Based on what you’re saying, I think that’s fair to say. “I thought I was ready for a relationship, but I’m really not and I think we should go our separate ways.”
I never really found it productive to share my relationship issues with friends and family, since I know their advice can be biased. More than just validation, I was more interested in advice from people that have dealt with this in their own relationships. I know it’s not unusual for there to be financial disparities in long term relationships. I didn’t expect to be piled on opinions from people that have not dealt with this firsthand. I am in therapy and have a therapist I trust, but in a moment of feeling weak and dealing with heightened anxiety I wanted to know that I wasn’t going crazy and that I was in fact recognizing it for what it was – gaslighting. I can’t disagree with what people are commenting. They’re reading about a snippet of my relationship and don’t know anything else. I only asked that people practised kindness and empathy when posting these comments. I’ve beat myself up about it, I didn’t need the extra emotional beatdown
What do you want? Did you purposely avoid discussing this with her as a passive aggressive attempt to communicate that you don’t want to live! with her? Use your words.
Seriously. Although all relationships require effort, good relationships are easy, bad relationships are hot.
Based on what you’re saying, I think that’s fair to say. “I thought I was ready for a relationship, but I’m really not and I think we should go our separate ways.”
and missed their 1st anniversary for it. What a douchebag
I never really found it productive to share my relationship issues with friends and family, since I know their advice can be biased. More than just validation, I was more interested in advice from people that have dealt with this in their own relationships. I know it’s not unusual for there to be financial disparities in long term relationships. I didn’t expect to be piled on opinions from people that have not dealt with this firsthand. I am in therapy and have a therapist I trust, but in a moment of feeling weak and dealing with heightened anxiety I wanted to know that I wasn’t going crazy and that I was in fact recognizing it for what it was – gaslighting. I can’t disagree with what people are commenting. They’re reading about a snippet of my relationship and don’t know anything else. I only asked that people practised kindness and empathy when posting these comments. I’ve beat myself up about it, I didn’t need the extra emotional beatdown
We’ve drank together on several occasions, this was the first time I’ve seen him go well over his limit,
She wants to live with me.
What do you want? Did you purposely avoid discussing this with her as a passive aggressive attempt to communicate that you don’t want to live! with her? Use your words.
Does he normally do his sessions there? He probably wanted you to hear.
Plus sometimes cats are just assholes. We got ours as a kitten when my dog was like 8 and she still messes with her ??♀️