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6 thoughts on “atenea-sweetlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Wow! Just reading this almost made me believe what your wife was saying as her level of manipulation is almost expert level. The fact that you were mind f@cked to the point of almost believing her lies shows that she’s not remorseful about her actions. She’s just scared of YOUR reaction to the truth and the truth is she’s been having sex with this other guy and his wife all this time.

    They record it and take pleasure in their escapades. Your wife is a willing participant and if you believe anything otherwise I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. You feel relived because you know what you first thought is true, that she cheated on you and you aren’t crazy. I guess the only thing left is what will be the consequences for her actions and lies? If you stay this will only escalate and the law may come for you!

  2. I think talking about it is probably what is best. He might react badly to you going through his messages and sure it’s not good, but he also did lie to you and that needs to get “hashed out” so to speak, or you’ll keep worrying about this.

    Just try to make it a peaceful conversation, not a “confrontation” so to say. “I saw this screenshot with someone on WhatsApp, what was that about?” See how he reacts, see if he tells the truth. If the conversation goes well, then you can move onto “well, seeing it made me worried I was being cheated on or something, so I ended up looking through your messages…” If it doesn’t go well or he lies then you can begin to reevaluate the relationship.

    He might just be lying to save you some possible heartache and he simply was flirting with several girls while single, which isn’t a crime by any means. So check if he’s honest about the first part when asked about it before deciding anything.

  3. Just putting it out there that waiting until marriage to have sex is a really bad idea for a multitude of reasons. A couple need to figure out if they are sexually compatible before marriage. Once you are married you are tied to that person “for life” and if you want a divorce it will be extremely expensive and emotionally painful to deal with. So why the hell would you roll the dice with someone and tie yourself to them legally for the rest of your life before even knowing if you are sexually compatible? You of all people who have been married previously should know this better than anyone.

    For what it's worth I'd say what is happening with your current fiance is a big red flag. Call the wedding off. If he was able to bamboozle you this long and then pull the rug out from under you months before your wedding going back on his promise this does not bode well for your future together as husband and wife.

  4. HUH??? that is such a weird thing to ask?? a whole 40 mins just for the fuck of it?? not dealbreaker but red flag, talk to her abt it. this seems unreasonable

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