Atomi000 live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 24, 2022

48 thoughts on “Atomi000 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Actually like a fairy tale? No. Because fairy tales are fiction.

    But can you have the kind of relationship you want? Absolutely. You have to start by picking the right partner. If you're only twenty and have been cheated on numerous times, your “picker” is broken. Or more likely just hasn't matured yet.

    Also, while there is absolutely nothing wrong with loyalty and deep affection, your idea that it would be fine to just shut the whole world out speaks to a potentially unhealthy understanding of what a healthy relationship looks like. It is quite possible that intensity like that will scare off exactly the kind of person you are looking for. The people who like that will only like it at first, and then they'll realize it's a bit suffocating. Both people need to have interests and social activities outside of each other, and to maintain their sense of individual self.

    You are young. You have a lot of people to meet and a lot of learning to do. Don't give up on what you want, but be open to considering things that you need to change in yourself to get there.

  2. Why are you with someone who doesn’t trust you or believe you?

    No point in trying to prove yourself to someone you’re about to break up with anyway. Move on.

  3. Yeah, definitely do that he's gross. Tell him to either step up or move out and don't fall for any of the love bombing.

  4. Thanks for this because I couldn’t read it either with every word capitalized. Love isn’t the most important thing in a relationship because love is fluid. It is supposed to grow the longer you are together, but it also fades quickly and turns into resentment. You feel abused, she feels trapped. And there is a child in the mix. Obviously don’t get married. If she wants to get married and you don’t, it won’t do either of you any good to get married. As you said, you know you will just be divorced. Maybe therapy will help you both, but you need to be on the same page or separate. It is never a good idea to stay together for children because they are aware of the tension and it causes life long harm. Have that very hot talk and make your plans accordingly.

  5. Most people think that when you fall in love with someone, you stay exactly as you were in the beginning, but alk relationships go through an ebb and flow. Only you can figure out if that's what this is – just throwing it out there because it's real, and part of the reason relationships take work.

    Intimacy is an important part of desire. Feeling wanted, needed, loved, safe, comfortable are all parts of that too.

    Emotional connections in relationships are critical for them to last, but so is communication. Try to figure out what you're missing, and then talk to him about it. Who knows, maybe he's missing something too. Work on making things better together. Good luck! ❤️

  6. Sounds like your BF was following his gut and was correct. Tell him the whole truth and then leave him. It’s not fair for him to be trickle truthed or lied to.

  7. u/SlowBro619, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. We all wash our hand a lot, and we're only infected once. In London, it was probably in the park or something where you don't get chance to wash your hands after the initial contact.

    Then in schools – you see with lice how different families have different approaches and it's a cycle of reinfection that individuals are realising at different times so treatment isn't coordinated, folks don't know to wash bedding, etc and then the second your family is free, you go back to school and pick it up from sharing a pencil with someone.

    It's not possible to avoid things simply by taking personal steps a lot of the time, especially when large groups of children are involved.

  9. Your daughter shouldn’t be sleeping in your bed? That’s not super safe to have an infant sleep in a bed with blankets and/or people, and it’s not going to build healthy attachment.

  10. u/Tall-Definition4028, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. So he “couldve stopped” but chose not to then midsex he realized what he was risking and decided to stop. He knew what he was doing. He knew she wanted him, knew when they left the bar, knew when they got there alone, knew when he chose to stay in that situation and drink more w her. Then he felt guilty realized he is riaking EVERYTHING his life is built and decided to “stop”. Once a cheater always one. Youll never be able to trust him again and youll doubt everything he says and every time he leaves the house.. its not right to u to online life in that state of fear and that constant “what if” Men make stupid choices, he may even regret the choice but he put himself in that choice and continued to choose it till he was having sex.

  12. Absolutely the fuck NOT. OP was severely disrespected to start with, and has a right to be fuming and disgusted.

  13. Hello /u/neilson1023,

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  14. Who said they had to have a forced religious upbringing? OP isn't asking “How do we force our kids to practice my religion or hers even in adulthood”? So your metric for success (the kids practicing religion forever) is not relevant to HIS post. He never expressed that he cares about that.

    He's asking how to navigate a difference of beliefs including in raising kids, and allowing them to explore religion for themselves is a great way to do that. If he were that rigid about his own faith, he wouldn't be dating someone of another faith.

  15. Have you talked to him about it? Plenty of Jews do not believe in God, and a reform rabbi will even work with someone who really wants to convert but does not believe in God.

    But it sounds like you do not want to be Jewish. You should tell him. People should not convert unless they really want to be Jewish.

    It is interesting that you share the passion for the culture and holidays, but do not understand why he’d want you to convert. For many Jews, children are not considered Jewish unless the mother is Jewish, and presumably it is important to him that he has Jewish children.

    In general, this sounds like something you should talk to him about.

  16. He doesn't have 100% custody like she's not banned from seeing or talking to them. But he has the physical custody. Sometimes my sister gets to see the girls and he said whenever that happens is when I'll get to see them

  17. I really don’t care if your wife and daughter are “sad” if the pets are rehomed. You can’t treat animals this way and I’m not going to feel sorry for anyone who is sad they cant continue to mistreat animals. Also it’s not healthy for your family. Please rehome them and don’t get more. Ever.

