Asunamoon on-line webcams for YOU!


asunamoon Public Chat Channel

Date: November 6, 2022

6 thoughts on “Asunamoon on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. A relationship is about trust, and you have to build that trust with time. Beginning a relationship does not mean she has to tell you everything about her. It seems she has some issues and sometimes your instincts are right, maybe something is not right. but if you force the issue it can backfire. Sometimes we need time to let sort things out, make time for yourself, and when you're calm speak with her in person about it. You have feelings too and you need to let her know.

  2. If she doesn't remember anything, seems unlikely that she was drunk but capable of consenting. Technically possible that they both overdrank, both were incapable of consent, both went ahead anyway.

    Doesn't change your recommendations though.

  3. Less of the spelling, got to use a period and paragraphs my man. Hot to read a giant run on sentence.

    What do you do? You're living at your parents house, she was abusive to the point of having the kids removed from your custody. She's doing drugs with guys she's cheated on you before with.

    You stop contacting the woman unless legally obligated is what you do. How about focusing on the kids for a while and do what's best for them.

  4. She was never going to tell you, she only did because the truth was going to come out anyways

    How do you know she’s not cheating on you still?

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