Ayamashiro live webcams for YOU!


watershow [340 tokens remaining]

Date: November 12, 2022

5 thoughts on “Ayamashiro live webcams for YOU!

  1. This!! And then turning the blame on OP by being a total duck and then saying, “you're too sensitive.” Nope right out of there, this is not going anywhere, and he'll treat you this way even if there is money in the bank.

  2. She probably won't be pregnant.

    Sucks she doesn't want to take the emergency contraception too.

    I recommend learning from this and in the future don't have sex with someone unless you're on the same page about what to do in a situation like this.

  3. You have every right to ask him to delete the pics of you. If you dont want pictures of other girls on there, he should be respecting our wishes. I know if my gf asked me to delete stuff (she has), i would (I did). I would expect the same from her if I asked. This is all about trust and whether or not he is willing to change small things for you

  4. No I don’t think so. I think I was extremely kind, patient, and loving and I dated an actual sociopath. I think it has really wrecked me actually. I dated someone who never loved me and is a chameleon, he never shows any true emotion. So yeah I guess you know what I’m the one who is at fault for not leaving. I stood by his side through a lot when I didn’t need to. He went to jail for making a death threat to a government official, guess who was the only person to support him? I could easily have found someone else, I have never had any criminal record, in graduate school, have a solid job. I’m loyal, honest, and empathetic. He saw it as a weakness and a way to manipulate me. I would smell alcohol on him and he would gaslit me and use my fragile state against me having me question myself. Only to later find evidence that he was actually drinking. He had a whole identity of being a “sissy” for 5 years where he was live, meeting men, going to sex shops, etc. and I had not even the slightest idea. It was traumatizing to find it all out. And yet I still forgave him and put his feelings first.

    My father is on his death bed from a neurological disease and I’m very fragile from it, instead of supporting me and being loving, he has used it against me to spin a narrative and control me. It’s awful. It’s so awful. I’m not at fault at all, I don’t need to be told I am because that’s how I ended up staying for much longer than I should have. I’m angry because this proves to me that he really did never love me. I don’t think he is actually capable of love. I truly think he is a sociopath and compulsive liar.

    I held on because I hoped that the person I thought he was would materialize. But I see who he truly is and it’s scary.

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