  18. This… This is not a partner issue with you gaming. You do not act like gaming takes priority, you adjust your time with her and .. well you do not come forward as a partner issued with “having to be with partner not able to game .. arghhh -ish”

    She does it want you to have time on your own.

  19. Cold sores are very common so you will be ok but id recommend dumping this asshole of a girlfriend and not speaking to her again because this is genuinely so worrying.

    Shes happy to give you herpes because you asked for some drink?

    Think that through. Shes not normal. At least dodge that bullet whether you get it or not.

  20. The fact that he denies a problem is not a good sign of him deciding to recover on his own. If it comes down to it he will not have a choice. Regardless of that I do not believe a couple's councilor is the appropriate fit in this situation. Don't get me wrong, this is already way over reddit's pay grade, I just don't think that is the right place to start.

  21. It sounds like your spouse is not your partner and has no intention of being a parent either. You and your kid deserve better than him.

  22. I don’t have any experience in this front at all. But, there isn’t a magic wand you can wave. You have to talk to them about your feelings. If you chose to stay together even after they came out as NB, your spouse should understand that your marriage would go through an adjustment process that won’t always be smooth.

  23. Thank you. I agree with everything you said. And it was well stated. It’s healing for me to read this even though it is not my healing that I’m most concerned with.

  24. There are plenty of stories on Reddit about how people get in a random drunken fight and wind up paralyzed or dead. Don’t need to ever put yourself in that situation, and certainly not in your own home.

  25. You did well. You have self-respect. A loving partner would never hurt you intentionally. And much less for something that was resolved.

    Now, even if you're open with your mom, you don't have to tell her all the details if you're not comfortable, but you can say that her declining the invitation led to some conversation that made you realize she wasn't the person you believe to be. And mourn, and let your mother be a mother if she wants.

    It hurts, but the alternative path will hurt much more. I forgave a betrayal in the past, and it haunted me, I ruminated it, ruminated it. Also, I forgave it because something I did in the past, wasn't comparable and it was resolved. And with time I realize it wasn't the same, and this shouldn't be like that, and I broke up. But I lost 7 months, and extended the period and made all the more so confusing and easy to manipulate because “I supposedly forgave and I can't use it and if I didn't I lied and I'm equally evil” basically.

    So it hurts, but you'll have your mourning and you'll save you more pain. You did well.

    The only people who can betray you are the people you trust. She betrayed you, but that's not your fault. There's nothing wrong with you. You'll cry the loss. And your mom will understand you.

    At least the road is paved for the person who will come in the future. A better person.

  26. I respectfully disagree. The reason I disagree is because we are responsible for ourselves. We do not get to use our mental health issues or any issues to abuse another human being. We get to recognize it and seek medical help. Which she refused to do. This is like saying it’s okay for a man to abuse his wife because he’s bipolar, which is often an excuse we see around here. No, these are not excuses or free passes for that kind of behavior. And as I said, if she wasn’t treating everyone else like her verbal and emotional punching bag, then this shows a level of self restraint on her part that she didn’t use when around her husband.

  27. I respectfully disagree. The reason I disagree is because we are responsible for ourselves. We do not get to use our mental health issues or any issues to abuse another human being. We get to recognize it and seek medical help. Which she refused to do. This is like saying it’s okay for a man to abuse his wife because he’s bipolar, which is often an excuse we see around here. No, these are not excuses or free passes for that kind of behavior. And as I said, if she wasn’t treating everyone else like her verbal and emotional punching bag, then this shows a level of self restraint on her part that she didn’t use when around her husband.

  28. I would definitely make sure you have something detailed written out and sent to someone you trust. It's important to have a paper trail indicating the poor treatment for things like this. Otherwise it's your word against his and that might not end the way you want it to.

  29. He cheated and blamed you. Nope! He could have told you the truth about what he was doing. Could have broken up with you and several other things.

    This is a flaw with him and it won't get better.

    End the relationship.

  30. Well you can surprise him by sending him a meal and arrange to eat that together live and then watch a movie together.

    Something I did with my gf but you need to like it was playing divinity original sin 2 together from start to finish.

  31. I just had an interesting idea: make an agreement that any time you find yourself having an argument that it can't be verbal: you have to write down what you say to each other on paper. One person writes something, and then passes the paper to the other for a response, and keep on going back and forth in this manner. This will make it harder for the conversation to get heated and you might actually get a laugh out of it. Plus it can't be recorded, and you can burn the paper when you are done to symbolize that your wish to put this disagreement behind you and forget about it.

  32. for planning out times to hang out they agreed on and then they bail last minute? That isn't rude or disrespectful to do over and over? The first couple times i understood but isn't there a point where its just like cmon?

  33. Does she have a stalker? Is it an old photo?

    Honestly, I'd be more worried about why someone is so interested in you breaking up with your gf.

  34. Well. She was emptionally dependent in our relationship. She was very sensitive and cried often because of very small arguments. She also could not forgive small mistakes that i have done. I just cant understand her. She was so hot on me after i tried winning her back. She literally destroyed my heart and laughed at me for crying over her.

  35. You've been dating for five months and have had arguments? As in, plural sessions of arguing? This is supposed to be the most blissful time in a relationship…

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