeah, but that's not what he said to her. He said she was fucked up for not caring about how the situation would affect HIM, not that she was a fucked up person for sleeping with a married man.

  5. people buy each other flowers unromantically all the time, especially when they are extremely upset… Give me a break. She also flat out told him it made her uncomfortable that he kept buying her things. So, your last sentence is completely wrong. People let others down as well as they can. This is just his side, too. I'm pretty sure she was probably a lot more clear that she wasn't interested in him romantically as he did state. She said that he was making her uncomfortable with his actions.

  6. So, your wife not only assaulted you, she has zero respect for you. Her mocking reaction after doing what she did says it all. I don’t know what you plan on doing about your marriage but this is not something you can come back from, especially considering your wife’s utter lack of remorse. At a minimum, talk to a professional about happened to you because your wife has betrayed you on multiple levels. I could never stay married to someone like your wife, kids or no kids. She’s honestly a disgusting human being and I’m sorry you didn’t have a chance to see her true colors earlier.

  7. Jesus, this guy needs a swift boot up the arse! Women do not “get looser” over time, he is just using that as an excuse to stick it in the back passage. For him to do that without your consent is disgusting, you are not a sex toy there to serve and please him.

  8. What would have convinced you? Humbling himself to do karaoke with her? Asking for her number? Asking her out? Whatever could he have done to persuade you?

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