Barbarabee live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

4 thoughts on “Barbarabee live sex chats for YOU!

  1. thank you for your perspective. i think im gonna bring some of these points up and ask how they would feel if they were in my shoes, because i also feel it is selfish to do and i would never do something like this. im just at a loss

  2. What did her therapist recommend?

    In my (44F) experience, kids handle death pretty well when you explain things in an age appropriate way. Whether or not to go to the funeral is really dependent on each child.

    Not sure what country you’re in or what the standard funeral is like where you are but where I am, there’s usually a wake, then a funeral where the body may be open casket or just a photo and an urn, then a graveside service, then a meal with family and friends. I probably would only take her to the funeral and the meal.

    At 6, I’d give her some autonomy and just explain that dad died (skip the suicide, just say he was too sick and the doctors couldn’t help him) and that to celebrate his life, there will be some get togethers. Explain what those events will look like and ask her if she’d like to go.

    My uncle killed himself when I was her age and they didn’t take me to the funeral. I didn’t really understand what was going on because no one would tell me—I just knew people were upset and sad. It was confusing.

    As an adult, I have prepped my step kids for this sort of thing (not a suicide) and they attended a couple of funerals for their grandparents and such. They did fine.

    But again, it depends on the child.

    I would also intervene with family and make sure you all have your “story” straight as far as what everyone says about his manner of death.

  3. I am so amazed. I dont know a single person coupled with an alcoholic/addict whose relationship lasted.

    Good on OP and her bf.

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