AvuhAnn, 19 y.o.
Location: United States
Room subject: ‘, CrazyTicket’: WATCH HER GET FUCKED Type /cmds to see all commands.
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms AvuhAnn
Date: January 8, 2023
This is worrisome since my last psychiatrist prescribed them to me for daily use for insomnia ?
Luckily, my new one switched it.
This is a terrible shot at “fixing” your relationship. You just seem to want out, and should own that instead.
OP, document all of your interactions with this person in your phone, or on a computer that’s not a work computer. It sounds like in addition to the age difference, there’s also a power difference. You do not need an excuse to say no to lunch with this man (or anyone for the matter). Document these interactions to protect yourself.
Nothing you've posted here suggests cheating.
What it does suggest is an unhealthy level of jealous and a need to control the firendships of your partner. It seems like it wouldn't matter what your bf did, you'd believe he was cheating. I assume next you'll try to get him to break off his friendship with this girl. Then you'll get angry every time he talks to another woman. Then you'll go through his phone, see innocent messages and assume they are signs he is cheating.
Break up with him for his sake. You're going to make him miserable.
I met W in high school we’ve known each other for 7 years and only starting dating more or less 6 months ago. He’s lived with S for 3/5 years they’ve known each other but in a student flat with other guys. Right now they just live together
I think you and your boyfriend are perfectly matched. ?
I’d fucking leave a bitch like this
Dump her